Beamer finds Minotaur Labyrinth on Mars

I (Dave Beamer) have found a cliff wall in Victoria crater with immense carvings and even a tunnel system like a Minotaur’s Labyrinth next to three large Sphinx sized statues. One monstrous effigy on the right is of a bull headed Minotaur with horns towering above the closest castle wall! I call it a cow in the video. There are two other self supporting statues right in front of the massive triangular tunnel door. They are about half the size of the Minotaur but one is in the form of a platypus and the third is in the form of a pterodactyl. Thanks for watching this short home video of a few unreported items across from Cape St. Mary’s in the Victoria crater on Mars. Yours truly, Dave Beamer Mars 2007 ATS: