Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
alternative fuel gas alternatives alternative fuel automobiles http://www.unspillable.com space solar power solar wind power solar technology solar panels
[..YouTube..] thats kickass but wtf happend to it its 2009 and i have never heard of this
[..YouTube..] if i was him i would make a paton or wat ever u call it for that machine and idea so no1 could take it and set up a sea water fuel company to make billions and use that billions to continue his quest to cure cancer :D aaannd u have enuf money to do what ever u want
[..YouTube..] come on someone came energy from fart already
[..YouTube..] Hmmm… What power do they use to generate the radio waves to heat the water??
[..YouTube..] so thos that mean there is a cure for cancer.lol
[..YouTube..] one good invention leads to another good cause. love it.
[..YouTube..] haha the guy at 1:50 talks so funny
[..YouTube..] Shut the fuck up, obviously it has some importance if it’s a new way to kill cancer and purify water. YOU are all stupid thinking this is pointless cause this is one step closer to a healthier planet.
[..YouTube..] Well said.
[..YouTube..] sooo… does that mean doctors are going to use this technique to kill cancer?
[..YouTube..] no, your fucking stupid, of course then, the idea was still in progress, it wasnt going to solve the fossil fuel problems in a day, the invention needs progressing and improving. cunt.
[..YouTube..] did the salt water die?
[..YouTube..] Why doesn’t he just hook up the little motor to an outlet. he is wasting energy by connecting it to that radio.
[..YouTube..] LOL, how much power is that radio wave sucking down? Obviously, the little flame ain’t running that. People are stupid.
[..YouTube..] hahah that is almoste word for word what i thought when i saw this vid. These “Hydrogen” and “Oxygen” gasses are a break through in technology. wait.. do they plan on having a huge ass battery powered radio transmitter inside the car cuz if not this is the most pointless thing ever. lol electrolosys.
[..YouTube..] Very bad science reporting. It’s not DRAWING energy from the salt water, but USING a lot of energy to extract hydrogen from the salt water and then burning the hydrogen. You need to supply a lot of energy to the radio transmitter, far mor than you get back from the burning.
When nothing comes of this, we’ll probably have to hear conspiracy theories about how evil oil companies squashed it.
[..YouTube..] didnt he actually find the killer of cancer but end up to dangerous?
[..YouTube..] Um, how much energy does it take to power that radio transmitter?
[..YouTube..] we should burn fat people
[..YouTube..] finding a cure for cancer is really amazing.
[..YouTube..] This dude is extremely intelligent. He should RUN FOR HIS LIFE before his inventions get him in massive trouble or killed.
The government does NOT want life easier for it’s people, it’s about making money. There have been dozens of mysterious deaths of micro-biologists and other inventors because of the money that will be lost in oil and western medicine. I say the common man should invent, keep it secret, not advertise it and spread it by word of mouth instead, it’ll last longer.
[..YouTube..] “student” as opposed to “inventor”. i am so glad you are so knowledgeable that you can disprove the validity of the man’s work without even getting the smallest amount of real details as to how the process works. typical academic response.
[..YouTube..] take it from a mechanical engineering student, this is a load of bullshit.
[..YouTube..] but the exaust pipe would emitt water… which would go back into the sea and oceans.. so NO
[..YouTube..] I can do that too!
[..YouTube..] this guy is a genius!!
[..YouTube..] fuckin brit
[..YouTube..] yea its going to run out in 50 years
[..YouTube..] Because steam engines are massive bulky things that use coal or another source of heat to produce steam from the evaporation of water. I have built a steam-driven bicycle and the device is bulky compared to what it would be with a standard motor. This invention could make process so much simpler, as it is BURNING the water, rather than waiting for it to heat up (which takes a long time) not to mention that the driver of said bike is sitting on a furnace and a steam tank under immense pressure…
[..YouTube..] whats going to happen, is if we do that then oil companies will go bankrupt. but yes if it’s good for the enviorment and it doesn’t fuck up the water cycle then yeah it’s cool.
[..YouTube..] we always going to use petrol “gas” because the goverment makes so much money off the tax
[..YouTube..] My question is how much energy do you have to put into the radio waves to create that burst? If you have to put more energy into the radio waves than you get out of the energy released by the water then it’s just a new way to burn water, but bad cooks have been doing that for years.
It must take a lot of energy because the ocean isnt burning despite the sun being a HUUUUUUGE transmitter of all kinds of radiation, including radio.
[..YouTube..] its been almost 2 years now since that video was put up….and obviously nothing has happend were still using gas to power out cars
[..YouTube..] oh wait, nevermind..duh. i just realized there is more salt water than pure h2O. so that’s why. of course. lol.
[..YouTube..] no no. i meant this idea is a car running on salt water, and i know that there was already a car invented that just run runs on water (steam). so my question is why is this a better solution to the energy crisis than simply using the steam car? why is salt water better?
[..YouTube..] omg, erie pa, i live 10 mins away!
[..YouTube..] do that on the sea
[..YouTube..] imagin a boat engin that runs on salt water, youd never have to fill up agen
[..YouTube..] well, they could always start charging us for saltwater, they already do it for filtered.
[..YouTube..] Oh god.. It’s going to be the end of the world. Some kid is going to make this and burn the sea…
[..YouTube..] Ohhh Crap, LETS DRY THE SEA OUT!!!!
[..YouTube..] The big 3 probably paid him millions so he wouldn’t make a car and mass produce it.
[..YouTube..] No, its actually made of guacamole
[..YouTube..] wait a sec, isn’t there a car already said to run on steam….so why add salt?
[..YouTube..] They have gold nanoparticles on which they can attach cancer curing stuff, but this method is still undergoing testing.
The salt water invention is pretty cool though, but I wonder what the by-products are… cause you cant have salt as a by-product in a metal engine or it’ll destroy the engine… something to be developed.. :)
[..YouTube..] A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
[..YouTube..] Um not 3/4 of the planet. I think you meant to say of the surface. Isn’t most of the planet made of silicon?
[..YouTube..] from what ive heard of this this guys invention is a great discovery but it usues too much energy to do its job to be used in a car, but i do think that they are starting to use it to cure breast cancer cause ive heard that they are using gold to cure breast cancer. so this may be what they are using but if it ran on solar energy could it put out more by using saltwater for generators like that ?
[..YouTube..] i kno, that’s my point too, but Aristoteles also had a great brain (nowadays some of his ideas are considered wicked, odd and not true :P), one of the most influential motherfuckers in the history of geniuses (y)
[..YouTube..] Modern science > Aristotle