About Author: Editor

Posts by Editor

This happened on Feb 23, 2011 in Marseille, France. Game had started already, but the French police was not allowing the Manchester United fans to enter the stadium. Then when […]

French Police beating Manchester United Fans before UEFA match Marseille vs Manchester United

This happened on Feb 23, 2011 in Marseille, France. Game had started already, but the French police was not allowing the Manchester United fans to enter the stadium. Then when […]

Paul Craig Roberts Infowars.com June 18, 2011 What is Washington’s solution for the rising power of China? The answer might be to involve China in a nuclear war with India. […]

Paul Craig Roberts: Will Washington Foment War Between China and India? 2/2

Paul Craig Roberts Infowars.com June 18, 2011 What is Washington’s solution for the rising power of China? The answer might be to involve China in a nuclear war with India. […]


Joseph E. Stiglitz on The Alex Jones Show:”The Final Countdown”1/2


Photo Credit: Detective Greg Semendinger NYPD Aviation Unit The photos were released by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NITS) in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) […]

NYPD World Trade Center Aerial Photos

Photo Credit: Detective Greg Semendinger NYPD Aviation Unit The photos were released by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NITS) in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) […]

Thad, of www.brokensidewalkfarm.com , noticed a police officer hiding to catch people making illegal left turns so he made a sign and set out to warn motorist of the trap. […]

CopBlocking in Austin

Thad, of www.brokensidewalkfarm.com , noticed a police officer hiding to catch people making illegal left turns so he made a sign and set out to warn motorist of the trap. […]

SUNDAY, February 6th, 2011–Just a few hundred feet south of Midan Tahrir I witnessed these Egyptian security thugs intimidating, abusing, and humiliating an unidentified man, likely a protestor they plucked […]

Egyptian Secret Police Abuse and Intimidate Protestor

SUNDAY, February 6th, 2011–Just a few hundred feet south of Midan Tahrir I witnessed these Egyptian security thugs intimidating, abusing, and humiliating an unidentified man, likely a protestor they plucked […]


Alex Jones Tv 1/7:The NSC, Military Checkpoints & Yes Glenn Beck, FEMA Camps are Real !!


La página web Cryptome difundió una videograbación inédita del ataque terrorista en Nueva York del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Leer más : actualidad.rt.com actualidad.rt.com    

Publicadas imágenes inéditas de los atentados del 11-S en Nueva York

La página web Cryptome difundió una videograbación inédita del ataque terrorista en Nueva York del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Leer más : actualidad.rt.com actualidad.rt.com    

President Mubarak has officially stepped down, just a day after he announced he was going to remain in office. Democracy Arsenal’s Joel Rubin weighs in on what’s next. Then, Firedoglake’s […]

The Alyona Show: In Case You Missed It – Full Show 2/11/11

President Mubarak has officially stepped down, just a day after he announced he was going to remain in office. Democracy Arsenal’s Joel Rubin weighs in on what’s next. Then, Firedoglake’s […]

A film about march 2007 nyc critical mass and police response. To see the full quality version go to www.glassbeadcollective.org    

NYC Critical Mass Police Brutality – “Some Assembly Required” 2007

A film about march 2007 nyc critical mass and police response. To see the full quality version go to www.glassbeadcollective.org    

As Above Guy in White Hoodie Gets Owned! As They Say.. You Gon Get Got. Also Love The Commentary Over THe Video.. Perfect. And The Little Police Officer At the […]

London Riots – Guy Gets Hit Over The Head With Police Baton

As Above Guy in White Hoodie Gets Owned! As They Say.. You Gon Get Got. Also Love The Commentary Over THe Video.. Perfect. And The Little Police Officer At the […]

Illinois Gun www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net. www.prisonplanet.com May 19, 2011 With the recent Indiana Supreme court ruling giving police unfettered access to people’s homes, Newton county Sheriff Donald Hartman Sr. believes […]

The Alex Jones Show: We Are Turning into A “Hardcore Police State”3/3

Illinois Gun www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net. www.prisonplanet.com May 19, 2011 With the recent Indiana Supreme court ruling giving police unfettered access to people’s homes, Newton county Sheriff Donald Hartman Sr. believes […]

Paul Craig Roberts Infowars.com June 18, 2011 What is Washington’s solution for the rising power of China? The answer might be to involve China in a nuclear war with India. […]

Paul Craig Roberts: Will Washington Foment War Between China and India? 1/2

Paul Craig Roberts Infowars.com June 18, 2011 What is Washington’s solution for the rising power of China? The answer might be to involve China in a nuclear war with India. […]

Alex also talks with film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader Max Keiser. He formerly hosted The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News. Keiser correctly predicted the […]

Max Keiser: “Sitting on The Doorstep of Global Conflict!!” – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Alex also talks with film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader Max Keiser. He formerly hosted The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News. Keiser correctly predicted the […]

These twenty-five dwarf star symptoms are presented allowing the viewer to recognize a disruptive pattern that is taking place all across the solar system and on our planet Earth. Migrating […]

Brown Dwarf, Comet ELEnin, Planet-X, 25 Signs!

These twenty-five dwarf star symptoms are presented allowing the viewer to recognize a disruptive pattern that is taking place all across the solar system and on our planet Earth. Migrating […]

WOL Talk Show Host , Joe Madison, “The Black Eagle” speaks out against police brutality and the Archie Elliott case that happened in Prince Georges Maryland. This event took place […]

Joe Madison “The Black Eagle” Speaks Out On Police Brutality

WOL Talk Show Host , Joe Madison, “The Black Eagle” speaks out against police brutality and the Archie Elliott case that happened in Prince Georges Maryland. This event took place […]

From: www.ghanzarya.com Ottawa Stabbings Canada Shooting Massacre Ottawa’s Police Abuse Stabbed Shot Killed FBI Most Wanted RCMP Ghanzarya Shandaharo    

Ottawa Stabbings Canada Shooting Massacre Ottawa’s Police Abuse Stabbed Shot Killed

From: www.ghanzarya.com Ottawa Stabbings Canada Shooting Massacre Ottawa’s Police Abuse Stabbed Shot Killed FBI Most Wanted RCMP Ghanzarya Shandaharo    

Alex welcomes back to the show the former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the US Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and a former United States […]

Alex Jones 2011-03-15 Tuesday Part 3/24

Alex welcomes back to the show the former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the US Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and a former United States […]

www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com    

Alex Takes Your Calls on Obama’s Invasion of Libya on Behalf of NWo Speech

www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com    

The legal pressure on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks is mounting. We ask: How long can Julian Assange hide? And under what law can he be prosecuted?    

Inside Story – Julian Assange and the ‘red notice’

The legal pressure on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks is mounting. We ask: How long can Julian Assange hide? And under what law can he be prosecuted?