Abuse of power, cop ripping lic plate of just because he jealous he cant afford an expensive sports car.
Abuse of power, cop ripping lic plate of just because he jealous he cant afford an expensive sports car.
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Look at third world countries that really don’t have any police… If you hate Cops, go live there you faggot.
yeah ok, resort to petty insults, real mature.
try speaking to me when you get some hair on your balls.
All I’m saying is if you hate police, go to a country where there are none, and see how you like it, and see how long you survive. Ten bucks says you die within a week.
ok i will
shut your mouth twat
Wow big and bad over the internet. So scared.
I’ll sink to your level…
Make me.
And I believe that countries that don’t have police, have a history of violence, death, and other form of abuses, illegal drug productions thrive there, and there wouldn’t be any laws or justice. So then people would do anything they like, and that means, spreading filth, diseases, and engaging in other illegal activities including theft, fraud, and possibly, even terrorism.
When cops dont patrol the streets and enforce the law it gives organized crime a motive to step in and take over which leads to corruptness
The law represents an organized crime syndicate. They don’t want competition which is why they are against other gangs. They represent those who feel they are above the rest of the human race and have a right to decide how we can live.
nice. now take that tin foil hat off and get off the computer.
I’ll contend that countries with more laws and a greater sense of justice have contributed to more global violence than any disorganized lawless social group.
@waddleduckie1 I have no idea where you live and i dont care. BUT I am sure that all the things you have stated in your comment ARE present where you live. Open up your door and go take a walk… you’ll see what i mean
You are fucking stupid, get an education.
so ur saying the indians were more illegal spreading filth diseases and engaging in illegal activities than any other country to date?
thats just bullshit
ya its the law dumb ass and if we didnt have a law people would be dieing right and left and stealing and kidnapping.
well ya we moved because of wat was happening in our neighbor hood we moved to a mansion with 26 rooms wat happened was that a crook came and stole my bike then through it into the nearby stream it was a brand new bike. all this happens because of our low econemy.
If people weren’t ignorant and selfish, we wouldn’t need laws. Some people say “I’m not hurting anyone.” Whether it be buying/using drugs or simply playing loud music, it affects others. If your grandmother were sleeping at 3am and some idiot came blaring their music, it affects her. So laws are needed thanks to selfish people. Same w/ drugs. You buy, then the dealers buy more. Then you need to watch out for crack heads who need to rob u 2 buy more drugs, or they just rob your house. Congrats.
As far as the video, how is this abuse of power? It seems like he’s doing his duty. If you don’t like the law, get an education and change it.
I agree there are corrupt cops. There is corruption in everything.
You most likely hate cops cause you come from a family or area in which the cops have had to use force due to people being dumbasses by not following the law. This video shows part of a cops duty, it is called archiving. Next time research before you point your finger.
who cares. cops choose their job wanting to control others. thus they must die.
ablung…lol i hate cops for beeing fucked up for a kiddy prank…i wantedbto scare my friend while he pissedon a tree ,i took a firecracker and lighted it and threw it at him and a police woman came from behind me and she started yelling “stop moving or my dog will attack you”….
…im german our firecracker have like 0,5 gramm blackpowder in them….
sorry for my bad grammar :/
@GUYWITHICECREAM o.O your describing a fantasy my friend. Ignorance is so inevitable you could consider it part of the human condition and every person is capable of selfishness as well. Further more laws aren’t just a present reference of whats acceptable they are a record for future generations. If that information disappears they’d have no general knowledge of whats right or wrong it’s too circumstantial. Granted the law isn’t perfect or always right, but you’d be selfish to expect so much.
sorry about all the ignorants fuck offs out thier but i agree wiht you, cops gota dirtyjob to do and no matter what ppl think and like, they gonna do it
I can’t agree more. They happily enforce disgusting laws and policies, and so they deserve to suffer for crimes against their fellow men and women.
What rubbish!!! That is a South African video.
That plate was ILLEGAL!!!! Not according to government size requirments.
This has nothing to do with jealousy, its the way cops work there-even illegal window tinting is removed there and then at the road side.