the critically acclaimed author of psycho-political thrillers and the co-creator of the best-selling Tom Clancy’s Net Force paperback series, Steve Pieczenik. Alex covers the latest on the Osama bin Laden assassination spectacle.
@aristotlestudent hahahaha U RETARD , u need to go get a G.E.D. on the SHORT BUS again,, coz u think Greece is in Africa!! go back to being a SLAVE for your Government!! i have nothing to do with Africa, u need to be more educated B4 u can match me , NOW get off your FATAZZ
@PARAPOUNARI I didn’t say Greece was in Africa, I said African’s were in the Greeks, LOL.
I’m sure glad you bake cookies for a living and don’t need to read anything more difficult than a recipe on the back of a box because your Sub-Saharan genetics and comprehension skills would otherwise necessitate a click speaking “brotha” to translate for you.
@aristotlestudent uuuuuuummmm sorry BUT Africans is black,, greeks is white ,, i think u r still confused, u need to go back to get a G.E.D. and take the SHORT bus to school , U DUMBAZZ, Africa NOTHING like Greece , OMG!! no wonder the USA Government has an EASY time SCREW_ING its people
Ha ha. I’ve never heard AJ being quiet for this length of time ever in my 1.5 years of listening. He’s like a boy in school taking a history lesson, but I mean this in the best way possible. Come on AJ – “IQ pushing 120” (you said that in some other transmission)… it’s got to be a couple of dozens higher than that, because I can hear how your brain is vacuuming all that golden information/perspective in a (to me) totally new level of respect.
I enjoy listening to AJ and this interview but when the good Dr gets to praising Bush 1 then i know hes coming from an opinion and not just facts.. Just cant follow all he is saying no matter what his “credentials” are.
@PARAPOUNARI I apologize. It’s just that you act black, talk black, and conduct your financial affairs like an African nation so I figured you were ready to acknowledge your roots. I knew it was a white nation in antiquity, LOL. Oh, Africa is a whole lot like Greece, you share common heritage and a similar economy with your African brothers. Have you turned those islands over to the new landlords yet? LOL. You are experts at the ass screwing thing, it’s as Greek as chicken and watermelon.
@aristotlestudent uuuuuuuummmmm , u need to go back and get your G.E.D. in history, Greece is NOTHING like Africa, try going there, oh wait U cant afford to travel coz of your job at WAL-MART,, hahahahaha get back to SLAVE-ing for your GOVERNMENT U SHEEPLE , after u have an EDUCATION then come to me , 911 was done by the USA GOVERNMENT for OIL+MONEY << just that simple
@PARAPOUNARI I will agree with you on 9-11. I had fun here. Take care and keep fighting the bankers. The people who are fucking us all must pay.
I have to believe that Steve is Gerald Celente…anybody else hear the similarities?
@aristotlestudent #1 I am happy u had fun here,, #2 the bankers all must pay ,, the only way to do that is for everybody to go withdrawl ALL of thier money for Bank of America all at once , then stand back and watch it collapse, coz that whole LOAN to banks was a BIG SCAM /just like 911 was a big MONEY making deal for those in high power , Take care and keep ,and KEEP TRUTH slapping other people , just like i do
@usagoodbyeisayhello I could not agree more…but google will never allow this to happen…
I absolutley agree and fully understand whats really happening, the KEY question is….Where is this going? War? We dont know yet….but i have a feeling “and im not alone on this”
@MrWepsa I have a feeling its leading up to a confrontation with china. I hope not, but I feel like that where its going with the whole pakistan situation.
Looks like the criminal elite is split over the neocons.
osama died 10 yr ago srch Dr steve pieczenik works above gov& takin gov to we know y gov admitted putting fake videos of osama after 9/11. srch Benazir Bhutto, she was assassinated,  after stating to live news in 2006 that osama was dead. she was killed, same year. fact 92 % civilians are killed are killed from war.23 yr old solider Bradley manning released the secret documents from war. hes being torched for life in jail frm gov ppl call him a hero. he did this 4 us
it wasnt yahoo khan, it was YAHYA KHAN…. :p
I appreciate Pieczenik’s EXPOSURE of 911 & the Bin Laden fiasco. But his support of Bush Sr. is unconscienable. Bush Sr is even today the biggest, greediest ENEMY of Americans in history. Thousands of American deaths & many false flags are attributed to him & his assassination rings, from JFK to JFK Jr and 911.
Tomflocco (DOT) com/fs/PurgeTheEvil.htm
youtube (DOT) com/watch?v=8KaFrU5wB_g
@sshhaammiiiiiiiiii it was yakoob khan
FEMA ordered millions of “UNDERWATER BODY BAGS” and 14 million MRE marked “for NEW MADRID” according to paperwork I saw on one of the sites. NOW WE KNOW WHY THE BODYBAGS WERE SPECIFIED AS “UNDER WATER” since they’ve DELIBERATELY flooded the Mississippi. Per Benjamin Fulford, David and Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) threatened to create a NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKE IN MAY-JUN 2011. Naturally, there’s a FEMA New Madrid “EXERCISE” May 15-20 to cover their tracks. Napolitano told friends to stock 6 mos of food
@PARAPOUNARI what was the loan to banks then?
@Troo44 The T.A.R.P. was a big SCAM ,for the GOVERNMENT to give their buddies money, and then get cash under the table , and thats EXACTLY what happen
All of the events that have taken place since 9/11 are the pieces that are designed to complete the puzzle which is the end goal that has already been revealed by big mouth Rockefeller to Aaron Russo before 9/11 happened: “The supranatural sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is certainly preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in the past centuries.”– David Rockefeller. And so the rule over unquestioning people, incapable of independent thought is paramount.
@abbyang2 he also praises the military too much and his hatred for civilian control of our gov/ pentagon is strange. LBJ was in the military… that didnt help. JFK was and he was a great president but his military aids and joint chiefs were horrible. but i admire that hes in a place of influence and trying to tell what he knows whether i like what he says or not
I was with this guy until he began licking military boots. We don’t have conscription. I know right from wrong and I won’t do “anything” for a job! Both the Afghan and Iraq invasions were totally illegal and immoral, predicated on complete lies and set in motion for personal gain by wealthy people worldwide. The military works with private corporations in the shadows, it’s leaders benefiting from cash flow and other perks. This man’s integrity and/or mental state is seriously flawed.
Well I like woodpeckers too! Yes I do.