Criminal Investigation of BP Staged Oil Spill Vital States Need To Launch Criminal Investigation Into BP, Federal Government’s Role In Oil Spill Following the rise of sufficient indicators that BP knew about the conditions of its Gulf oil assets prior to the April 20 leak & explosion 62 long days ago and counting, Alex Jones has called for criminal investigations of key figures at BP, inside the White House administration and elsewhere. Further, Alex has urged activists and concerned citizens everywhere to take a proactive approach to dealing with the looming consequences of the massive oil leak. He suggests calling on Governors and State Legislators in the Gulf Region to assert 10th Amendment rights– refute the Federal Government’s inaction, and institute measures to resolve the situation as best as can be. In addition, Alex alerts awakened people everywhere to the renewed efforts by President Obama and certain allies, to ram through Carbon Taxes and other Climate Change measures via stealth, and using the crisis of the BP Oil Spill to justify such fascist policies– when the Obama Administration’s bewildered response (much like the Bush Administration’s delayed response at Katrina) exacerbated the scale and depth of the crisis BP may have let happen.


