**First – the sound/video is not 100% parallel, but still is decent quality. Sorry. —– Adrainne Ledesma calls 911 because her father is having a seizure. The Lincoln Park 911 dispatcher, who is also a cop answers the call. Ledesma is clearly upset and panicking because she thinks her father may be dying. She drops the f-bomb several times in the heat of the situation. During the first call to 911 the cop scolds her for cursing instead of trying to get her some help. Then the cop hangs up …
is the fucking cop in jail
That cop should be fired, what an irresponsible and crazy asshole!
Obviously, the dispatcher didn’t handle the call well, and neither did the arresting officer. But I find it hard to feel sorry for the girl. Her tone on the phone seemed completely calm, she actually didn’t seem hysterical at all. It was quite strange. And she left her father on the floor with her little brother to go file a complaint? She didn’t immediately jump in the car and drive him to the hospital when the operator wouldn’t help her? Sounds fishy to me.
No it’s not. In the video they said she went to the station for help THEN filed a complain while there. I would have done that if I was pissed off. Plus her father is alive, and he would have already said something if the girl was the cause for him going to the hospital.
I agree with stopbadpolice. What if that girl had sweared because there are bullets flying by hear head or something. I hope both the dispatcher and police officers kids get put in danger just like her. You call 911 and get hung up on because the dispatcher, (who is probably an EMS person on some sort of job suspension) took the cursing personally. Die cop Die!
I understand what you mean, but I still think its odd she went to the police station instead of going directly to the hospital with her father. Of course, in situations where people are under extreme duress, they sometimes don’t act logically, so, who knows really.
I hope he looses a lot of time and money in the law suit.
I had the same impression. But later in the video it said that she rushed to the police department for help…and to file a complaint.
shes a fucking porn star
That call went horribly wrong… The cops should alrredy be trained to get to situwitions like this but this one was NOT that in the wort cop EVER!!! OH AND HOPE HE GET SUED!!!!!!!!!! OH AND POOR GIRL!!!!!!!
Typical cop bullshit! He should be charged for lying to the EMS personal and for false arrest for making up a charge. Thats like when a cop jumps out in front of a moving car and then charge the driver with trying to run down a police officer. Cops are getting away with things that they would arrest you and I for. I even had a cop threaten to get me fired from my job by calling my boss and making shit up, said who is he going to believe, ME or you. I HATE COPS!
Oh sure, he’ll get a nice 30 day vacation that they call “suspended with pay”. What a douche bag. Usually cops only get fired if people die or it’s captured on film. Fuck the fucking pigs.
the officer didn’t handle it well, but she is no angel either. poor dad is the victim.
fuck the cops
i smell bacon up in this bitch
And the rediculous part is that if you listen when she calls back and argues with the cop, HE SWEARS BACk, and calls her names. Man i am in customer service for something that doesnt have lives on the line and I WOULD BE FIRED if i called a caller a name or swore over the phone at them
It doesn’t matter what she said… She could have called him every name in the book. Police are here to protect and serve. We give up our civil rights every day. This cop should have been fired instantly for jeopardizing a life. Oh wait… if we went by that premise…that’s almost all cops…
I knew a young girl who jumped out her 2nd story window and ran off in a van with some guys. Her mother called the cops and Said I need a fucking cop right now. When the cops got there they arrested the mother.
I see no problem here. Dispatchers treat those who live in the ghetto like this all the time.
If he was even a mediocre cop, his immediate response would have been “what is your emergency?” Instead he put his ego and sexist attitude before public duty and risked a man’s life. This guy should have been fired immediately. But if all the Lincoln Police will do is “retrain” the guy, hopefully they will also take the time to remind him that taxpayers (like the woman who called 911) pay his salary.
Police Terms, Its Under investigation = His Friends Are Looking Into It! Hes On Administrative Leave = Vacation! Hes On Paid Leave = Paid Vacation! Hes On Un-Paid Leave = Hes Paying For His Vacation! Hes Been Reassigned = Promoted! Demoted = Hes Back On The Streets Where He Can Really Do Damage! Hes Being Re-trained = A Week at a Porn Convention! Charges are Pending = Looking For Someone Else to Blame! The Chief of Police is Looking Into it = Hes Making Sure He Cant Be Blamed!
ive worked @ many call centers that ain’t got nothin 2do w/ sum1 life an if i ACCIDENTLY said a cuss word they wouldve hauled my ass out of there, actually that did happen, i had a caller on mute while i looked for a # to transfer them and said a cuss word, they didn’t hear me bt management happened to be screenin tha quality of calls and hauled my ass out of there..neway this dude had tha nerve to greet her w/ “1st off all u don’t have to swear”..
i don’t kare how many prank kalls dispatchers get, they still need to act in a professional manner unless they are certain tha call is prank.
another LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cop.