Part 2 of 8 March 27, 2009 on the Alex Jones Show. Alex is joined by naturopathic physician, Dr. Scott Whitaker to discuss the medical system. Dr. Whitaker http http “Science of Vaccine Damage” by Catherine O’Driscoll(pdf): Dr. Rebecca Carley: Accidental Contamination Of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus Virtually Impossible Vaccines as Biological Weapons? Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries: Vaccines Resource Archive: Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute: THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, MD Vaccines Resource Archive: Other videos: Gardasil HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed: The Truth About the Gardasil Vaccine by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (on google video): Vaccination: The Hidden Truth: Eye on the Flu Shot:
Talc? That have that in baby powder. Oh no all those babies. Evil bastards. to stay healthy many grab the large plastic bottle water –around here All these 5gal bottels are recycle number 7 ,,proven to leach female mimic estrigiens that sterilize males,even prebirth –the plactics 3-6-7 on recycle are as evil as it can get..clear plastic deli containers.the divide tray in cookies,,those soft squezzable teething rings-if it smells of plastic after a long open air exsposuer it most likely is a bad product -our store are full of these STILL !
i ordered Dr. Whitaker’s book MEDISIN and i cannot put it down.
WOW!!! Thats the very thought I had. Talcum powder is in most baby powders…Thats REAL!!!
LOL!!! He called the dialysis machine the “NEGRO MACHINE”….DAMN !!! Thats some REAL SHIT!!!
There is a scripture that states “… you cah eat poison and live.” The Most High knows how this demonic system works. They have been trying to kill us off from the beginning. The Most High is our strongtower (I know he is protecting us from total destruction)
Thx for the info!
Thank You FAM!!! for encouraging me. You are RIGHT!!! The MOST HIGH YAH is our strongtower. YAH BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
thats what i thought to
oh shit these iluminati faggolas
omg poor lil babys
2pac of the Medici world more power to Dr Whitaker
Another example: Stevia. Stevia is natural sweetener, approx 10 times sweeter then regular sugar. But unlike sugar, stevia won’t push up your insulin levels, and therefore won’t contribute to the development of diabetes. The FDA however prohibited the use of Stevia as a natural sweetener in consuming products. So everything is loaded with sugar. The result is that 1 in the 3 children born in the USA today will develop diabetes.
Condoms dont protect you from HPV. It is caused by the friction of the external genital area rubbing together….
A 2004 article in the American CA Society Journal states Condoms are a “useful tool in preventing HPV”
Other modes of transportation also include:
Verticl transmission /Mother to child new born..usually cesarean seection is done
Horzontal: contacting by means of sexual abuse of a child
another pathway is Urogenital/ meaning bodily secretions being picked up by sharing towls or bathing together.
People should just obstain until marriage & stayfaithful!
Of subject ya but think about the loss of
NATURE space
Wonder we are getting sicker
thank you for posting this…great interview..I love how Dr Whitaker calls medicine medisin..
Thanks for this posting. It is a shame that I have to learn about the real truth from Alex Jones and his radio show than leaning it in school. I will tell all the females I know about this. Wow. This is so truth.
i woke up when i took my cousin to the hosp for a bad foot infection,lol they told him to put selsun blue on it and get back at em.a few of his toes were cut off cause he lacked insurance damn system is fucked!!
Canada is no longer the model for health scare. Good luck finding a Dr.