Paul Joseph Watson Friday, April 22, 2011 — UPDATED 12:30 CST Despite the fact that the United States is embroiled in three major conflicts and can barely service its own gigantic debt, with Standard and Poor this week indicating the US will soon lose its triple-A credit rating, top globalist and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recently told fellow elitists at three different globalist confabs that the US needs to launch a ground invasion of Libya and keep the war running for at least another year. According to veteran Bilderberg journalist Jim Tucker, whose sources have proven routinely accurate in leaking discussion topics shared by globalists at their regular meetings, Kissinger gave almost the exact same speech at three different conferences over the past two weeks, firstly during an April 8-10 get-together at the George Washington University’s Elliot School of International Affairs, then at an Aspen Institute session on “Values and Diplomacy” at the National Cathedral, and finally during the Bretton Woods II conference in New Hampshire. “Kissinger, visibly depressed, gave a rationale for the war on Libya that the TC (Trilateral Commission) and its brother group, Bilderberg, want to keep rolling, according to an inside source who has proved reliable for years. Both groups want the war extended through 2012 to generate turmoil throughout the Middle East and pressure the United States …
kissinger should be tried for war crimes, put the sob in prison
@Juicer63 I a friend of mine online already told me but thanks I appriciate it :)
@cloudwalker2657 i no its hard but just refuse to fight
@cloudwalker2657 i no its hard but just refuse to fight its the right thing to do
@cloudwalker2657 i know its hard but just refuse to fight its the right thing to do
Hang them all for treason , no sense in trying to weed them out,let God do that
Alex Jones is the man
the proof is in my pudding
@cloudwalker2657 You are correct but you CAN’T persecute the willing…Most of these dumbed-down IDIOTS out there drinking fluoride in their water want to be persecuted. SAD BUT TRUE Glad I’m not one of them.
Is that a red tie, or did someone just cut his throat?
The military REALLY doesnt work that way – theres NO way the military will EVER get involved in politics. They do what they are told to do, thats the deal !
Having said that, in the event of civl wars, in england, the ones who dissagreed with the establishment were allowed to leave (rather than fight the army form within), and join the oppsiong army. That way, it was all kept sort of clean, rather than officers being shot by their own troops.
Alex! Don`t tell tales on your guests! That`s so impolite ! The fact that Jim Tucker cannot hear well doesn`t concern us. This is not a gossip channel.
@AnnoyingTypoSyndrome their are many in the military, including my family, that will not, and I repeat, wil not, violate the constitution the have vowed to uphold, no matter what their commanders say.
Yes, but if you imagine that half the troops can subdue the other half, PLUS the officers, you’re off the mark.
The half whop are on th eside of the officers would win, because they have the keys to the armoury, and so can get guns, ammo, vehicles. The half whor rebel wont have any supplies, and would lose.
Also, they would employ foreigners (as they already are).
Also, the are probably seperating those who would side with the people – they will all be in afghanistan !!
@AnnoyingTypoSyndrome so if our military were allowed to leave,where would they go? It’s a little different nowadays. Not many places to go. The USA is supposed to be the greatest nation on earth. Why should patriots have to leave why not let the non patriots find somewhere else to go? If the leftist and elitist don’t like capatalism and patriotism let them go to a communist country that the whole nation is on welfare. There’s plenty to choose from.
Hee hee, no i didnt mean leave the ocuntry. I meant that in previous civil wars, in the usa or uk, those soldiers who find they would rather be on the other side, have been allowed a day of amnesty, so they can leave and go to fight for the opposing side.
This way, there is no “in fighting”, later on. BOTH sides would allow this, so the tables could be properly set.
You couldnt do it nowadays, but as you say, the army ARE the patriots, anyway. Let the commies go !
@Dolphster69 Might I remind you that any action taken by the military towards Libya would also be unconstitutional since it was not supported by congress.
@AnnoyingTypoSyndrome Are you kidding? I have known to many in the military who will tell you straight up that it’s political.
Maybe its different, in ameica.
In the UK, soldiers really dont give a shit about politics or politicians. Not to the extent where they would rebel over it.
Also, because soldiers are quite well paid, compared to normal jobs, they are not as likely to notice the affect of being robbed by bankers. In fact, the bankers are mor elikely to have discounts and “incentives” to keep soldiers happy (same for police – they get cheaper mortgages etc.).
Also, many are real bad people !
Nostradamous predicted that the invasion of Libya will trigger world war 3 and we all know how right hes always been >>> whosjefffort dot blogspot dot com
@AnnoyingTypoSyndrome i’m sorry, I can’t argue with you on those points. I mostly agree with that. I was meaning the the military itself and in how it’s run is very political. I wasn’t talking about the individuals in it just upper management, if you wil.
well, you never know – the military may well tak eover the govt, and restore the constitution, before holding elections, for a new, proper govt.
Military coups have happened througout history, so its not impossible.
I just hope that, if they do, they do it to restore your constitution, not jsut take over the country – that would be a mess !
Its apity, that america has gone form being the envy of every nation, to being their dread !
@AnnoyingTypoSyndrome One of my biggest fears is that the current incarnation of American culture doesn’t understand the constitution well enough to understand that it needs to be restored. Many are fooled into thinking it failed and we need a new one…not true. The American people failed to uphold it. Much like the free-market economy, so very many people think it’s bad when their example of a free market is NOT a free market at all.
June 1st,2011… ..Aljazeera showed TV coverage of Italy’s Foreign Minister visiting and recognizing Lybia’s pre-elections ( Intrim opposition gov’mt ) Government . Congratulations also to Britain’s Prime Minister Cameron and Foreign Minister Hague and to President Sarkosy of France for courage and comittment.