About Author: Editor

Posts by Editor

Jon Swaine The Telegraph July 5, 2011 AE Hotchner said he believed the FBI’s monitoring of the Nobel Prize-winning author, over suspicions of his links to Cuba, “substantially contributed to […]

FBI Drove Ernest Hemingway to Suicide! – Alex Jones Tv

Jon Swaine The Telegraph July 5, 2011 AE Hotchner said he believed the FBI’s monitoring of the Nobel Prize-winning author, over suspicions of his links to Cuba, “substantially contributed to […]

It’s time to pick a side!! www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com    

‘Hot Tyranny is Coming’ – Alex Jones Tv

It’s time to pick a side!! www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com    

www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com    

The Alex Jones Show: It’s 100% Theatre

www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com    

Kurt Nimmo www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv August 9, 2011 Photo: Mark Herpel.Commodity analysts at JP Morgan are predicting the price of gold may hit $2500 or higher per ounce by the end […]

Alex Jones & GCN Owner Ted Anderson: JP Morgan, Inflation to Trigger $2500 Gold Price

Kurt Nimmo www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv August 9, 2011 Photo: Mark Herpel.Commodity analysts at JP Morgan are predicting the price of gold may hit $2500 or higher per ounce by the end […]

Here’s a link to the thread created by JayinAR. www.abovetopsecret.com I hope to get some people to participate in this. It should be fun.    

Thought Experiment – August 15, 2009

Here’s a link to the thread created by JayinAR. www.abovetopsecret.com I hope to get some people to participate in this. It should be fun.    

Alex Jones Show Live talks with John Young, an independent scholar, architect, and webmaster of Cryptome, a website that functions as a repository for information about freedom of speech, cryptography, […]

Alex Jones Show Live (20/28) 12-07-09

Alex Jones Show Live talks with John Young, an independent scholar, architect, and webmaster of Cryptome, a website that functions as a repository for information about freedom of speech, cryptography, […]

Rochester Police officers retaliate against law-abiding citizens who record them.    

Rochester Police Retaliate

Rochester Police officers retaliate against law-abiding citizens who record them.    

Komentator i publicista Anthony Lawson je jedan od mnogih svjetskih intelektualaca koji su ubrzo uvidjeli prevaru… Navodi da mu je bio potrebna samo jedna činjenica da shvati, a to je […]

WikiLeaks – zavjera CIA & MOSAD-a ??

Komentator i publicista Anthony Lawson je jedan od mnogih svjetskih intelektualaca koji su ubrzo uvidjeli prevaru… Navodi da mu je bio potrebna samo jedna činjenica da shvati, a to je […]

A rowdy celebration after a basketball game at the University of Maryland ended in a case of alleged police brutality against a student. Bob Orr reports.    

Cop Suspended After Beating

A rowdy celebration after a basketball game at the University of Maryland ended in a case of alleged police brutality against a student. Bob Orr reports.    

On July 4th 2011 I was video taping my neighbors being tased by the police and one officer slammed me to the ground and three other officers jumped on top […]

South Sacramento 4th Of July Block Party Police State Assault And Tasings

On July 4th 2011 I was video taping my neighbors being tased by the police and one officer slammed me to the ground and three other officers jumped on top […]

Assualted, humiliated, intimidated and detained for several days without commiting a crime. This is fascism in action. www.tpuc.org – Know your rights    

Police Abuse In Action

Assualted, humiliated, intimidated and detained for several days without commiting a crime. This is fascism in action. www.tpuc.org – Know your rights    

On the Sunday, July 17 Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts the latest news on the economy, federal government complicity in the unfolding Fast & Furious Mexican and […]

Obama Holding America Hostage with False Debt Crisis – Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/3

On the Sunday, July 17 Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts the latest news on the economy, federal government complicity in the unfolding Fast & Furious Mexican and […]

2nd AMENDMENT ALERT gunowners.org www.infowars.com Aug 1, 2011 – Judge Napolitano on legality of deal RonPaul2012.com Ron Paul Video Playlist www.youtube.com Rand Paul Video Playlist www.youtube.com Peter Schiff Video Playlist […]

Is Super Congress Constitutional?

2nd AMENDMENT ALERT gunowners.org www.infowars.com Aug 1, 2011 – Judge Napolitano on legality of deal RonPaul2012.com Ron Paul Video Playlist www.youtube.com Rand Paul Video Playlist www.youtube.com Peter Schiff Video Playlist […]

Alex & Webster break down the history of western sponsored terrorism and who stands to gain in the latest attack on another middle eastern Oil rich country. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net […]

Webster Tarpley & Alex Jones: Libyan Assault/Invasion Planned Months Ahead!! 1/2

Alex & Webster break down the history of western sponsored terrorism and who stands to gain in the latest attack on another middle eastern Oil rich country. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net […]

Rebel Triumvirate of Terror Rules Darna According to the London Daily Telegraph of March 26, Darna (also transliterated as Derna or Darnah), a key city in the rebel heartland between […]

Tarpley: Al Qaeda Butcher Takes Over in Libya – Infowars Nightly News

Rebel Triumvirate of Terror Rules Darna According to the London Daily Telegraph of March 26, Darna (also transliterated as Derna or Darnah), a key city in the rebel heartland between […]

This is a stabilized version of the Temple Mount UFO video. The brightness and contrast have also been increased. This video highlights a major flaw of perspective, and proves it […]

HOAX – UFO Over Temple Mount in Jerusalem – Stabalized

This is a stabilized version of the Temple Mount UFO video. The brightness and contrast have also been increased. This video highlights a major flaw of perspective, and proves it […]

NWO Busted – Man who exposed Bilderberg reveals conspiracy secrets to EU (copy). . PLAYLIST: www.youtube.com . . Secretive and elite – the Bilderberg group, which unites some of the […]

NWO Busted – Man who exposed Bilderberg reveals conspiracy secrets to EU

NWO Busted – Man who exposed Bilderberg reveals conspiracy secrets to EU (copy). . PLAYLIST: www.youtube.com . . Secretive and elite – the Bilderberg group, which unites some of the […]

TheYouArchive2010 – taking the ‘PULSE’ of the ‘PLANET’ This series has been uploaded following a request and information received that it was not easily available. If you are aware of […]

Swedish Prosecutors Reopen Rape Investigation Against WikiLeaks Founder (1-Sept-10)(GLOBAL FOCUS)

TheYouArchive2010 – taking the ‘PULSE’ of the ‘PLANET’ This series has been uploaded following a request and information received that it was not easily available. If you are aware of […]

Hector Badge of Carnage For more video game news visit www.SuperVideoGamer.com    

Hector Badge of Carnage – Episode 1 We Negotiate With Terrorists – The Stakeout

Hector Badge of Carnage For more video game news visit www.SuperVideoGamer.com    

Big thanks to the RidleyReport and LowCountryLibertyReport for allowing me to use portions of their videos to help get you the truth. Be sure to check them both out: LowcountryLibertyReport […]

CIHYAP Episode 15 – “Cops, Lies and Video Tape”

Big thanks to the RidleyReport and LowCountryLibertyReport for allowing me to use portions of their videos to help get you the truth. Be sure to check them both out: LowcountryLibertyReport […]