Baltimore Man Dies, after Police Tase and Shove Drugs Down his Throat , Police say that Dion Snipe swallowed the drugs on his own. They also deny that a taser was used on the suspect. Witnesses say that police shoved drugs down the mans throat, and then tased him. Dion Snipe is on life-support, but will be taken off life-support in the morning.
I feel sorry for the police when the SHTF, because people are going to remember this type of stuff.
I’m so pissed off. The police department needs to be like the military and admit when one of their own is wrong. They killed that man and all they can say is “we’re doing an investigation”. That’s they’re answer to everyting. If they gave him the heimlich manuever then how did he wind up beat to death? The department is so out of touch with the common citizen.
At first I thought you must have had some of the best weed ever grown when you put up that obama/boule vid but It’s refreshing to see someone truly trying to inform folks on the reality of life.
TheRealRevelation thanks
Legalize all natural drugs. Outlaw tasers. Problems solved.