Did Anonymous Take Down Amazon? Kurt Nimmo www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv December 12, 2010 Late Sunday the corporate media was abuzz with headlines making the case that the internet hacker group Anonymous was responsible for the takedown of Amazon in the UK and Europe. Shadowy hackers taking down retail sites at Christmas. It’s a propaganda victory for those who propose government regulation of the internet. “Anonymous, a group of online hacktivists who support the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, has claimed responsibility for a series of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks in the past week,” reported The Press Association. “The Anonymous group was alleged to have tried, but failed, before to attack the giant online retailer in retaliation for Amazon removing the controversial WikiLeaks material from its servers. The group later issued a statement saying it did not want to bring down the store in the Christmas period,” wrote the Wall Street Journal. Last week Russia Today interviewed a man going by the name “Anon” who claimed the group was opposed to attacking the online retailer. Anon said attacking Amazon was “too much” and the group decided not to do it. “It didn’t fail, we just decided not to attack them” said Anon. Did Anonymous change its mind over the last two days? Add to the feeding frenzy the prospect of Anonymous attacking the Electronic Freedom Foundation, at least according to comments posted to Twitter. From WebHostDirctory on December 10 …
@frosty992001 If you haven’t already have a look at what mark mcmurtrie has to say ,it looks like Australia was founded illegitimately regarding the indigenous sovereign aboriginals so yes indeed our law regarding our constitution is upside down in many ways,but to say the constitution is invalid because of this is debatable all thing considering ,I do have the book a concealed colonel ,only by a transparent referendum we can sort this out but it wont happen because it will expose the injustice.
@chotaboy66 Yes. I agree that a law can be enforced on a person even if it is wrong… but not (I believe) if it is invalid. watch?v=maXEbXndKjQ
Heh, the men go into phone booths and change in to Wonder Woman outfits. Something tells me those guys are more into dressing up like Catwoman.
@frosty992001 Sec 109 of the constitution , Inconsistency of laws
When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the
Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, & the former shall, to the
extent of the inconsistency,be invalid.
Criminal code act 1995 sec 268.10 imposes on a person a similar deprivation of liberty & also includes exercise a power arising from a debt incurred or
contract made by a person, Eg state license & rego are a contract with a recurring debt? Invalid yes & enforced.
@frosty992001 I am familiar with this video and agree ,If mark is correct that makes all law all government all courts invalid , but I must reiterate the people at the time decided the constitution to be a valid law not the gov, regardless of the legitimacy on how Britain claimed sovereign title our constitution is all we have until the time of a referendum that addresses these issues etc, In my opinion the Aboriginals are the true original soverigne but we are all born soverigne black or white.
Oh well.. Thanks for being so honest.
if i subscribe will your government arrest me?
@TheManners112 So, you are asking me here to read a rag that is owned by the Illuminati themselves. Amazing. I’ve read what you offered here and I am not convinced. Julian Assange is not a member of the CIA and I shall remain with this opinion right up until the truth comes out, which it will, then Alex is going to look like a total ass. Hell he even suggests ‘Pen & Teller’ are the good guys? They don’t even believe 9/11 was an inside job! WAKE UP! Something’s not right with ALEX!
@Rockguitarnow that’s funny seeing as how there is only about 750 million dollars worth of currency printed on average per year by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and on average 95% of that currency printed is used to replace notes already in, or taken out of circulation, NOT as “new” currency. I believe you are making your paranoid delusions very obvious.
@lagook Nobody gives a shit about alex jones so no. Alex isn’t a threat to the new world order, that’s why he isn’t in jail, unlike Assange.
@rockguitarn0w Hope you go to prison for violating telcom law
@Rockguitarnow why don’t you do me a favor and link me to the exact law that I would be prosecuted under Paul……if you can…..
@Rockguitarnow Seems to me that you just don’t like it when someone points out that you are embarrassingly wrong about 90% of everything you say. Like your Zak Wylde story….so many holes in that one, obvious lies, and half truths….Perhaps I should start a video series dedicated to exposing your lies and misinformation, what do you think Paul?
@ ~50seconds & on: YES. The 14th Amendment citizen OWES the 1.5 Quadrillion FRN’s (Fake Arse Reserve Notes). READ the 14th Amendment.
U can’t question the national debt.
This ponzi scheme did not JUST happen. These people have been working this system 4 over a hundred years, waiting just 4 this time n history 2 happen.
The global elite R very clever, & even MORE PATIENT!
Stop being a U.S. 14 Amend. citizen & become a Citizen of ur respective state Republic. Citizenship & Nationality RULE!
Alex jones covers Santa Clause and his infidelities. Alex is hot on his trails.
@VivaMydick Not true.
13:40 why does Alex always shout like that at the end of the segment. He puts on a different voice also. It’s so fucking stupid.
@grrgrr308 how about you speak to me when you use proper English you ignorant fuck. and how is that sounding 12? haha who is looking like the 12 year old? your uneducated ass can’t even spell.
b4 my comment gets delete
he is a cia jesuit agent don’t trust him william cooper search about him
as hal turner was a fbi agent and thanks to anon we know that alex jones is a cia
why they killed william copper while you are able to see alex jones in major news channels ?
alex jones is a cia
@lord3imos Evidence?
@lord3imos evidence?