Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
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[..YouTube..] I agree, it wouldn’t make much sense for a car, but it would for electric generators in out of the way places such as islands and even Afghanistan where shipping fuel would be too expensive. Solar panels could be generating energy and spliting water atoms during the day. At night, the hydrogen fuel generator is turned on to run at night. The hydrogen and oxygen combine again to be used the next day. Batteries are expensive to ship, last about 6 years at most and full of toxic material.
[..YouTube..] Sorry everyone who is so hopeful for this. There is a reason nobody has embraced this technology… Its because its worth less.
Splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen (which is what he is doing) takes just as much energy as it generates when you burn hydrogen and oxygen.
This means that this isn’t generating anything. You couldn’t put one of these devices into a car because the car would have to be getting energy from somewhere else to split the water into hydrogen & oxygen before burning
[..YouTube..] wow you made the whole paragraph a sentence, im impressed. (and was out of breath half way)
[..YouTube..] lmao good one
[..YouTube..] wat refbum1, i think if this is used for all these possibilities it will be trouble to the government in a way, the economy will fail greatly because no money will be generated from fuel, and petrol makes alot of money for countries.
[..YouTube..] Holy Quran; “TAKWEER”, verses (6)
An when the seas become as blazing fire.
These are words of Qura by prophet Mohamed who did not know how to write or read.
How water become fire. There is no god except Allah the only one god.
Thank to Allah for being Muslim.
[..YouTube..] Its not the water tat burning you retard, its the gas contained within!
[..YouTube..] yes very very true! only some will find out how to charge it, or make the furnaces so crazy exp, or something, why hasnt this been started already though?
[..YouTube..] Imagine if that salt water flame was used to heat a furnace instead of natural gas. People would pay nothing for a fuel bill and keep warm all winter. Look how much that would save everyone. The possibilities are endless with this. A water powered furnace to heat the home. No more shutting off the gas on elderly peoples homes during the winter who can’t afford to pay their bill.
[..YouTube..] ummm douche, we wouldn’t use all the water EVER because it keeps replenishing supplies by RAIN, as amazing as that sounds, rain puts the water back into the ocean YES!
[..YouTube..] ur an idiot, it’s salt water!
[..YouTube..] water cant burn :)
[..YouTube..] Would you burn all the water off the earth and there be nothing left
[..YouTube..] water is not an element but this is steps into the future lol
[..YouTube..] Pile of shite
[..YouTube..] I believe he was referring to water as a classical element, not a chemical element.
[..YouTube..] it is true they have made quite a few cars that run on a litre of salt water lasts 6hours at 40mph I think or maybe a bit less than that :D
[..YouTube..] I don’t even believe this. … it seems too good to be true.
[..YouTube..] it all depends on how much energy the machine requires to run
also if this was the answer, why have we not heard more about it?
[..YouTube..] omg. the machine WILL use more power than it creates. its elementary……
[..YouTube..] yes indeed, some engineer he is >_>
[..YouTube..] I think he is thinking of the periodic table :P
[..YouTube..] lol, you need to watch more old school kung-fu movies.
water is definitely one of the 5 elements.
[..YouTube..] Did anyone get annoyed at the guy at 2:22 saying water is an element or am i just too geeky.
[..YouTube..] then some asshole dose it to the ocean and kills us all. so fuck that
[..YouTube..] then some asshole dose it to the ocean and kills us all. so fuck that
[..YouTube..] the question is, how much energy do you have to put in this invention and how much can you get out of it..
[..YouTube..] the question is, how much energy do you have to put in this invention and how much can you get out of it..
[..YouTube..] i give him a year to two before an ” unexplainable” death is filed.
[..YouTube..] i give him a year to two before an ” unexplainable” death is filed.
[..YouTube..] Always be weary of a man that thinks water is an element, it’s a molecule, always has been, always will be.
No perpetual motion here me thinks ;)
[..YouTube..] Always be weary of a man that thinks water is an element, it’s a molecule, always has been, always will be.
No perpetual motion here me thinks ;)
[..YouTube..] This is a curious lab experiment and nothing more until he talks about how much energy creating the radio waves requires.
[..YouTube..] This is a curious lab experiment and nothing more until he talks about how much energy creating the radio waves requires.
[..YouTube..] If only we had known this 100 years ago. Imagine no polecap melting, no oil wars, less longue cancer..Everybody had almost free travel to visit anyone in the world.. But yeah.. The oil companies aye? :P
[..YouTube..] If only we had known this 100 years ago. Imagine no polecap melting, no oil wars, less longue cancer..Everybody had almost free travel to visit anyone in the world.. But yeah.. The oil companies aye? :P
[..YouTube..] Just wait til the Oil companys get ahold of it! Good bye invention!
[..YouTube..] Just wait til the Oil companys get ahold of it! Good bye invention!
[..YouTube..] Rocks might melt, and the sea may burn.
Too bad John he died in February.
[..YouTube..] Rocks might melt, and the sea may burn.
Too bad John he died in February.
[..YouTube..] never knew salt water was combustible !
So if the nutty professor builds a giant ray gun and points it towards the great oceans of the world we better pay him zillions so he can cure cancer!!!
That’s funny I thought the cancer charities already had zillions of our cash. :)
[..YouTube..] It’s just basic electrolysis, the fact that it’s generated by radio waves in intriguing, but this certainly isn’t the answer to any energy problems. You still need to generate the radio waves with electricity.
But wait, can’t you just get electricity from the wall outlet…
[..YouTube..] Petrol companies buy out these kinds of ideas so they’re never implemented :( I asked myself the same thing.
If I knew how to do something like that I’d make it available to everyone and not be so flipping greedy.
[..YouTube..] most people find amazing things accidentally while looking for something else
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[..YouTube..] Oh so the laws of thermodynamics have been concocted by the gas companies in order to prevent “amazing” inventions from being developed?
[..YouTube..] the issue is he’s using a shit load of energy on the radio waves
[..YouTube..] Anyone who has taken a high school chem or physics class knows how to do this and they also should know it takes more energy to power his radio transmitter to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen. Would you by a device that gives you only 60% of the energy you put in?
You can do it just by connecting a battery to two nails dipped in water.
This guy must not have taken a HS chem class or should have failed it. At 2:20 he states water is the most abundent element. It’s a molecule.
[..YouTube..] why is this not in all our cars?
[..YouTube..] Funny thing that this video was posted two years ago with an amazing breakthrough of water turned into fuel, yet I’ve never heard of it until now. It also seems interesting that one of these people refer to water as an element. Whatever this video is, it is NOT LEGITIMATE.