Alex welcomes back to the show Birgitta Jónsdóttir, a member of the Icelandic parliament and poet, writer, artist, editor, publisher, activist and internet pioneer. She is an active volunteer for Wikileaks.
The trooper by Iron Maiden it’s on their Piece of Mind album.
I don’t trust Ellsberg!
We cant trust Ellsberg, we cant trust Assange, and now I can not trust Birgitta any more.
@MetalHeadViking Yes and most importantly, I don’t trust YouTube commenters,
I wish Sibel Edmonds, Ray McGovern, Col. Anthony Shaffer, Tarpley and Madsen would have gotten to vet/verify the reports instead of whoever the ended up going to first…
Yeah, bullshit ‘just leak it’ — like they are going to publish it
3.10 “no understanding of the purpose of this war”
MONEY. Obammy got it from Bush ,now obammy wants to look strong.
Its about resources and the war monger US wants to put in more bases.
Since the US is totally bankrupt, the neocons need to STEAL from somewhere.
I guess the Muslims hating us is kinda justified.
Wikileaks,, what the fuck is a Wiki,,Wake Up People,,Wiki Leaks is a Distraction and An Agent Provacatuer organization. War Crimes in A War that is A Total Crime,Not just Parts of it..And Also Wikileaks Is the Poster child Excuse for the Government to Exercise More Internet Censorship,,and What Good Do They Do? None,,they Create the Exact type of Turmoil and Animosity across the World towards the U.S. that the Ones Destroying this Country Want. A Tool and All U Braindead think Its a Good thing.
@ComicPenius Hahaha
Good for you.
She is cute.
Who has credit? Who carries no currency? Trust? Guess what? A few more perversions of info and we won’t know enough to light up anything. Good job psychos.
Will stay until we beat down the taliban and set up contract’s for russia to industrialize the afgan’s.
ah brigitta,right again,where is the oil.what,50-60 valdez spills and nobody can find any oil.bp is ready for mop up operations then get the heck out dodge before the stuff starts to come to the surface of the gulf.then its a tax payers problem.
The IMF is still staring at the public utilities , huh? I hope americans here still remember what life was like without privatization. The community members in each community got to liking the “back patters” association & bit by bit sold us out! Soon the people will understand where the monies to pay for censorship comes from & the bribes to get things rolling goes to! May y’all continue to buckle up and keep saying no!
Wow, news flash, wars have political and monetary motives. Whodda thunk it huh?
love you baby girl. keep fighting…
talking the truth. Icelandic lady
go for it iceland fuck the n w o
Damn I just thought of something…Obama did say he was gonna be bringing the troops home next year…this could be the excuse…the release of these records to push that through when everyone in his cabinet is hollering at him to stay
“Free market” is impossible because
1. how do you keep the people on top from controlling everyone without regulating them?
2. how do you make sure everyone at the bottom is fed and clothed?
1. FREELY Share ALL resources and knowledge worldwide, NO more money/property
2. Use LATEST technology to create an ABUNDANCE of all our needs, NO more scarcity, waste or theft
3. Automate/localize ALL production and distribution, NO more wage/debt slavery
Wikileaks is giving Obama the “evidence” he needs to rally the American people into moving into Pakistan to go after “Al Qaeda” and securing the Pakistan nukes. India will move on the Cashmere area. Israel and NATO will bomb, bomb, bomb Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities and react to Iran counter attacks.
I think purpose of afgan war is they somehow get info at there is biljons and biljons worth of al kinda rich minerals..using satellites or haarp… now they gonna rob them..
Come on, get Assange on Alex Jones!