EXPOSING UFOWATCHDOG.COM aka UFOWATCHFRAUDS & EXPOSING ABOVETOPSECRET.COM. These websites are used to promote disinformation to confuse and distort the truth of the alien presence in this world! Simply watch how they handle cases and use the exact same techniques for every single case with solid hard cold evidence that substantiates the existence of extraterrestrial life in the universe. Abovetopsecret.org bans anyone promoting a case with hard cold evidence and then edits their members post to fit their agenda of claiming aliens are not real. They have done this endlessly. The exact same mo They will lock and freeze a topic, BAN THAT MEMBER FOR POSTING IT. And then throw around elementary insults like high school children. They are bogus. Spread the word. And GRAB THIS VIDEO AND SEND IT TO EVERYONE and every site they will allow this video to be posted. YOU CAN NOT HIDE THE TRUTH. NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY, THE TRUTH WILL STILL RISE TO THE TOP. ————————————- FOUND THIS MARCH 22, 2006: FROM LAURA KNIGHT JADCZYK: … However, abovetopsecret.com, like Bush and the Neocons, make up their own laws. As I have chronicled on this blog, their urgent demands that we remove this article because it was a violation of their “creative commons” copyright was absurd and simply evidence of their position as an active cointelpro/psy-ops propagator on the internet. It isn’t copyrights they are concerned about, it is google bombing and running psy-ops. And now, they …
ok i see where you going with this but that has got to be the biggest bunch of repeating crap I ever saw ..Please if you make another video use some more moving around and stop repeating yourself f f s …lol ,,otherwise was ok :)
the original video placed as video response.
You’re right mate, I’ve just been checking out their sites and they definately seem to be the classical de-bunking type organisations. Keep up the good work. Peace
Glad you kept looping stuff, my attention span is that of a gold fish. Glad I’ve got you smart guys; me I’m sooo dumb…
Are you on crack? Where’s this evidence about ufowatchdog?
thanks clucking.
This is pointless.
This is… strange and hilarious. Thanks, I guess.
Dude, when you call someone a fraud you better have ample evidence. Your video is a joke and a piece of classic disinfo where you try an emotional angle rather than provide any real proof. You are guilty of what you accuse others of. The UFO Watchdog site has exposed idiots and con men. The site is pro UFO and you might want to read it all instead of being selective. Did you buy Jonothan Reed’s book? If you did then you are a MORON.
And you’re evidence is…………. NOTHING
This is a good example of an idiot. Yes, you must be an idiot. UFO evidence of lack of evidence is a good title for this. You must have an IQ of -00. Boy, I tell you…., you are just something else.
ufo watch dog does not cite a single name anywhere. there is zero documentation on that site. absolutely zero. not to mention the no names thing… so interesting.
ljf02f: Wow, no names anywhere on the site? Did you keep your eyes closed when you were there? I just visited it and they have names and references to newspaper articles, etc. I suppose National Geographic must be bogus because they haven’t written about how moronic this video is.
thats because ufowatchdong exposed these hoaxers ..crminals! that dr reed and his fraud gang all got exposed, none of them could provide reports ..and countless other questions. They were exposed to the max, the shocking thing is jaime massaun was involved with Dr Reed and that fraud gang. Jaime made got his fat slice of the money from that reed’s books and prmoting him in mexico. People in mexico need to know what reed is , he left america to fool the mexicans
Ufowatchdoggies have built their whole case on one “Bill Werner” who claims that Dr. Jonathan Reed is John Bradley Rutter even listing the names of Rutter’s parents. Problem is, in a genealogical scan the names don’t line up. Next question, who is “Bill Werner”? There is no proof this guy is for real. Thus far the Ufowatchdoggies have provided only hearsay. And hearsay ain’t evidence.
reason why he cant name UFOwatchdog, is because they will have his channel closed down , these days on youtube you just file the DMCA , this is why this vid is in a riddled way, otherwise Acebryan7oXx will be shut down
funny, i just made the chess comment on my latest vid.
i love myself.
the truth is hard to hide these days. :)
ATS is a masonic run website designed to promote freemasonry while causing confusion to other conspiracy theorists. Look what happened to Lear, or the members banned for asking difficult questions about 9/11. . . Instead of Deny Ignorance it’s motto should be Deny The Truth!
this seems to get stuck at 0:56 after looping a bit. odd, i’ll try IE instead of firefox.
doesn’t work in IE either….youtube censoring again? would appreciate if anyone has a working link to this vid
hmjust cant seem to find a prince who knows his way around a womans body
Hey, you dark disinformants This wont work..The truth will come out …..
don’t get it, there was nothing in this video to say ufowatchdoh is a hoax.