About Author: Editor

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OPD officers attack KGO television cameraman on March 21, 2009    

OPD assaults TV cameraman.mpg

OPD officers attack KGO television cameraman on March 21, 2009    

Know your rights when talking to a police officer: policecrimes.com Never talk to police officer without a lawyer, even when you’re not under arrest. Visit us on FaceBook: www.facebook.com policecrimes.com […]

Police Officer Arrest Man for Filming

Know your rights when talking to a police officer: policecrimes.com Never talk to police officer without a lawyer, even when you’re not under arrest. Visit us on FaceBook: www.facebook.com policecrimes.com […]

August 13th 2011 Just Google Rick Perry worked for Al Gore and it is a fact on the record. Just look for your self,but his RINO supporters are saying I […]

Alex Jones – Rick Perry Worked For Al Gore And Other Facts!

August 13th 2011 Just Google Rick Perry worked for Al Gore and it is a fact on the record. Just look for your self,but his RINO supporters are saying I […]

Alex talks about the economy with broadcaster, film-maker, and former equities broker Max Keise abbout the global meltdown and how the bankers always stand to gain from all these global […]

Max Keiser & Alex Jones: 1 2 3 “Global Meltdown” 1/3

Alex talks about the economy with broadcaster, film-maker, and former equities broker Max Keise abbout the global meltdown and how the bankers always stand to gain from all these global […]

I am working on a project and had to spend a good few months filming at a location in Essex. We had to use a ouija board and during filming […]

Some Spooky happenings! (PART ONE)

I am working on a project and had to spend a good few months filming at a location in Essex. We had to use a ouija board and during filming […]

Cloud computing SaaS PaaS IaaS Ruby Rails PHP Python Java Android Linux Unix Windows Java cdn xhprof apache python lamp me cached haystack bigpipe Cassandra scribe mysqul hadoop hive thrift […]

Cloud computing

Cloud computing SaaS PaaS IaaS Ruby Rails PHP Python Java Android Linux Unix Windows Java cdn xhprof apache python lamp me cached haystack bigpipe Cassandra scribe mysqul hadoop hive thrift […]

Copyright disclaimer–“Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair […]

Police KILL Young Man With Taser – Tasered To Death

Copyright disclaimer–“Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair […]

Author, researcher, and GCN radio host Webster Tarpley also taks with Alex about the situation in the Middle East. Alex also takes your calls and covers the latest breaking news. […]

Webster Tarpley: Revolutions or CIA Putsch Campaign in the Middle East? – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Author, researcher, and GCN radio host Webster Tarpley also taks with Alex about the situation in the Middle East. Alex also takes your calls and covers the latest breaking news. […]

Max Keiser makes an appearance to talk about the stock market that is tumbling downward again today. maxkeiser.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv    

Max Keiser: Gold is Not Just a Hedge Against Inflation, It’s a Substitute Currency! 2/3

Max Keiser makes an appearance to talk about the stock market that is tumbling downward again today. maxkeiser.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv    

福島原発燃料保管プールの著しい損傷を東電の新データが証明8/26 (日本語訳:Junebloke) Newly Released TEPCO Data Proves Fairewinds Assertions of Significant Fuel Pool Failures at Fukushima Daiichi *日本語全訳はWEBに記載: junebloke.blog.fc2.com â—Ž 東京電力の8月19日、20日に計測された新データが、福島第一の1、2、および3号機の使用済み核燃料に深刻なダメージを示しました。 フロントページに掲載された東京電力の関連する表は、1、2、3号機の三つの総ての核燃料プールのセシウム137とセシウム134が非常に高レベルであるのを示しています。 この東京電力のデータは、7月にNRC米国原子力規制委員会が福島第一の核燃料プールはこの悲劇的な事故の間でも損傷していないとした主張とは、明らかに矛盾しそれを否定するものです。 Crytome(cry to me *)は、3号機の核燃料保管プールと原子炉建屋の大規模な被害を写した新たな高解像度写真をウェブサイトにアップロードし掲示しています。 *Crytomeとは:「Cryptome」世界中の政府によって公開することが禁じられている機密文書・写真・情報などを自由に入手できるための場として1996年より活動している老舗サイト。福島第一原発に関する写真やムービーの公開も始めています。 右記フクシマ特集Crytomeリンク→ cryptome.org […]

福島原発保管プール核燃料が爆発し破片1.5km越飛散! 新データ証明!(字幕)

福島原発燃料保管プールの著しい損傷を東電の新データが証明8/26 (日本語訳:Junebloke) Newly Released TEPCO Data Proves Fairewinds Assertions of Significant Fuel Pool Failures at Fukushima Daiichi *日本語全訳はWEBに記載: junebloke.blog.fc2.com â—Ž 東京電力の8月19日、20日に計測された新データが、福島第一の1、2、および3号機の使用済み核燃料に深刻なダメージを示しました。 フロントページに掲載された東京電力の関連する表は、1、2、3号機の三つの総ての核燃料プールのセシウム137とセシウム134が非常に高レベルであるのを示しています。 この東京電力のデータは、7月にNRC米国原子力規制委員会が福島第一の核燃料プールはこの悲劇的な事故の間でも損傷していないとした主張とは、明らかに矛盾しそれを否定するものです。 Crytome(cry to me *)は、3号機の核燃料保管プールと原子炉建屋の大規模な被害を写した新たな高解像度写真をウェブサイトにアップロードし掲示しています。 *Crytomeとは:「Cryptome」世界中の政府によって公開することが禁じられている機密文書・写真・情報などを自由に入手できるための場として1996年より活動している老舗サイト。福島第一原発に関する写真やムービーの公開も始めています。 右記フクシマ特集Crytomeリンク→ cryptome.org […]

-Pagina en Facebook: www.facebook.com -Twitter: twitter.com Buenas tardes, España. Puede que esta apariencia os resulte familiar, mas permitidme presentarme: soy yo, soy tú, soy el periodista, soy el médico, soy […]

Mensaje de Anonymous

-Pagina en Facebook: www.facebook.com -Twitter: twitter.com Buenas tardes, España. Puede que esta apariencia os resulte familiar, mas permitidme presentarme: soy yo, soy tú, soy el periodista, soy el médico, soy […]

Tyranny is HERE! The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality. The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on earth. And […]


Tyranny is HERE! The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality. The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on earth. And […]

Just to make people aware of things that go on like Police Brutality. It can happen to anyone. It’s suppose to make you upset at first.    

Police Brutality Education Video

Just to make people aware of things that go on like Police Brutality. It can happen to anyone. It’s suppose to make you upset at first.    

Sponsor: LRN.FM – NH Activists chase cop. After police hastily leave an upopular trial, freedom folk descend on one of them with video cameras and chase him halfway across downtown […]

NH: Activists chase cop

Sponsor: LRN.FM – NH Activists chase cop. After police hastily leave an upopular trial, freedom folk descend on one of them with video cameras and chase him halfway across downtown […]

Alex also talks with actress and singer Christine Ebersole who is among many public figures who believe 9/11 was an inside job. www.christineebersole.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.tv    

Actress Christine Ebersole’s Story of Nazi Style Pat-Down by TSA Workers on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

Alex also talks with actress and singer Christine Ebersole who is among many public figures who believe 9/11 was an inside job. www.christineebersole.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.tv    

www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com    

Alex Takes Calls on The Latest Police State News Here at Home

www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com    

DEMAND THE REACTOR BE SHUT DOWN~ 855-211-2453 & 855-211-2454 SOURCES~ www.eia.gov cryptome.org www.ketv.com    

update on cooper nuclear plant and more channel7 lamestream media report

DEMAND THE REACTOR BE SHUT DOWN~ 855-211-2453 & 855-211-2454 SOURCES~ www.eia.gov cryptome.org www.ketv.com    

wikileaks narcotrafico narcos drogas droga mejico mexican leaks leak leakspin operation payback music informacion elpais noticias verdad assagne asagne wiki futuro estupefacientes lsd marihuana cocaina heroina consumo diario cocain cocaine […]

WIKILEAKS – Collateral Murder 1/2 (Subtitulado) EL DAÑO COLATERAL DE LA GUERRA EN IRAQ

wikileaks narcotrafico narcos drogas droga mejico mexican leaks leak leakspin operation payback music informacion elpais noticias verdad assagne asagne wiki futuro estupefacientes lsd marihuana cocaina heroina consumo diario cocain cocaine […]


POLICE STATE: NYPD Police Officer Admits to arrest quotas


Information is not forthcoming from the appropriate officials, so its up to us to speculate. This video is a part of that speculation    

Fullerton Police Chief and his Pal the District Attorney

Information is not forthcoming from the appropriate officials, so its up to us to speculate. This video is a part of that speculation