Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
alternative fuel gas alternatives alternative fuel automobiles http://www.unspillable.com space solar power solar wind power solar technology solar panels
[..YouTube..] pff you suck, try to block this ..i..,
[..YouTube..] pff you suck, try to block this ..i..,
[..YouTube..] this is good until when we use all the ocean water lol jk good job man
[..YouTube..] this is good until when we use all the ocean water lol jk good job man
[..YouTube..] its sodium and chloride so theyll probably just putem back together
[..YouTube..] its sodium and chloride so theyll probably just putem back together
[..YouTube..] you clearly dont understand history but ok then also deserts form because water is being used somewhere else, larger ice fields means larger deserts, and i know you havent been outside in a while; thos things, floating in the sky, made of water, those are called clouds, and when theres a lot of them, it rains, welcome to earth.
[..YouTube..] you clearly dont understand history but ok then also deserts form because water is being used somewhere else, larger ice fields means larger deserts, and i know you havent been outside in a while; thos things, floating in the sky, made of water, those are called clouds, and when theres a lot of them, it rains, welcome to earth.
[..YouTube..] he turned water into fire, im impressed lol
[..YouTube..] he turned water into fire, im impressed lol
[..YouTube..] dont poop your pants and stay out, your blocked now becouse you suck
[..YouTube..] haha
[..YouTube..] “he doesn’t have the funds to build a very large scale model”
The physics don’t change because you increase quantities.
Kanzius’ process separates water into hydrogen and oxygen. That’s it. The flame is burning hydrogen, which is combining with oxygen to produce… water (in other words, water has LESS energy than hydrogen+oxygen separately). If it produced more energy than it consumed, it would violate thermodynamics.
It’s interesting only as an alternative to electrolysis.
[..YouTube..] then stop reading ass (YOU SUCK YOU LOSE IN YOUR OWN GRAMATICAL SHIT)
[..YouTube..] The energy is coming from radio waves. Still interesting. Second of all you also need to think how control waves in a car. Still interesting.
[..YouTube..] I’m very confused how this made the news. The “fuel” is not salt water. The “fuel” is whatever powers the giant radio field generator. The water being electrolyzed and burning is just a use of the energy from the radio generator. No revolutionary power source here, just a revolutionary way to use power.
[..YouTube..] i say we make a giant one and burn the oceans
[..YouTube..] how did this get in television.. america truly is land of opportunity, for dumb fucks who dont know the basics of physics.
[..YouTube..] I don’t, but (1) listen do the damn thing hum, it sounds like it pulls a lot more current than a microwave, to produce a rather feeble flame, (2) if it didn’t consume more energy than it produced, this would have revolutionized energy production on Earth, completely removing our dependence on fossil fuels, and made this man the richest human being in history. This is an OLD story.
[..YouTube..] Tesla also never did anything with them.
[..YouTube..] How do you know how much energy it uses?
[..YouTube..] cool
[..YouTube..] Wouldnt the extra sodium have a eroding effects on metals ans concreat when after being burnd in high amounts return to earth it might also effect lots of other platnt life and other things
there will be an con to all solutions
[..YouTube..] Sodium in the air, nice
Life would be gone on earth in less then a year if every single car ran on salt water as shown in this. Great idea but do the math
[..YouTube..] but if hydrogen and oxygen seperate in this process they will combine back together and make H20 thus making the same amount of water used after it goes back through the water cycle rinse repeat
[..YouTube..] oh wow is is a good idea really it is wonderful but if a big compine buys this idea they will uses up our water all the water in the world will dry up oceans in to deserts in a matter of years if fueling the whole world its a wonderful idea no lie but the results would be tragic please please go and cure cancer hat all well and good but the water will dry up if used all at once buy the world it will be just like petrol us the winds or the sun to power things its 10x better for our future
[..YouTube..] And the Simpsons did it!
[..YouTube..] oh just shut the hell up
[..YouTube..] This just in John Cansus has been assinated… go figure…
[..YouTube..] I’m making my own water powered V8 Dodge 4×4 via the directions set forth in the Stan Meyer patents, videos, and books. I put everything I use on a DVD and sell it for project funding.
Clean water burns crystal clear and this guy is burning a lot of (yellow is sodium)impurities in his flame. Do you think that sodium is good for your engine or oil?
My replication of the Meyer’s technology uses clean Spring and Distilled water and the exhaust can be recycled endlessly if you can catch it all.
[..YouTube..] there has been similar inventions like this..but still,no car was ever released using water..i get the feeling they were paid huge amount to shut up and forget it.
[..YouTube..] where are you going to get the electricity from in the first place? this “invention” solves nothing
i see now new idea other than using radio waves to conduct electolisis
[..YouTube..] why so many thumbs down he’s right.
[..YouTube..] yay! now instead of taking fuel and destroying our earth, we can take away salt water and ruin homes for billions of fish and water dwelling animals!
[..YouTube..] oh a gramatical einstein (actually a fallacy one) SALT WATER, OCEAN, RIVERS, RAIN, CLOUDS, SUN, have you heard of that? if dont then shut up and go to your 1rs grade class
[..YouTube..] in mars? i think no1 “before” me lived IN mars , maybe on mars? and anyways i dont live ON mars , and btw do you think water is unending?
[..YouTube..] Energy (radiowaves) to create energy (burning salt water)? Yeah, that’s genius …
[..YouTube..] yeah that was… terrible.
[..YouTube..] isnt it amazing when someone comes up with a bright idea that could change the world you get all these leapers that come out of the wood work and bag the theory.. Dont be jealous just because you didnt come up with it douche bags. instead of finding holes in this why dont you spend sometime fixing them or just keep you negitive opinions to yourselves.
[..YouTube..] This guys must be almost as smart as einstein =D
[..YouTube..] Water is the most abundent element?! You mean molecule? And no, it’s not. This won’t work.
[..YouTube..] XD
now we have to pay to go to the beach
yaaaaaaaaaaaay <3
[..YouTube..] Hydrogen is most probaly the way forward, as it may not be the most abundent thing on earth (it can be extracted from water ect..) but is the most ubundent thing in the UNIVERSE.
And in repliance to my last reply, I ment: He realy isn’t clever.
[..YouTube..] He really isn’t, I have just completed my GCSEs and I know those radio waves can cause cancer, they are given out by faulty microwave ovens, you can do the same floresent tube test and so on… He says that water is the most abundent thing in the world – carbon is dipshit. The surface of the world – yes “water” maybe, but think of the whole world, hardly any of it is water… And think, what where we putting in are cars…? Carbon…
[..YouTube..] Why those inventions are not working now? Because behind this there are many interests in the game…..the mafia of oil and pharmacy
[..YouTube..] FAIL. Dont you think someone would have figured out the salt water thing already. Do you think some lonesome guy is just going to figure it out. I hate the newsm, they just feed you bullshit.
[..YouTube..] FAIL. Dont you think someone would have figured out the salt water thing already. Do you think some lonesome guy is just going to figure it out. I hate the newsm, they just feed you bullshit.
[..YouTube..] i’m not saying that its not a good invention because it it is amazing.
But on the other hand there didn’t seem to be any vaporization for precipitation. This questions weather it’s renewable. However the amount of water was small, but if we where consuming it like fuel , it would only be a matter of time. . .
[..YouTube..] i’m not saying that its not a good invention because it it is amazing.
But on the other hand there didn’t seem to be any vaporization for precipitation. This questions weather it’s renewable. However the amount of water was small, but if we where consuming it like fuel , it would only be a matter of time. . .
[..YouTube..] That is the question — how much power does it take to produce the radio waves? One would guess, a lot.