students surrounded and overtook Wheeler Hall to protest the recent 32% tuition hike, job losses, and the defunding of public education in California. At the beginning of this clip you could hear a student get shot at point-blank range with a rubber bullet. Other students were assaulted with batons. … “Police Brutality” “UC Berkeley” Strike Walk-out UCLA protest California Economy “UC System” Berkeley “UC Merced” “UC Santa Cruz” “UC San Diego” UC chancellor Birgeneau governer Schwarzenegger …
@petertoshpan the funny thing is when i posted stuff like this and the news articles around the forums I typically talk on (Off topic ones) no one in the rest of the nation even CARES. They laugh at you hippies who mess with cops and then cry abuse when things don’t go away. The fact is Berkeley is just a messed up place. Just because you go to this school and I did as well doesn’t mean you need to get sucked into this protest frenzy where you think you are entitled to EVERYTHING.
@saromatae It’s pretty obvious if all the students stood 5 feet back from the barriers, leaving empty space, cops wouldn’t dive over the barriers and start beating you.
Instead you want to push barriers, point our fingers in cops’ faces, etc. If one person can put their hand on the barrier claiming they’re resting their hand, the next can do the same except push on the barrier. If one person is allowed to stick their finger in a cop’s face, the next could throw a punch. Where’s the limit?
YOu obviously don’t get it do you? You act like cops have an interest in beating students and other people. The fact is a crime was already committed in Wheeler hall. You think you have a right to challenge policework, and that you have a right to DISOBEY their orders. Their orders are to resolve the Wheeler situation while making sure you guys don’t run in and mess more things up. Take a lesson in crowd control before you cry abuse.
you know what’s tragic? what’s tragic is you didn’t get your head beaten straight.
What’s tragic is families stayed up late. Wives and children prayed for their dads who worked as cops that they could come home safely. Cops got injured and had to seek medical treatment. What’s tragic is police officers falsely charged with “police brutality” by lying little weasels whose criminal behavior was the root cause of the problems caused to everyone else by the ignorant few.
A little secret here dmo580. Most people know that those who fly off into incoherent overly aggressive abusive posturing in anonymous youtube comments are sociopathic and have a lot of personal issues going on in their lives. The more abusive you are in your messages to others the more we know you are just a scared maladjusted individual. You lack the positive self image to try and interact with people on an equal footing. You always have to denigrate those to a level you feel comfortable with.
Let me point out the LA riots….most rioters were not armed yet were dangerous to one’s safety. So what you’re saying is that if LAPD walked into the riot with handout candy in one hand and a white flag in the other, things would have been hunky dorey? Any mob has the potential to turn violent. Occupying and unlawfully gathering in a School building after given an order to disperse is going against the law. Get real.
Student protests are not a crime, but if the demonstration did not have an organizer and a permit then it is unlawful. If the protest became disruptive ie:occupation of a building and failure to dispurse after being ordered to do so. It is unlawful. Laws are there to keep people from getting hurt. I believe that peaceful protests should be directed at the state capitol, where budget decisions are made.
LA riots… wait the ones that started after police brutally beat an innocent man?
Civil disobedience is a form of protest such named because it is unlawful. You’re right, laws do exist to protect the people’s rights. Police exist to enforce these laws. Since the student’s gathering in front of wheeler were exercising their freedom to peacefully assemble and speak freely, the police should have been there to protect them. And so you ask, protect them from what?
Good question. From themselves? Preposterous.
There is a logical fart here, in which the police are the threat that they are supposed to protect against.
I agree that protests should be directed in a more productive way towards the capitol. However, as in any movement, garnering attention and rallying support is a first step that sometimes requires a public spectacle in order to gain momentum.
There is a certain degree of validity to the protests being directed towards the UC Regents though, as they agreed to accept less state funding through a compact with the governor. The Regents are not democratically elected, and in exchange for less public oversight, are willing to privatize the university even more. So to a certain degree, the state funding issue does reside within the UC system itself.
Universities belong to students. They have only reclaimed their university. Polite and peaceful occupations should be answered by leading serious negotiations instead of freaking out and sending police. Occupations may not look nice, but there is no alternative. Students can not go on strike and free education is human right. I hope our friends in the US will win their struggle.
Universities belong to the general public. We fund these schools via taxpayer money. We Pay Police taxpayer money to protect our investment.
Spadadiforza, I really hope you are neither a student nor some sort of official. How could you compare Berkeley students with LA riot folks? Berkeley students peacefully protest with one goal in mind, getting their message across while LA riot folks rampant on the streets. I’m not saying Berkeley students don’t kill like LA rioters, but Berkeley students don’t protest with weapons in their hands. I have to admit protesting without permit is unlawful, but police brutality is a crime.
99% of the cops are mentally impaired if you ask what I’d think about them. Let me give you an example; if you asked a kid what he wanted to be when he grows up, he would answer: to be a cop. Obviously, this kid is either influenced by movie or obsessed with guns and violence. Another example, becoming a police officer does not require intelligence and qualifies anyone with “sociopathic and have a lot of personal issues going on in their life”
Innocent man?…look at this douchebag’s rap sheet. You only saw a prtion of the video but I won’t waste my time trying to convince you.
I would say that your assertion represents a small percentage of the police force. Most are hard-working, well meaning individuals. The job is to enforce the laws that were passed by our elected representatives in government. I would rather talk someone down than to go hands on. People are people and are unpredictable. Sometimes you have to go hands on, it is part of the job. You wouldn’t know what the job entials until you’ve experienced it.
Exactly, where do you expect Law Enforcement to draw the line?
2 dogs, one is a Pitbull; the other is a German shepherd. The dogs are trained by the same obedient school. The dogs are a bit tough and rough when it comes to strangers. But the Shep has an unique characteristic when it engages an issue; it barks & circles the target as it studies the subject while the Pitbull launches out full attack. They are just doing their job, but the Pitbull always get yelled at & punished as the result. If the cops are as smart as the Shep., they’d go home safe&sound.
you’re really trying to defend the officers who beat rodney king?!
it’s not the job of the police to punish people!
i knew you were a pig
True, I’ll agree 100%. Rodney King would not follow orders to get down so force was used to apprehend him. Force is not pretty but it is effective. Verbal commands are also effective IF the party being given commands listens.
Shame on Birgeneau to corporatize the university at all cost–including not only fee hikes and reduction of public education, but the use of police violence to protect that corporatization. Yes, it sounds like an all-too-familiar strategy taken by some, but that is exactly why we need to stop this now.
I cant believe he had that non lethal out
what a piece of shit cop.
With the 32% increase in public college costs – the totalitarian plans of the super rich to further their domination of this country and turn it into the third world nation continues even without their poster boy GWB. To quote joe flynn, “i just want to cry.”
Personally as much as I hate police brutality im on the cops side here Berkely California is full of dumbass colledge students who deserve a good ass kicking