About Author: Editor

Posts by Editor

Natomas school officials go door to door to find unvaccinated students COMMENT: This outrageous video shows the intimidation tactics of the system being ramped up to once again trick parents […]

Forced Innoculations Now Door to Door! – Alex Jones Special Report 2/2

Natomas school officials go door to door to find unvaccinated students COMMENT: This outrageous video shows the intimidation tactics of the system being ramped up to once again trick parents […]

www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com    

Sexual Escapades of The Global Elite – Alex Jones Tv

www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com    

Playlist www.youtube.com Free The Slaves: Boys for Sale www.archive.org media.abovetopsecret.com Newspaper stories here – www.voxfux.com    

Free The Slaves: Boys For Sale – 12

Playlist www.youtube.com Free The Slaves: Boys for Sale www.archive.org media.abovetopsecret.com Newspaper stories here – www.voxfux.com    

Wikileaks may be grabbing all the headlines, but they’re not the only group online committed to spreading some sunshine into the darker corners of the web. A tour of some […]

The Link – Sharing Secrets

Wikileaks may be grabbing all the headlines, but they’re not the only group online committed to spreading some sunshine into the darker corners of the web. A tour of some […]

Vídeo mostra militares americanos matando a tiros de helicóptero dois funcionários da agência de notícias Reuters. As imagens tiveram sua autenticidade confirmada e vêm se tornando o maior escândalo da […]

Collateral Murder (versão integral WikiLeaks)

Vídeo mostra militares americanos matando a tiros de helicóptero dois funcionários da agência de notícias Reuters. As imagens tiveram sua autenticidade confirmada e vêm se tornando o maior escândalo da […]

christopher-king.blogspot.com ….and christopher-king.blogspot.com …..This poor bloke went in to film himself filing a complaint against a crop duster and wound up having his camera confiscated and being arrested. Meanwhile he […]

Where is the Sheriff video in the Terry Dean Nemmers ArrestaJudgekit Malicious Arrest?

christopher-king.blogspot.com ….and christopher-king.blogspot.com …..This poor bloke went in to film himself filing a complaint against a crop duster and wound up having his camera confiscated and being arrested. Meanwhile he […]

Infowars.com journalist and researcher Aaron Dykes sits in while Alex is away. Aaron covers the latest news and takes your calls. Today’s guest is independent journalist and publisher of The […]

James Corbett: Essays on The New World Order – Alex Jones Tv 2/2

Infowars.com journalist and researcher Aaron Dykes sits in while Alex is away. Aaron covers the latest news and takes your calls. Today’s guest is independent journalist and publisher of The […]

Una vez más, el gobierno quiere forzar a todos a tomar sus vacunas llenas de mercurio, especialmente niños. Alex Jones explica el fraude de la gripe porcina, probado el año […]

Encubrimiento de muertes por vacunas estalla mundialmente — Alex Jones

Una vez más, el gobierno quiere forzar a todos a tomar sus vacunas llenas de mercurio, especialmente niños. Alex Jones explica el fraude de la gripe porcina, probado el año […]

Infowars.com journalist and researcher Aaron Dykes sits in while Alex is away. Aaron covers the latest news and takes your calls. Today’s guest is independent journalist and publisher of The […]

James Corbett: Essays on The New World Order – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Infowars.com journalist and researcher Aaron Dykes sits in while Alex is away. Aaron covers the latest news and takes your calls. Today’s guest is independent journalist and publisher of The […]

Links: twistedthicket.mindmankind.com www.mindmankind.com www.abovetopsecret.com Heres one of my latest songs Provoked. The song is about how things progress in life and how we think as a whole. A reflection on […]

Provoked by Zack Bishop

Links: twistedthicket.mindmankind.com www.mindmankind.com www.abovetopsecret.com Heres one of my latest songs Provoked. The song is about how things progress in life and how we think as a whole. A reflection on […]

Diez años después, el mayor atentado de la historia reciente aún sigue ofreciendo imágenes nunca vistas, perspectivas hasta ahora no contempladas del ataque contra las Torres Gemelas de Nueva York […]

Las imágenes inéditas del 11-S captadas desde un helicóptero

Diez años después, el mayor atentado de la historia reciente aún sigue ofreciendo imágenes nunca vistas, perspectivas hasta ahora no contempladas del ataque contra las Torres Gemelas de Nueva York […]

Know your rights when talking to a police officer: policecrimes.com Never talk to police officer without a lawyer, even when you’re not under arrest. policecrimes.com Visit us on FaceBook www.facebook.com […]

Police Officer in Mississippi at Their Best

Know your rights when talking to a police officer: policecrimes.com Never talk to police officer without a lawyer, even when you’re not under arrest. policecrimes.com Visit us on FaceBook www.facebook.com […]

two helicopters take on eight people in cold blood murder in your name.    

wikileaks choopers shooting reporters

two helicopters take on eight people in cold blood murder in your name.    

DHS Telescreens To Encourage Walmart Shoppers To Spy On Each Other Big Sis Stasi moves from the airport to the malls as America sinks into a total East Germany-style police […]


DHS Telescreens To Encourage Walmart Shoppers To Spy On Each Other Big Sis Stasi moves from the airport to the malls as America sinks into a total East Germany-style police […]

this week i bitchslap the local PCS wanna be as he talks about fucking dinosaurs 1 of 2 mysticalforest www.youtube.com a huge source en.wikipedia.org dino mummy news.nationalgeographic.com flood and culture […]

another noob bites the pwn pt 1

this week i bitchslap the local PCS wanna be as he talks about fucking dinosaurs 1 of 2 mysticalforest www.youtube.com a huge source en.wikipedia.org dino mummy news.nationalgeographic.com flood and culture […]


YouTube – What kinda Terroist Am I.FLV.mp4


ويكيليكس الجزائر رخصت لتحليق طائرات تجسس أمريكية Qatar World Cup 2022 Algérie usa Coupe du Qatar 2022 Qatar Copa do Mundo 2022 Qatar 2022 مبارك حزب مقابل الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية […]

ويكيليكس الجزائر رخصت لطائرات تجسس أمريكية Wikileaks Algeria

ويكيليكس الجزائر رخصت لتحليق طائرات تجسس أمريكية Qatar World Cup 2022 Algérie usa Coupe du Qatar 2022 Qatar Copa do Mundo 2022 Qatar 2022 مبارك حزب مقابل الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية […]

From the 1840s to the 1930s, public-school “progressive” activists like Horace Mann and John Dewey worked to create a public-school system like the one they admired in Prussia (Germany). Mann […]

The Socialist Public Schools are Brainwashing Our Children – Alex Jones Tv

From the 1840s to the 1930s, public-school “progressive” activists like Horace Mann and John Dewey worked to create a public-school system like the one they admired in Prussia (Germany). Mann […]

As the price of gas continues its unprecedented ascent through the stratosphere, Alex talks with pastor Lindsey Williams, who has revealed a plan by the globalists to take oil to […]

Alex Jones 2011-04-13 Wed. Part 3/9

As the price of gas continues its unprecedented ascent through the stratosphere, Alex talks with pastor Lindsey Williams, who has revealed a plan by the globalists to take oil to […]

infowars nightly news reporter, Darrin McBreen talks to UT Students about building 7 on 9/11, and ask if they think it was brought down by a “control demolition” www.infowars.com (Subscribe […]

9/11 Street Poll: Public Awakens to WTC Building 7 Hoax – Special Report

infowars nightly news reporter, Darrin McBreen talks to UT Students about building 7 on 9/11, and ask if they think it was brought down by a “control demolition” www.infowars.com (Subscribe […]