Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
alternative fuel gas alternatives alternative fuel automobiles http://www.unspillable.com space solar power solar wind power solar technology solar panels
[..YouTube..] 3 Reasons Why This Invention Probably Wont be seen in the public. 1 becuase It reqiures a masive amount of energy to use on an engine, better off fred flinstoneing yer car. 2 You have people who doubt this guy and his invention so he has to go around proving that it works. 3 Obama is president, he hates technology and you know what… he hates black people too!!!
[..YouTube..] @synapsii Um no. The way an engine works is that you burn a fuel. The energy released from burning the fuel does two things. Primarily it runs the engine (makes the car move). But it also brings new fuel into the system and gets it ready to be burnt (injects fuel and compresses it in the case of the car).
So essentially the idea is that some of the energy released by burning the salt water would power the radio transmitter and the rest would power the vehicle or whatever.
[..YouTube..] Conspiracy at its finest. This really makes me wonder why we are still using oil. Anyone care to take a guess? EXACTLY!!! This probably aired the news once or twice and then was canned… unbelievable. At a time like this when we need it SO much too… WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] @iLove50pounders Well it does not suite the global economy plans… or else what where all these wars for? It’s the black GOLD what really interests them and get them working and the economy growing… SALT WATER ha ha ha why are we going to use this… then all the seas would have to be privatized, etc…
[..YouTube..] if that shit can light up salt water like that, KEEP THAT AWAY FROM THE FUCKIN OCEAN!!!
[..YouTube..] @n00bs4brkfst Its not free energy, you are still burning a fuel therefore putting something in.
[..YouTube..] @iLove50pounders BP bought the technology and stored it in a cabinet. Also they killed the inventor.
[..YouTube..] That is true BS. How the hell much energy does that damn antenna require?
[..YouTube..] ***Copy and Paste to hear the HOTTEST Hip Hop song to be Released!!!***
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[..YouTube..] He said himself that it took more RF energy to produce the fire. He was trying to do desalinization and found out alot of power caused salt water to burst into flames.
[..YouTube..] @iLove50pounders obviously the generation of the radio waves creates a huge inefficiency within the system; you’re using electricity + salt water to power an engine when you couldve just supplied the engine with the original electricity to begin with.
[..YouTube..] free energy? what free energy?
Before you can make the water burn, you need to heat it up with sufficient energy (radiowaves) to get it to do that. That always uses more energy than it releases.
So, sienctific nonsense.
[..YouTube..] I’ll tell you where it is: Down the drain.
Why? It’s no problem to make water burn if you first use energy (radiowaves) to make it do that. So what’s the practical use?
[..YouTube..] @tulile86
Strange enough to a response to tulile86 who posted of deaths from people prior to this guy trying to invent something similar – John S. Kanzius died on February 18, 2009 aged 64. Suposedly because of pneumonia.
[..YouTube..] Strange enough to a response to tulile86 who posted of deaths from people prior to this guy trying to invent something similar – John S. Kanzius died on February 18, 2009 aged 64. Suposedly because of pneumonia.
[..YouTube..] i know right
[..YouTube..] isnt there salt water in our cells
[..YouTube..] how much energy does 1 gallon of saltwater produce? does it compare to gas or diesel? what is the cost of the radio wave generator? poor reporting
[..YouTube..] he sound like Microsoft Sam :D
[..YouTube..] 2007: ‘This could change the world!’
Well, that happened.
[..YouTube..] this is actually the third time that a water engine has been made. the first guy was in the 80 and got killed the second guy sold the pattern to no other than oil companies and this guy died from cancer and hes machine that cures cancer is still being tested after it did not work for him.
[..YouTube..] @iLove50pounders Yeah right, more like the oil giants dont want it to happen.
[..YouTube..] @JohnWestMinor That’s like saying the government can figure out a way to tax the sun on solar energy. There’s no way OIL companies are going to distribute something that can compete with their MAIN source of revenue, even if it comes from the same company! You really need to go back and learn what free enterprise is all about. Why supply customers with an alternative to something they already have in abundance and can get away with charging an arm and a leg for? Be real, please.
[..YouTube..] Oh no not another water fuel scam!
[..YouTube..] Lol most abundant element… And he built that machine.And WTF no one has bothered to use the ideas? I thought I would have seen one car by now using that tech
[..YouTube..] finally, an invention that’s actually useful.
[..YouTube..] fu…ing arabs they can kill him now???
[..YouTube..] water is not an element
[..YouTube..] water isn’t an element, it’s a molecule.
[..YouTube..] but how is he producing the radio waves ?
[..YouTube..] This was an April fools joke!!
[..YouTube..] @kaaajeee mm, the small test tube test is a sampler, i think it would be difficult to have that kind of a generator to focus on mass water. also…radio waves are used …every where, they travel through our body…they are everywhere, cell phones and shit…i dont think this stuff is for real…maybe he just put Calcium or somtin in the water…cool fire show though.
[..YouTube..] ok ok hol up….which frequency of radio waves is this??????? cuz weve been using radio waves for a very long time over seas….i don see the pacific flaming..and if anyone knows the frequency or ANY THING about this radio frequency generator. leme know, i wana try this shit out, see if this guy is for real
[..YouTube..] @JohnWestMinor Exactly: and with natural byproducts, this is huge.
[..YouTube..] And why is no company looking into both principles? The way I see it with the high incidence of cancer and fossil fuel related issues it would be worth it to give it our best shot. Is human ingenuity and science really become so completely enslaved by particular interest and money? Sadly it wold appear so.
[..YouTube..] @airsofteer True, the radio wave is just starting a chain reaction, it’s not the energy source.
It’s like starting a fire with a match. The match isn’t the energy source, just the catalyst. You only put a small amount of energy into creating a blazing, beautiful bonfire.
[..YouTube..] @TheMarkNessMonster Bullshit. They’d just switch over to being salt water distribution companies (which would have the added benefit of increasing the water supplies in areas with little water). They’re out to make money, not to force everyone to use oil and oil alone.
[..YouTube..] Do you kno he Died ?
in 2009 ?
maybe murdered…
[..YouTube..] Aw shit…. Now WATER is gonna be wasted away and none will be available in 500 years. Just kidding!! Or maybe I’m right….
[..YouTube..] OMG, this is amazong!!
[..YouTube..] @phtmexplo Good point, but remember that it uses radio waves. A small radio wave generator can be used to ignite the salt water, which in turn used to generate power, probably more than it took to generate the radio wave. You may think this is crazy to get more energy than you put in, but you’re forgetting the potential energy already stored in the water molecule.
[..YouTube..] amazing. i wish i was more intelligent. ive tried to brainstorm for ideas and found out a lot of things you think of are already patented or there is something similar. i hope this guy didnt let the cat out of the bag with his discovery.
[..YouTube..] And how much energy (power) does that machine consume to work ?
[..YouTube..] i’m sure that creating those radio waves takes so much more energy than that flame can deliver to engine.
Correct me if im wrong, but isnt it the most basic rule in chemistry, that dissolving any molecule takes exactly the same energy, as is produced by putting it back together? plus there have to be great loss as radio waves cant be aimed well enough to deliver 100% of their energy to water molecules, as well as the heat of flame escapes from the engine to air.
[..YouTube..] lets hope this comes to market. Oil companies will do anything to stop this though.
[..YouTube..] too bad all the salt water is now going to be oil…
[..YouTube..] He soon will have a visit of some men in black with enormous guns…
Should have shut his mouth and made motors just for his relatives!
[..YouTube..] its one thing burning oil for power, we don’t really ‘need’ oil.
both oil and water are a finite resource.
anyone else see anything wrong here??? ;)
[..YouTube..] i think its possible as an energy source it just needs a few more years of tweaking b4 anything good will come of it. im sure with funding and the right people this can be the future. i mean why not? we are already running cars on veggie oils