Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
alternative fuel gas alternatives alternative fuel automobiles http://www.unspillable.com space solar power solar wind power solar technology solar panels
[..YouTube..] America should start buying up all the oceans before the sandpeople see this shit right here
[..YouTube..] in the trash…its totally useless, it wastes like 99% of energy you put into it to run it
[..YouTube..] Hehe, I thought it didn’t sound right :-P
[..YouTube..] @andyp363 sorry if it seems like im attacking you. i just have history of knowlege about what i am talking about/wich you might too. but i am a mobile electronics specialist and have much experience with high and low voltage
[..YouTube..] @andyp363 and sorry but you are wrong it takes alot less fossil fuel for electric cars than gas.
[..YouTube..] @andyp363 yes the electric cars had their cons but fit perfectly in many peoples lifestyles. can you explain to me why they had them destroyed tho? or why there is a tire that will last a lifetime but will not be released to the masses?
[..YouTube..] @andyp363 im talking about “how to’s” like i said. like step by step or blueprint videos. trust me i know ive seen many videos removed including my own and all youtube says is it “violates their policy” bunch of crap. and in regards to solar panels….they sell them because the excess power produced at ones home gets sent back to the plant and RESOLD!
[..YouTube..] I feel deeply for the future of this country.
andyp363: Recharging an electric car takes less
fossil fuel that it takes to produce a single gallon of gas.
Kile: Water is one of the four (4) classic elements. Fire, Water, Earth and Wind
Salt water doesn’t actually burn, the process releases the Hydrogen (another element) and the Hydrogen burns.
[..YouTube..] @jerrajon
I think the problem with electric cars is they pretty much suck
not to mention it takes more fossil fuel to recharge them than it would take to drive a petrol car the same distance
[..YouTube..] @jerrajon
erm good example “10 July 2007”
sure do delete these videos quickly don’t they……
and why do they allow the sale of solar panels?
free energy isnt it all comes from somewhere
[..YouTube..] Uhh, water isn’t an element…
[..YouTube..] @crazypianolady pie pan… :s lolz
[..YouTube..] This wont make any money… No one will want to make this stuff…
[..YouTube..] this was posted 3 years ago. where is this thing???
[..YouTube..] @gigobait I totally Agree
[..YouTube..] When saltwater burns only the salt is left behind in the container and the water just evaporates witch then will be subject to the water cycle and then returning to earths oceans
[..YouTube..] I dont think thats possible…it’s literally impossible………
[..YouTube..] But how much power does the micowave use
[..YouTube..] Look up “free energy” if the gov aint makin money(controling us with paper tender) then it will not last. free energy video “how to’s” are quickly being removed from youtube……wonder why
[..YouTube..] @itzahazylife you say “what would happen to the worlds oceans” are you kidding me??? do you know how much salt water we have on earth??? LOTS!!! more than anything! but….the big oil corporations/our government would destroy most likely any automobile that ran on saltwater just like they did the electric cars.
[..YouTube..] this is all fine and dandy, but hat would happen to the worlds oceans if every automobile ran on salt water?..not to mention the big oil corporations..
[..YouTube..] PANS! Pie PANS!
[..YouTube..] Her what pants? Pie pants??!
[..YouTube..] dude its totally a waste of energy. What do you think that microwave uses to power it self?
[..YouTube..] Wow this is so stupid… They use like 1500 Watt microwave to break apart H2O, by burning hydrogen that’s released with 100% conversion rate which is impossible would probably be like 20 Watts at best… So you lose like 98% percent of the energy put in. Stick with electric cars or hybrids
[..YouTube..] LOL at you idiots believing this!
[..YouTube..] Giant oil company will hire an assassin to kill this guy.
[..YouTube..] i’m sure the oil tycoons already put a hit out on him
[..YouTube..] This has no more uses than killing the cancer cells, Just think how much enegry that “radio frequency generator” is using just to make that small flame.
[..YouTube..] “they saw john’s amazing invention and they were amazed” lawl =D
[..YouTube..] he’ll be killed like the guy that invented a hydrogen powered car
[..YouTube..] This was fuckin 3 years ago.. what are we doing?!
[..YouTube..] I don’t really see this being feasible for automobiles, at least not any time soon. However, it does show some promise for large applications like freight trains if the technology can be properly developed.
[..YouTube..] machines to big, burning bad if going into a car as fuel soooo many many points to it but most of all ud have to reinvent completly a new engine in oder for the prosess to work, the over all is a dis advantage… take a £8000 car compare it to same make and model with a water engine in it price of making exceeds wat ud pay for feul that car would become 80000!!
[..YouTube..] ok, so why aren’t they using it now
[..YouTube..] hahahaha!!
[..YouTube..] Oh my dear lord baby Jesus… seriously? I can’t believe there are so many people who just see something neat and just think it’s the greatest thing ever, without doing ANY research on their own. even if you DID make it small enough, all you’re doing is making the energy go through another step to the wheels and losing MASSIVE amounts of it. If you put 100 hp (~74.5 kW) you’ll get ~74.5 kW out. Water to O2 and H2… guess what, back into water…
[..YouTube..] exacto!!! we are far from having a real engine based on salt water, until the flame can generate more than the energy to generate the flame… And… not to mention the effects of salt water on metals… and the problems of salt getting accomulated on the engine over the time…
What about the Hydrogen obtained by the reaction of Water-Aluminum-Some Catalyts? It requires less energy to geneare the combustible (no more electrolysis). That one sounds more real…
[..YouTube..] bet you never hear from this again i promise you it’ll not go any further things like this never do, things that really would change the world are always left un used
[..YouTube..] this man is changing a world!
[..YouTube..] watch Snollie by RawX for fun
[..YouTube..] I bet his machine needed a lot of energy to bring the salt water to burn -.-
[..YouTube..] I bet his machine needed a lot of energy to bring the salt water to burn -.-
[..YouTube..] Think about what this means.
You could set the ocean on fire. The ocean. On fire.
[..YouTube..] Think about what this means.
You could set the ocean on fire. The ocean. On fire.
[..YouTube..] we aint learnin that only in 9th grade or more,..
[..YouTube..] we aint learnin that only in 9th grade or more,..
[..YouTube..] thats not the ideea,
america is so dumb it’s got smart xD
[..YouTube..] thats not the ideea,
america is so dumb it’s got smart xD
[..YouTube..] why r u still talking to me… you’ve completely disgraced yourself with that lame voting stunt, but ok whatever…
as for your ridiculous question, i’m going to give you one last chance to RE-read what i’ve said in my last couple of posts and think about whether or not your question made any sense to ask… if you still don’t get it, i guess let me know, and i’ll break it down for you… HINT: for yourself, define “hydrogen”. then define “energy”. then think about the two as they apply here.