Police raided the Rawsome Foods organic grocery store with guns drawn in search of “raw-foods”. George Hemminger (George4Title) said the battle over organic foods is heating up because large agricultural businesses and corporations feel threatened by local co-ops and have hijacked the FDA and other government regulatory agencies. latimesblogs.latimes.com
@fedtheend Ah, I like your thinking!
@youraslave The mind control techniques used now are highly effective and unless you know how to recognize/resist/avoid/shield yourself from all of them you will be, by degree, influenced by mind control techniques. It is everywhere. We are to be controlled by the few, to obey and comply. Think about it and you will realize where to begin to take your life back from the psychopathic (or cold-blooded lizard elite) and their millions of mind controlled gofers.
@neilemac If you want to be a psychopatic prison guard for private corps or just a plain ol’ tazer-lovin’ cop or FEMA ghoul or a park ranger or any alphabet tentacle of the psycho-fascist Gov, then the US of A is where to go for it. This country was built from blood/sacrifice and death. The US corp loves to pitch battles and kill whole civilizations just to increase the reptiles energy and power. If you’re the killing type, you’ll find work with the NWO.
@LibertyTreeBud Saw first hand how the ‘police state’ beat up on anti-war activists in Boston circa 1970. My theatre school friend Russ on his way home from a play rehearsal at school one evening found himself caught up in a throng of protesters railing against escalation of Nam war into Cambodia near Symphony Road who consequentially were backed into corners and beaten by police. Russ received a broken arm. After a time, he returned to school and performed his role ; albeit, in an arm cast.
I am done paying taxes
Good stuff George….well spoken, well presented, well done!
it is not a government any more, it is a corporation. 28 USC 3002 states that the United States is a corporation. It became a corporation with the passage of the Act of 1871. The corporation called the United States of America, is also a bankrupt and very corrupt “company”, not a government. It is a company like IBM pretending to be our government.
cops…god, they are such robots.
Call your Senator NOW and tell them to “HOLD” S. 510, the so-called Food Safety Bill
Sickening! Oh well, this is California and it is eventually going to fall into the ocean, so what the hell! I just hope Obama and Pelosi are there when it does fall!
Protect yourself against the american police.
Illusion is the Control! Nobody is in Control, or have more Power! Food is the Medicine, and Medicine is the Food!
FREEZE!!! Drop the Bananna!…. Why guns, its a food store. What are these cops thinking when they do something like that? Very sad police.
What was the reason for the raid? It’s not mentioned in the interview.
What was the reason for the raid? It’s not mentioned in the interview.
this is a disgrace on the government
@450LTR agreed
@malangsob exactly
MONSANTO is the corrupt government for profit and control agency.
A ridiculous misuse of police power. Welcome to the police state.
As the good ol boy Rockefeller says. Competition is a sin. WAKE UP
@horses5658 – What was the reason for the raid?  It’s not mentioned in the interview
* * * * * * *
Of course not, that would make the raid seem reasonable.
They were contacted twice before about health code and food safety violations, but had been able to hide the evidence before FDA visits. The raid was to gain evidence on known activities.
this is what happens when individuals give hand over the responsability of their own well being to government. LImited government and individual responsability is the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great video. Thanks.
How dare they use the word share, how unameriKKKan.