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obaidkarki why calling others your name.
You are subhuman not anybody ells.
بدر ساغان آريان ومادرجنديان ايران وكردستان
خميني عنترن كي زيشترن رقصش بيشترن
گوه شارون اس شلوزرد ايران وكردستان بهترن
از عرش اريامهر بهترن
تخم سغ وقري خر اسرائيل
اسايرانيان وكردستان بهترن
obaidkarki : I don’t understand your garbage.
what is this barking like Dogs or Pigs.
Go eat your lizerds, You subhuman Arab.
You can bark as much as you want.
The end of Islam in Iran is near.
Iranian and Kurds gave glory to Islam.
And the end of Islam Start in Iran.
we will clean this Shame(Islam)from our history and harts.
This is a promise.
yes you did pedarsagh
this is why you wrote back using your mom’s vulva instead of keyboard
I don’t bring myself to your low level.
Subhuman level.
So bark as much as you want.
we just show you by action.
Shiea was just a start to fight Islam.
2009 is the year Iran will be free of Islam totally.
Fuck you and only you ;)
Sir, you described the shoe throwing incident incorrectly. No shoe was caught and both shoes were clearly intended for George Bush.
If we all had eyes to see the truth we would be alot more kind to one another.Peace to all stop fighting and just love.Then all evil will fall.
you are nothing more than Stupied, just like this vedio
God is all things, God is not separate from you.
“If your leaders say to you, ‘Behold, the kingdom is in the sky,’ then the birds in the sky will get there before you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will get there before you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known”
America just wants control over the world, I would fight for my freedom just as they did 1776 in before america became america, why to day they who fought in 1776 would be called terriost, its lies that wil start fights and thats what usa goverment wants, everone wake up, usa gov. are crooks, fight them !!!!! Russia wants peace back them, I live in usa and see this !!!
fuck you q8
أخي كركي ØŒ ÙˆÙقك الله . . .
Ù†ØÙ† أهل الرياض نتابعك . . . أنت رائع . . . واصل عطائك ØŒ وداÙع عن الإسلام والمسلمين
To Mr Obaid”Cookie.” hahahahaha. Just watch the below website (on Youtube) below. Just type it in the Youtube “Search” bar. We had a great time watching it at YOUR expense. You are a RETARD, but your stupidity entertains many of us so keep up with your videos! hahahahahahahahahahhahahah. lmfao
“Shia are Guilty of Lies Deception Actions are not Muslims”
this person is one ugli mother fucker
عير- راقي علي اليوتوب
my mom murdered by iraqi hookers playing nurses in Dubai hospital last year
انت مثل Ú´Øبة الكرخ كلما شاÙت عير ڴالت ڴبيØ
عير ڇلوب اكبر
i amased how you can go to bed and we half million preteen Iraqi prostitutes in Dubai city only. hahaha
whats with the bullshit advert ….at the start.
Stop babooning on youtube boy.
KEEP THE FUCKING ADVERTS OFF YOUTUBE @obaidkarki you money hungry Arab
this guy is bastard he dont know his real dad
I fart in yor genneral Direction !!!!!! or throw shoes if I can’t sneek a Grenade in this conference…….
quit bitchn’ hobo
كل خره امك