A series of explosions appears to have collapsed the seafloor and blown up the BOP at the well head. Oil and gas are billowing out of a depression in the seafloor where the BOP used to be at an exponentially greater rate than anything seen before. My theory: The well consisted of the casing with the drill pipe inside it. The sand and rocks that turned the gusher into a giant sandblaster that blew out holes in the riser pipe at the kinks was coming from the walls of the well that the cement between the casing and the wall was supposed to protect. Therefore, the hole has been getting bigger and bigger and now its like a volcano vent with the piping inside it probably a twisted mess. The relief wells cant possibly stop this because anything they add will just be blown out of the volcano. Now what? Story at this link: seminal.firedoglake.com another article link called ” Can We Stop This and Future Oil Disasters?” is here: seminal.firedoglake.com Awful News From The Gulf: Explosions Collapse Seafloor At Deepwater Horizon Well Head at ATS website here’s the link: www.abovetopsecret.com and one from monkeyfist: monkeyfister.blogspot.com and also from monkeyfist : monkeyfister.blogspot.com
what caused the explosions? Will a tsunami result from the collapsing of the seabed?
Is this your idea…or do you have evidence?
@Temple420org Just the article listed in my description under the video. I am looking for more articles as I write this. Will post links as I find them in the description.
need better sources
@spellbinder00 I wait on Developments in alternative and mainstream media to prove the story for now.
there’s a live “Spill Cam” that hasn’t changed from yesterday…. globalwarming(dot)house(dot)gov/spillcam ….I was duped by a phony article yesterday that said the chemical dispersant would create toxic rain that would wipe out the entire east coast
@spellbinder00 Look at my new link in my description for ATS report.
@Probesoul check out monkeyfister.blogspotdotcom…..get the dots right,,,,,,,,,,,his site sunday night captured this on tape
If you look at the shape of the Gulf of Mexico, it’s obvious that the sea floor dropped in the prehistoric past.. That whole sea floor is unstable. First they’ve been pumping oil out thru deep water rigs for years. Sea water has been rushing in to fill the empty pockets, – a know relation to earthquakes. Now BP has drilled deeper than their permit stated.5,000 feet of seawater means unstoppable pressure. Plus, they may have also hit a volcano. The gases may be lethal. get out now while you can
@highwaysong007 Some are saying BP tapped into a deep volcano. Volcanos explode and cause explosions as you know. Also, the pressure of the oil under 40,000 feet of rock plus 5,000 feet of sea water is incredible. Like popping a pimple (uggh – sorry to be so gross, but this event is gross)
@spellbinder00 this stuff is starting to concern me, let me know when they get it fixed
unitywave – thank you for your work to help inform the public about this situation – unitywave x com
i don’t know about this… there is a great propensity for propaganda about this mess. i can’t say this is WRONG yet as i don’t know… but i smell a fart here…
Wake up and die?????????
thats not good man,I hate when that happins,it might be the end
Above Top Secret (ATS) and C2C suppress the truth!! They banned me for talking about ___. watch?v=L7_ICeHmfWs
prepare how? by doing what? life will no longer exist on this planet for a long time if the effects are even half as bad as some are predicting.
it’s simply over for us. we had our chances, many chances in fact, to wake up, learn our lesson. be responsible. and we refused.
maybe the future will prevent a species like us from ever destroying the planet again :/
BP and Obama need to vacuum up the oil volcano at the source.
Everyone is back to sleep!