Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
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[..YouTube..] I wish people would take the time they spend typing inane responses and instead do a little research.
The news story misrepresented his findings. He never claimed he found a resolution or an alternative energy source. He simply thinks his “reunification” technique could be thought provoking at best.
The real success and claims come from the application to targeted cancer eradication which not only showed promise, but was also tested, proven & is pending federal funding.
[..YouTube..] the government will just take over this too, just like the oil companies… that’s all.
[..YouTube..] he gonna make millions of dollars
[..YouTube..] This is a novel way to produce gasses from water. The salt water is NOT burning, the gasses produced are. This needs a closer look, not as a source of magic power but as a way to split water, i.e. is it more efficient than the standard hydro-electrolysis method.
[..YouTube..] You need salt water. Do you know where salt water comes from? wow… sucks to be you.
[..YouTube..] why its this still not available everywhere?, because of the oil mafia of course!
[..YouTube..] Yes, I would LOVE to drive a flaming car! Of course insurance would skyrocket and we would all most likely die in carfires, but YES, MAKING NEW CAR ENGINES IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN CANCER. Cancer is SO last year! (in case you’re stupid, I was being sarcastic)
[..YouTube..] I have this RF generator that he is using. In the video he is turning it up to about %50 output. The power that its consuming at that rate is not the power he will get out of burning that water. Lump this guy in with all the other wackos.
[..YouTube..] ok but u still have to turn the radio transmitter on and that takes energy where do you get this energy from a match or some…
[..YouTube..] Bad science and even worse journalism to actually run this story
[..YouTube..] wow i would love to see how much energy is wasted, at the moment it is NOWHERE NEAR a net gain it really is, well crap until they get net gain, THEN IM BEHIND HIM ALL THE WAY, still nuclear fusion wins, it runs off of 1/6000 th of the worlds ocean and will last longer than renewable energies, 150 BILLION years
[..YouTube..] 2:21 water =/= element? o.o
[..YouTube..] i can totally see some nut going to the beach and yell
[..YouTube..] same as what you get out of it? wrong! you lose energy every step. this is why the new hydrogen cars need to have an external power source. whether it be a generator powered by breaking, a solar panel, or just a bunch of batteries you recharge. but still, hydrogen is a very feasible fuel source
[..YouTube..] I am going off to my local river to collect water now, it will be valuable in the future
[..YouTube..] then some ass will come along and try to set the ocean on fire…. we r not ready,,,,,,
[..YouTube..] you could separate the oxygen and hydrogen from water which are both combustable, using electrolysis and burn that as a fuel, they teach this in schools. problem is the power it takes to extract the engergy is about the same as what you get out of it so inventions like this are pretty cool but pointless…
[..YouTube..] It wouldn’t matter what you hooked it up to. If you are going to use electricity to power a radio emitter, which separates hydrogen from water to power a sterling engine which powers a generator to electricity to power your car… then you’ve just made a full circle, just use the electricity you started with to power the electric car instead of all the crap in between, you only lose energy by doing adding all this other stuff.
[..YouTube..] It wouldn’t matter what you hooked it up to. If you are going to use electricity to power a radio emitter, which separates hydrogen from water to power a sterling engine which powers a generator to electricity to power your car… then you’ve just made a full circle, just use the electricity you started with to power the electric car instead of all the crap in between, you only lose energy by doing adding all this other stuff.
[..YouTube..] What about if you connected the engine to a generator and had an electric car??!
[..YouTube..] What about if you connected the engine to a generator and had an electric car??!
[..YouTube..] the oil companies work for the government > oil companies go bankrupt > government bans this invention, no way this will be our next fuel
[..YouTube..] the oil companies work for the government > oil companies go bankrupt > government bans this invention, no way this will be our next fuel
[..YouTube..] It could be, but the universe still follows the laws of thermodynamics and it takes more energy to produce the hydrogen than you get out of it, making it useless.
[..YouTube..] It could be, but the universe still follows the laws of thermodynamics and it takes more energy to produce the hydrogen than you get out of it, making it useless.
[..YouTube..] embarrassing.
[..YouTube..] embarrassing.
[..YouTube..] hoax
[..YouTube..] hoax
[..YouTube..] so why arent any cars running on it now ???
[..YouTube..] so why arent any cars running on it now ???
[..YouTube..] You can burn pretty much anything containing oxygen for fuel. The trouble with this “invention” though, is that it uses more energy to burn the water than you get from the reaction… Way to make your car LESS efficient.
[..YouTube..] You can burn pretty much anything containing oxygen for fuel. The trouble with this “invention” though, is that it uses more energy to burn the water than you get from the reaction… Way to make your car LESS efficient.
[..YouTube..] this could be the greatest dicovery mankind has ever faced
[..YouTube..] this could be the greatest dicovery mankind has ever faced
[..YouTube..] i just realized, if you built a big enough machine to create strong enough radio waves you could set the sea on fire… imagine riding a flamming wave! thats where this technology should go….:)
[..YouTube..] i just realized, if you built a big enough machine to create strong enough radio waves you could set the sea on fire… imagine riding a flamming wave! thats where this technology should go….:)
[..YouTube..] what a good person
[..YouTube..] he should make an air powered engine that has clean air exhaust also, that would be better
[..YouTube..] PA all the way…but i live in Philly lol
[..YouTube..] I am so amazed…all these years I have been trying to invent..lol and never came to this close……….lol….
[..YouTube..] salt water can burn for making energyï¼ï¼ï¼
what a greatest new in the universeï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼
[..YouTube..] I have found a new scientist role model… See ya, Einstein!!
[..YouTube..] what SO incredibly good about this invention too is the fact that you can’t just light saltwater with a match or any flame… you need those special radio waves to do it, which makes it an extremely safe fuel too… just amazing.
[..YouTube..] what SO incredibly good about this invention too is the fact that you can’t just light saltwater with a match or any flame… you need those special radio waves to do it, which makes it an extremely safe fuel too… just amazing.
[..YouTube..] what SO incredibly good about this invention too is the fact that you can’t just light saltwater with a match or any flame… you need those special radio waves to do it, which makes it an extremely safe fuel too… just amazing.
[..YouTube..] yeah
[..YouTube..] yeah
[..YouTube..] yeah
[..YouTube..] amazing! this man deserves knighting :D