Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
alternative fuel gas alternatives alternative fuel automobiles http://www.unspillable.com space solar power solar wind power solar technology solar panels
[..YouTube..] They aint gonna use this shit anyway … This world is messed up … they could buld a car that runs with water too … but nah boay is all about da money
[..YouTube..] They aint gonna use this shit anyway … This world is messed up … they could buld a car that runs with water too … but nah boay is all about da money
[..YouTube..] You don’t have to treat me like a four year old. Yes I realize that my point was exaggerated, but im not an “uneducated fool”. I have no doubt that this invention will make this make the world a better place, but who knows what this will do the the financial world.
[..YouTube..] You don’t have to treat me like a four year old. Yes I realize that my point was exaggerated, but im not an “uneducated fool”. I have no doubt that this invention will make this make the world a better place, but who knows what this will do the the financial world.
[..YouTube..] water can be separated into dueterium (heavy water) , and used in a fusion reaction to produce helium. the same proccess that goes on in the sun. there are much better ways to used water, problembs are reaching the breakeven temperature needed to sustain the reaction and containg the plasma research tokamak fusion reactor Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory,
[..YouTube..] water can be separated into dueterium (heavy water) , and used in a fusion reaction to produce helium. the same proccess that goes on in the sun. there are much better ways to used water, problembs are reaching the breakeven temperature needed to sustain the reaction and containg the plasma research tokamak fusion reactor Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory,
[..YouTube..] hmmm this vid was posted more than 2 years ago… i never heard anything about this until just now… that just the norm when it comes to this kind of stuff…
did you guys know that the electric car was invented and in production already? gas companies totally F***ed them over though…
[..YouTube..] You don’t get it, this is a very ineffective way of doing this, yes. But the fact that we now know salt water (the most abundant thing on our planet) CAN be used as fuel will lead to research and development of better ways of doing it. The invention is so exciting because of what we can do with it in the future, not how crude the process is now. Remember, with time, everything like this gets more efficient..look at cars. We use less fuel in them each passing year. Time will sort this out.
[..YouTube..] you don’t get it !!! you need more energy to create the radio waves than you get from the reaction. i even asked a qualified science teacher !!!!!
[..YouTube..] conservation of energy
he is using a very large amount of electricity to make the radio frequency which he is then using to release a smaller amount of energy in the water through ionisation. very inefficient.
[..YouTube..] Dude, let me explain it to you: the energy that you put into making the radio waves = the energy you get out by burning the water. It’s called conservation of energy. If you “recycled” the energy there would be no energy left to power the wheels.
[..YouTube..] the fire creats energy which can run the car, recharge the cars battery and recycle the energry back into the radio waves machine. you can creat a hybrid car that uses gas, water and electricity and by that reduce the need for gas and get better milage.
but im pretty sure the gas companies will make sure this invention will disapear and never be developed. cuz who needs a better world when you have money?
[..YouTube..] So a standard electric car has a bank of batteries to power the motor which makes the car go. Simple.
For this guy’s amazing invention to work you would need to have in your car a tank of salt water and a bank of batteries to create the radio waves to electrolyse the water.
So what the hell is the point of having the tank of water anyway?! To turn the electricity into cool looking flames?
[..YouTube..] it’s called water ionization. this dude’s about 60 years late.
[..YouTube..] Right on. It would also be a gateway for greedy corporate fuckers to lay claims on the ocean, and profit from yet ANOTHER resource, that will run out due to overconsumption in 500 years anyways.
[..YouTube..] hahahaah yeah right
[..YouTube..] technology exists 1000s of years ahead of our time, the governments just supress it and release it slowly and profit
[..YouTube..] true
[..YouTube..] ok idea, but.. you need a lot of electricity to create enough radio waves
[..YouTube..] Nah and they didn’t say how much e.g. one litre of water would burn… if it burns for one minute, imagine how much you would need for a car ;)
On the other hand, I saw once on Reuters, that japanese invented a car that runs on fluids with a mere 90 km/h for 1h with only one litre… I am still sceptical but I mean Reuters is not that bad of a source. But still, if they had it why wasn’t it on any other sources?
[..YouTube..] The only problem is that far too much energy is needed to produce those EM waves. So much so that it would be far more efficient to simply use a conventional electric motor.
[..YouTube..] when you run a car the only time your battery is used is the ignition.. then the engine generates the energy.. you start the ignition normally.. pass the first few waves out with the battery.. then circulate the energy produced from the belts turning or the wheels which are always turning unless @ a full stop.. and together you have what we have today cars that have a battery which lasts like 10 years lol
[..YouTube..] why..? do you know how a car runs.. its just a series of explosions thats all.. that flame bursts into 1300 degrees c which is EXTREMELY hot.. inject the salt water just like you would gasoline and pressurize it and send a jet of radio waves into each cylinder and voila it will be compressed air/water/salt mixture, the flame will evaporate the water the water extremely fast and push the pistons back out and you got an internal combustion engine with radio waves
[..YouTube..] bullshit
[..YouTube..] total genius
[..YouTube..] i reckon itll take 10 yrs before these radiowaves emitters can be mass produced and used in cars and stuff
[..YouTube..] yeah good idea ;/ but you would only get enough to power something like one light bulb
[..YouTube..] i’m sorry. i just suppose i wish i was born in the distant future rather than here and now. I walk around feeling depressed and hateful that i live in a world where people’s main focus isn’t improving technology and mastering intergalactic space travel…… oh well……
[..YouTube..] clothes and money and their respective values are determined by the average of what each individual in our economy determine them to be. it may complicate your life, but if you arent prepared to take extreme personal measures to extract yourself from this community, youre going to have to find a way to keep up or shut up. but i wont tell you to shut up on youtube because i respect your right to an opinion, however much i may disagree with it. youre alright, slayingminion.
[..YouTube..] couldnt they use the energy made to power the waves also like a car use batteries to power up ythen uses gas to run :0
[..YouTube..] Water’s made of hydrogen and oxygen… hydrogen can run stuff… but apparently you need to break water chemically apart which requires energy to do…
[..YouTube..] The fuel is not salt water. Energy comes from his external energy waves.
This sort of reporting makes people beleive that it is possible to run a car on water, and is food for conspiracy theorists.
Very irresponsible.
[..YouTube..] cant wait to see we use up the sea.. in 100 years..
[..YouTube..] yeah, but yo need electricity to generate those radio waves, a lot of it, so in the end it’s not so power efficient. i’ll stick to EVs
[..YouTube..] yeah, but yo need electricity to generate those radio waves, a lot of it, so in the end it’s not so power efficient. i’ll stick to EVs
[..YouTube..] Lol.. joka :D
[..YouTube..] Lol.. joka :D
[..YouTube..] …He got a gullible TV station full of science drop-outs (whenever it is legal in that state to stop taking science classes) who know nothing more than to put a video TV report together, and deceived them with a thermodynamic fallacy.
If you want to see a legitimate use of this technology, look up Inductively-Coupled Plasma Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, which vaporizes solutions to determine concentrations of metals by measuring the light frequencies they absorb in the flame.
[..YouTube..] …He got a gullible TV station full of science drop-outs (whenever it is legal in that state to stop taking science classes) who know nothing more than to put a video TV report together, and deceived them with a thermodynamic fallacy.
If you want to see a legitimate use of this technology, look up Inductively-Coupled Plasma Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, which vaporizes solutions to determine concentrations of metals by measuring the light frequencies they absorb in the flame.
[..YouTube..] Sigh. Still this crap floating around? Water is NOT a fuel, it has the lowest chemical potential of almost all other substances. A chemist will tell you it is a product of reaction, not a reactant itself. It is like ashes, you can’t power anything with ashes. The energy comes from the high-energy radio-frequency generator this “inventor” uses to excite the electrons in the water and make it appear to burn, and so he’s EXPENDING energy to display a little flame.
[..YouTube..] Sigh. Still this crap floating around? Water is NOT a fuel, it has the lowest chemical potential of almost all other substances. A chemist will tell you it is a product of reaction, not a reactant itself. It is like ashes, you can’t power anything with ashes. The energy comes from the high-energy radio-frequency generator this “inventor” uses to excite the electrons in the water and make it appear to burn, and so he’s EXPENDING energy to display a little flame.
[..YouTube..] Jeez… you just ruined every bodies false hopes
[..YouTube..] Jeez… you just ruined every bodies false hopes
[..YouTube..] wow thats amazing!
he should let companies use that
[..YouTube..] wow thats amazing!
he should let companies use that
[..YouTube..] thats hilarious dude! lol
[..YouTube..] thats hilarious dude! lol
[..YouTube..] omg this is NOT GOING TO WORK it takes more energy to create the radio waves than you get from the reaction !!!!!
[..YouTube..] someone tell him not to sell it to the oil companies or it’ll never be used for transportation or they’ll ruin that too
[..YouTube..] someone tell him not to sell it to the oil companies or it’ll never be used for transportation or they’ll ruin that too