Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
alternative fuel gas alternatives alternative fuel automobiles http://www.unspillable.com space solar power solar wind power solar technology solar panels
[..YouTube..] That is the question — how much power does it take to produce the radio waves? One would guess, a lot.
[..YouTube..] LOL, this is at leats better than hybrids.
[..YouTube..] LOL, this is at leats better than hybrids.
[..YouTube..] WHAT this is one smart mutherfucker man
[..YouTube..] WHAT this is one smart mutherfucker man
[..YouTube..] yea but still, salt water as fuel
[..YouTube..] yea but still, salt water as fuel
[..YouTube..] wasn’t he in halflife?
[..YouTube..] wasn’t he in halflife?
[..YouTube..] is this salt water thing out yet
[..YouTube..] is this salt water thing out yet
[..YouTube..] I’d say if you ramped up the scale to say a power plant size then it might start giving energy… but im just guessing
[..YouTube..] I’d say if you ramped up the scale to say a power plant size then it might start giving energy… but im just guessing
[..YouTube..] I love the scientist at 1:51 haha
[..YouTube..] I love the scientist at 1:51 haha
[..YouTube..] “the existance of such technology”
What technology? The machine producing the radio waves that makes that salt water burn uses more energy than the burning produces. In other words, this is not a way of producing energy, it’s a way of consuming it.
[..YouTube..] “the existance of such technology”
What technology? The machine producing the radio waves that makes that salt water burn uses more energy than the burning produces. In other words, this is not a way of producing energy, it’s a way of consuming it.
[..YouTube..] um so does that mean each car would have ta have dat huge frequency thing in it ?
he should try it with more salt water
[..YouTube..] TRUE!
Are these guys dead yet?
[..YouTube..] This video with almost 900k views shows the existance of such technology and yet every political “go greener” is still telling us to go out and buy hybrids and carbon creadits. I mean what the hell, this kinda stuff has been around for a long time too.
[..YouTube..] AMAZING!?!!1!!!
[..YouTube..] AMAZING!?!!1!!!
[..YouTube..] Gasoline burns long, and along with solar power, might be one of the most abundant energy sources in the solar system, but for that very reason, America has made that expensive. Maybe the government is filling our minds with this “Go Green” thing, to scare us into buying “green” products for our cars, which could possibly be more expensive than fuel, by making us think it’s gonna be the end of the world if we don’t buy these products. So the government can make money advertising by scaring us.
[..YouTube..] Gasoline burns long, and along with solar power, might be one of the most abundant energy sources in the solar system, but for that very reason, America has made that expensive. Maybe the government is filling our minds with this “Go Green” thing, to scare us into buying “green” products for our cars, which could possibly be more expensive than fuel, by making us think it’s gonna be the end of the world if we don’t buy these products. So the government can make money advertising by scaring us.
[..YouTube..] TESLA did it first
and it was stoled
[..YouTube..] TESLA did it first
and it was stoled
[..YouTube..] i tought the same, but hes using the generator to stract the power from the water like the spark in the car does with the fuel, maybe some details about the energy porcentage win will be good
[..YouTube..] i tought the same, but hes using the generator to stract the power from the water like the spark in the car does with the fuel, maybe some details about the energy porcentage win will be good
[..YouTube..] the sea? mmh did you live in mars?
[..YouTube..] the sea? mmh did you live in mars?
[..YouTube..] what a genius man ! Damn impressed
[..YouTube..] and what if water will run out
[..YouTube..] To mate2000,
Although I agree with you on the concept of the power needed to run the emitter, I can’t believe you actually asked the second question.
Burned water turns into vapor…it doesn’t just disappear. The water will all eventually return in the form of rain.
However in my mind that brings up an interesting question. If this were to ever become a mass use system would the weather patterns around big cities start to change?
[..YouTube..] hydrogen seperation we use now doesn’t ignite it right away, with this technology we can put saltwater in the car and use electricity to power it with more power than normal electric motors
[..YouTube..] i seen this on tv. i think it was the channel 3 in ohio
[..YouTube..] Isn’t hydrogen separation from water already invented?
C + H2O → CO + H2
So this invetion replaces coal usage with radiowaves?
(I might be terribly wrong, i’m just throwing out what I suspect)
[..YouTube..] One word. Lame.
How much power does the radio GENERATOR use?
Retarded “invention”.
Fossil fuels work so well because they are, duh, fossils. Energy from LIFE. Life which gathered energy from the sun (or other geologic sources) and died. A lot of the gathered energy never left the body when it died.
As in business, the simple solution. Cut out the middle man. Get from the sun.
[..YouTube..] water is hydrogen and oxygen
when seperated these two burn together like nothing else pretty much
[..YouTube..] lol its alright english is actually my second language too
[..YouTube..] One word: Genius.
[..YouTube..] lol
[..YouTube..] What about the radio frequency generator: where does it get its power from, and how much power does it consume? Maybe it’s not as effective as it sounds? What is the result of burning salt water, what remains of it after it burns? Are we sure we’re not going to end up running out of water at some point?
[..YouTube..] The fish are fucked.
[..YouTube..] Thats amazing in so many ways!!!!
[..YouTube..] radiation reaction differs to electricity so he made a radiation powered machine that burned it. it has nothing to do with watts. if it did then people would already thought of it and they to apply it but rather the chemical reaction from the radiation to the salt made it burn
[..YouTube..] so you run your car on salt water
to bad it takes 100killowats of electricity pumped into a microwave to burn that salt water
never gonna work as a fuel
[..YouTube..] You silly person, I know that. I was simply referring to the gigantic flame. Lol. It’s hard to explain what I meant. I can mostly describe it in Norwegian, but not in English. :D
[..YouTube..] Um todays current combustion engines have gases lit on fire and exploded in simple terms inside the cylinders, hence the name Combustion engine….
[..YouTube..] lol :D
the stirling engine powered only by the burning salt water!!
(did they completely forget about the radio generator sucking enough power to run hundreds of little heat engines?)
come on broadcasters, thermodynamics!