Canadian Cop

A brief conversation with a Canadian Cop. RCMP specifically. Due to the recent cop brutality, as my neighbour was served some papers I thought I’de talk to this guy. First time using this camera, and tried to keep it hidden so the quality is entirely my fault. I would like to thank ahcult for this camera, and 18deadmonkeys for making me think about this stuff as I sent him a vid, and he told me some real horror stories that he has been following, and in fact have been going on not too far away from him. I would also like to say,”Can you Policemen, and Women, whom have sworn to “Serve and Protect,” could you please keep a better eye on your brothers and sisters?! What is going on is un-acceptable. You are to serve and protect the people. That is your Prime Directive. You are not there to serve each other. That is first and foremost. Secondly, “You are in possitions to serve JUSTICE, not just blind obedience to the laws of your paymasters/task masters. You are the first responce of Justice. That is an almost sacred resoncibility. When you pat each other on the back after kicking a downed man in the head, you are not only a travesty of Justice, not just a criminal, “You have become a Tyrant, a Bully/Coward, you garner neither respect nor compassion. You have become a tool of the State, and an Enemy of the People, whom you too whom you took an OATH to,”Serve and Protect.” Deriliction of duty does not begin to describe what you have done. Traiter…Start there.You are a public


