The project, based on a short story by Arthur Tiersky and Shaun Obanion, was written by Tiersky and produced by Stephanie Bettman & Cartier. The film, which tells the story of an accused man being interrogated by two cops, utilizes the extraordinary talent of Kurt Fuller (Ray, Anger Management, Scary Movie), Kevin Cooney (Dead Poets Society, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me), Brent Briscoe ( Mulholland Drive, A Simple Plan, Sling Blade) and Julio Oscar Mechoso (Jurassic Park III, Lords …
Good stuff…this guy is good at directing actors. I came upon this as a fan of Kurt Fuller, but everyone does a good job. It’s a total actors’ piece…would make a great stage play if expanded. Reminds me of Michael Crichton’s novel “Disclosure”, which also mentions a relative falsely accused of sexual abuse after a young girl is hypnotized. Brent Briscoe is amazing!
that was insane dude..i absolutely loved it =)
two thumbs up…well done
that was an excellent job, the acting made it a great short film. The directing was perfect in sinc with tone, it was great.
Oh wow. Great, great.
Cool ending.
whoa im speechless
This is wonderful! At first I had no idea what the point could be, but the end gave me an awesome shock. I’m very impressed with everything here, the acting, directing, writing, etc. Flawless execution of an idea that most of the time these days seems cliche or predictable.
Could someone just fill me in on what happened at the end?
Was he seeing things?
In 1967 A young girl was looking for her dog and she got killed. send this to ten vidios in 5 minutes or her gost will me moaning for her parents outside your window and on the fith night you will wake up at midnight, standing over you with a dagger and will take no mercy
yeah the guy was being both good cop and bad cop he got that guy who was being interrogated mentally in his head so he thinks there are actually two cops but instead there was only one interrogator