Obnoxious drunk doesn’t get the picture until about the 5th time he gets shocked. Also – to the “police brutality” crowd – are you watching the same video? This is a state trooper in a rural post, his backup could be anywhere from 10-30 minutes away and probably from a different agency. Would you really want to get in to a physical struggle with someone if you have a tool at your disposal that will take care of the problem? Should you roll around and fight with the guy on the ground while trying to retain your firearm? The reason the guy keeps getting shocked is simple – he refuses to comply and keeps attempting to stand up and get back in his vehicle. Please… get a clue already.
@NeMeImpuneLacessit Yeah well when you go to arrest someone like Arnold then maybe your pussy ass arm lock isnt going to do much. There is no such thing as “pressure points” that make “anybody” fall. Taser is made to protect a cop from people. If they have a fucking 12inch blade i would like to see you take them down without “deadly” force. AKA taser. I’m sorry but you are the GRADE A retard that gets killed trying to be some fucking action hero.
@unlimitedsupra, sorry? WTF are you dribbling about? I said the guy was out of order here and the taser use as OK but it would have been better to see a well trained officer put the guy on the deck with kotagayishi or a similar technique that didn’t put the guy’s life in danger. If the drunk had a weapon such as a knife, it becomes a totally different scenario and a taser or a real gun would be totally justified in being used. You are the retard who changes the scenario to justify their BullShit
@NeMeImpuneLacessit Changing what scenario dumbfuck? your comment wasnt just talking about this video, If i recall you said “ALWAYS works in real life.” How is that changing the scenario? Point is your fucking pussy “judo, aikido, kotagayishi” or whatever the fuck you want to call it DOESNT WORK! It may work on some stupid 5’10” 150lbs weak pussy but when you get down to a 6′ 3″ 300lbs bodybuilder that whole technique goes out the window. One punch your out for the count thats it!
@NeMeImpuneLacessit Who says they have to be drunk? A sober person with a 12 inch blade with half a brain is going to fucking cut you up bad or possibly kill your ass no matter what you fucking think you know. All those “fighting styles” are good for confidence in fighting and some minor protection but “ALWAYS” i dont think so.
@unlimitedsupra, FFS! I just said that this daft drunk driver, who wasn’t armed with anyting more than bad breath, could have been taken down very easily with a simple arm lock. It’s easier to just arm policemen with tasers than train them properly though. In a knife fight, it’s always better to be armed than not. We are agreed on that, understand?
@unlimitedsupra, Hahahahaha, the big muscle bound guys are the best for locks and holds, they scream like pussies because they are too tense and generally not supple enough to take it calmly. Of course some monstrous tough guy is always going to give anyone a serious fight, boxers are actually about the most dangerous opponents in a street fight, faced with someone like that, TASE, TASE, TASE!!!
Failure to comply is no excuse for an officer being lazy. The man was so drunk he could barely stand. The officer made no real attempt to subdue. His 1st attempt was pathetic. You can talk all you want about resisting arrest, but if yr such a lazy worker that you don’t even wanna make an effort to do yr job right then chose a different profession. After the 1st taze he’s not only piss drunk, but his muscles have tenseed up. That’s what happens. Do yr job and put the cuffs on u lazy prick
You might not WANT to get in a physical struggle but as an officer it’s yr job to always try that FIRST. Then taze. Then try again. Then taze if necessary. He finally decided to do some work after tazing him repeatedly. I mean the guy wasn’t even attacking him. I wouldn’t say it’s brutality, but it’s %100 excessive force. Look in the training manual and most would agree
this cop is an ass the dude had balls though
This guy is hella sick. A hero to all of us little folk up against the man. God Bless.
I caaaant, I caaaaant you f***ing hammered me. Lol funniest thing ever
hahahaha the way he scream when he get tazered is hilarious
this was so wrong but i laughed to tears at this video. he tased the shit out that man HAHAHAHA @ 1:02
fucking funny!!!!
cops are idiots. Why they laught and torture him, are they too weak to put his hands on his back???
what a Idiot,,,
This guy deserved it, don’t drink and drive… It’s not difficult is it!
@SonicYouth5469 Youth, what the heck are you talking about? Do you even know? PLEASE ~ RIGHT HERE, quote the reference “training manual” you’re referring to? How are YOU a judge of EXCESSIVE FORCE?? Are you trained? Are you a lawyer? Are you a Judge? Are you a cop? Or are you just a loudmouth kid who “decided” he knows something, and wants to impress everyone with your emotional reaction to real life? If you think anything the officer did was ‘excessive’, you’re uneducated in this field.
now all that would not have happen if the cop jus had a star trek phaser set on heavy stun.
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officer did an excellent job, no taser abuse, he only used it when he had to, and when the guy complained he couldnt put his hands behind his back the officer didnt tase him again, rather than that he put his hands behind his back for him.
for those who think this is brutality….think of drunk drivesr who kill people….eom
@FatherLicorice i totally agree
I’ve watched a bunch of police brutality videos today and I gotta say… this AIN’T one of them. That drunk got what he deserved. Wrestling with a cop like that? If he had been black, he would’ve gotten shot.
OMG LOL ROFL and every other emote aahahah !