Below are the actual, full videos from the ACORN scandal featuring undercover actors from Veritas Visuals pretending to be an underage prostitute, a pimp, a crooked con man politician, a crooked banker, they even go so far as to ask for ACORNS assistance and advice in how to traffic in kidnapped chilren which they will turn into sex slaves! Listen to one of the ACORN workers as she callously tells them that they (the actors) can bring the level of decency or indecency to any level they want. Listen as one ACORN employee tells the undercover team that she is no stranger to crime, that after being a hooker she moved on to become a female pimp and then finally set-up and then murdered her husband. She then told them that she would threaten to kill another person whom she had brought into the conversation. Other ACORN employees get excited when they discover that they can assist in the creation of an international child prostitution ring! Still others explaining how to lie and cheat on taxes. How low will these ACORN workers go? watch the videos and see for yourself. Just another example of corrupt inner city criminal training grounds
Pretty cool that YOUR tax money went to pay for these individuals on the video AND the people they normally advise eh?
Below, full hidden Baltimore ACORN video, part 1 of 2
Below, complete video Baltimore ACORN scandal, part 2 of 2
BELOW: San Bernardino, California ACORN worker admits to murder, prostitution, pandering and more.
BELOW NYC ACORN Prostitution Investigation – James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles – Part 1 of 2
BELOW ACORN NYC Child Prostitution Investigation Part 2 of 2
ACORN DC Prostitution Investigation.
Matthew1484, I read your ramblings 3 times and cant make any sense of it. Why dont you learn English before you start typing. Oh yeah, run a spell check next time.
Matthew1484, I read your ramblings 3 times and cant make any sense of it. Why dont you learn English before you start typing. Oh yeah, run a spell check next time.
Matthew1484, I read your ramblings 3 times and cant make any sense of it. Why dont you learn English before you start typing. Oh yeah, run a spell check next time.
Matthew1484, I read your ramblings 3 times and cant make any sense of it. Why dont you learn English before you start typing. Oh yeah, run a spell check next time.
Matthew1484, I read your ramblings 3 times and cant make any sense of it. Why dont you learn English before you start typing. Oh yeah, run a spell check next time.
Matthew1484, I read your ramblings 3 times and cant make any sense of it. Why dont you learn English before you start typing. Oh yeah, run a spell check next time.
Matthew1484, I read your ramblings 3 times and cant make any sense of it. Why dont you learn English before you start typing. Oh yeah, run a spell check next time.
Matthew1484, I read your ramblings 3 times and cant make any sense of it. Why dont you learn English before you start typing. Oh yeah, run a spell check next time.
[..YouTube..] Matthew1484, I read your ramblings 3 times and cant make any sense of it. Why dont you learn English before you start typing. Oh yeah, run a spell check next time.
[..YouTube..] Matthew1484, I read your ramblings 3 times and cant make any sense of it. Why dont you learn English before you start typing. Oh yeah, run a spell check next time.
[..YouTube..] Matthew1484, I read your ramblings 3 times and cant make any sense of it. Why dont you learn English before you start typing. Oh yeah, run a spell check next time.
[..YouTube..] That was sarcasim I was using.
[..YouTube..] Ummmm……….no
[..YouTube..] Hey, its Bushes fault right. Obama inherited Acorn, I am sure of it right. Bush used to work for Acorn, train Acorn right. Yeah,
[..YouTube..] Whats the word for a money sucking, corrupt, lower than life scumbag organization that steals tax dollars by the millions and tries to help people hide a child sex slavery ring? Oh yeah- ACORN.
[..YouTube..] I think Obama’s even more than crooked… Look how he bows to Saudi Kings while insulting our allies, apologizes for us at the UN and around the world, then comes home and “Stimulates” the ruination of our economy and world class health care system! He seems more like a clandestine operative than a President. Don’t ya think? !! So, this is my tune and I’m stick’n with it….”MMM MMM MMM Our country’s reached an all time low…MMM MMM MMM Barach Obama’s got to go!”
[..YouTube..] Yes, I agree…Acorn should n’t get any more of OUR taxed money. And that’s what will happen if they are properly investigated…due to our collective demands and to Hannah for doing this video. As for the war in Afghanistan; I think we should either do it right or bring everybody home. Since Obama’s proven himself to be unworthy of being “Commander in Chief”, I wish they could all just come home. We need courageous Americans here too! MMM MMM MMM…
[..YouTube..] But isn’t ACORN a problem within our country that also needs to be done away with? There are plenty of avenues that need to be taken to fix a lot of our tax spending, and one way is a smart plan for our envolvment in the middle east… and also doing away with places like ACORN.
[..YouTube..] MMM MMM MMM We have reached an all time low…MMM MMM MMM Barach Obama’s got to go!
[..YouTube..] MMM MMM MMM We have reached an all time low…MMM MMM MMM Barach Obama’s got to go!
[..YouTube..] $1.00 dollar US is too much for these profligates.
[..YouTube..] $1.00 dollar US is too much for these profligates.
[..YouTube..] Jensen do your due diligence. Google Dale Rathke, Apollo Alliance.
[..YouTube..] Jensen do your due diligence. Google Dale Rathke, Apollo Alliance.
[..YouTube..] AP lol
[..YouTube..] AP lol
[..YouTube..] Recovering from an accident? Did you run yourself over with your hummer, wingnut?
Suffer! Ratwing scum!
[..YouTube..] I wonder how this will affect the congressional midterm election results if ACORN gets shut down.
[..YouTube..] Ok Jensen, You had to tun this into shit… like the vast majority of Obamaloons you HAD to resport to the lowlife sarcasm.Who even mentioned Fox News? This is why people like you are ignorant of many facts…you chose Not to learn, you cling to what you wish to believe so you can live in your fake world. So again, I say…you are wrong. Obama had plans in line that would net them Billions over a few yrs. NOT Millions. Stop trolling so you can do damage control for the big idiot in DC, and READ.
[..YouTube..] According to the Associated Press, ACORN received at least $31 million in federal funding from various federal agencies since 1998. That is not “billions” and breaks down to not a whole lot of cash compared to defense companies who DO get billions (and waste our taxpayer money, too).
[..YouTube..] You are confusing the fact that non-profit groups like ACORN can apply for $2 billion in funds set aside for the redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes under the $800 billion economic stimulus bill passed earlier this year. That doesn’t mean they will ad they will be just one of thousands of non profits going for that money. The truth is ACORN funding is in the millions, not billions. I know it gets confusing watching Fox, because they want you to believe that ACORN funding is high
[..YouTube..] jensen, I’ve been recovering from an accident for several months now, I watch about 12 hrs of varied news shows daily.I dont miss much. BO’s proposal to ACORN & its socalled affilliates, over a period of yrs was well into the Billions. There is plenty of documentation of same w/sources listed on the net to back up what I heard on several news shows. Again, below you did not include most of what ACORN received under alias titles. BHO & his merry band of spin-doctors are well at work. Investigate.
[..YouTube..] Correct Spirit! Glad others are smart enough to see. What BHO & the Leftists Dems did was tantamount to wanting your child to steal from Kmart & telling them about all the nice stuff in there that they would LOVE,then walking away. Then APPRECIATING the stolen goods. No words are spoken, & if needed BHO & company can be “SHOCKED” when they hear of corruption (wink wink, we will get you out of this, guys)…but the dirty elections & rediculous morgages keep getting thru w/ the dirty paperwork.
[..YouTube..] That is not true that Obama was going to give them billions. Please cite your source.
[..YouTube..] Acorn only recieved around $30 million in Federal funds since 1998. That is a DROP IN THE BUCKET compared to the BILLIONS of our tax dollars private defense companies receive.
[..YouTube..] I’m not a Repub, just Independant, & I yell about All waste…once I get a chance to research it. But ACORN gets MUCH more money than you spoke of. They’re in a corrupt large circle, & also use many aliases. The money they receive is not JUST what they are funded, it comes in many other ways. Did U know BHO had them in line for BILLIONs next budget? But beyond $, look at the corrupt system set up in part by BHO;they have NO check system. Done purposly to encourge them to FIX what the DEMS want.
[..YouTube..] Why aren’t republicans upset about their tax dollars being wasted by defense companies? This is ridiculous. The amount of Federal money ACORN received is .05 % of what was wasted in Iraq. More than $13 billion meant for reconstruction projects in Iraq was wasted or stolen through elaborate fraud schemes. KBR has been robbing the taxpayer blind and the GOP can only focus on fake pimps. No wonder they are the minority party.
[..YouTube..] Will do, WorkingMotherof2!
[..YouTube..] Call the WHITE HOUSE switch BOARD and tell them to PASS HR 3571 – a bill that will permantly stop funding ACORN.
The temporary bill that stopped funding ACORN will end October 31st.
Ask the white house … What is the status of HR 3571??
PH – 202-456-1414. FAX: 202-456-2461
Stand up and be COUNTED or shut up and be sheep.
[..YouTube..] Good riddance ACORN. Maybe Obama will bail you out when the heat dies down.
[..YouTube..] Hummm, which gal is supposed to be the hooker?…obvioulsy not a decency-dress code at ACORN…OHHHH I’m soooo surprised!
[..YouTube..] I think this is a great idea. It’s so good, in fact, that I think they should repeat it with other companies that the US government gives government contracts to. Maybe Halliburton. How about Hannah Giles joins Halliburton, gets gang-raped, and then exposes how she can’t file charges or sue the company because there’s a non-rape-disclosure clause in the fine print of her contract?
[..YouTube..] I think this is a great idea. It’s so good, in fact, that I think they should repeat it with other companies that the US government gives government contracts to. Maybe Halliburton. How about Hannah Giles joins Halliburton, gets gang-raped, and then exposes how she can’t file charges or sue the company because there’s a non-rape-disclosure clause in the fine print of her contract?
[..YouTube..] The USA had a tiny army in 1940. However, the USA helped the allies from the beginning with warships, food, and military supplies. The USA held forward positions versus the Japs and defeated them almost single-handed. The Russians were mobilized because of American trucks. FDR authorized American pilots to fight in China and Britain before Pearl Harbor.
[..YouTube..] The USA had a tiny army in 1940. However, the USA helped the allies from the beginning with warships, food, and military supplies. The USA held forward positions versus the Japs and defeated them almost single-handed. The Russians were mobilized because of American trucks. FDR authorized American pilots to fight in China and Britain before Pearl Harbor.
[..YouTube..] She’s fucking sexy.
[..YouTube..] She’s fucking sexy.
[..YouTube..] can’t be bothered arguing anymore, i could but i won’t cya
[..YouTube..] can’t be bothered arguing anymore, i could but i won’t cya
[..YouTube..] EVERY country is affected by terrorism. Israel, England, Spain, France, all nations, all western nations esp. are affected and we must protect ourselves from terrorism. On the other hand the US had no problems with Europe at the time and even before we fought we helped, we sent pilots, trained them and sent money arms and metal. You’re right, lets than everyone in the world for the moon landing, lets thank whatever country the metal was mined to make the rockets.