Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
alternative fuel gas alternatives alternative fuel automobiles http://www.unspillable.com space solar power solar wind power solar technology solar panels
[..YouTube..] are u retarded? the planet needs the salt water to survive along with all the animals in it….i think ur the retard for thinking that solar power or electric power is a worse than burning something else like saltwater…. We need to stop burning shit to make our lives easier… We have free resourses like wind or the sun….. read a book and learn something
[..YouTube..] inanzitutto COGLIONE se non ho scritto bene oxydation è perchè sono italianoSTRONZO, and yes, it is a law of phisycs, go and look in some books, and since when do you break up atoms? It’s MOLECULES, or do you thing you can make an atomic reactor in a test tube??? YOU are an IDIOT!!!!
[..YouTube..] yes, and that’s what happens, after the reduction, the oxidation creates the fire, you MORON.
[..YouTube..] Are you retarded?
[..YouTube..] ya 1st we take 80%of the planets oil and burn it..No les rob the planets salt water…. Not a good idea!!!!! we r killing the planet… we need to focus on electricity or solwer…
[..YouTube..] also at wolf
Another thing i just noticed wrong with your statement. 2 H2O + 2 e- → H2 + 2 OH- is the formula for the reduction, not oxidation.
[..YouTube..] why is that ignorant, the deffinition of that word is someone such as you, who could go learn but chooses not to.
IT is a fact that the united states has several oil reserves and untapped areas beneath North Dakota, under Texas, other inland areas and in the gulf.
go do some research before you make such comments.
[..YouTube..] it is good to read an intellectual piece on here for a change.
thank you vexx506
[..YouTube..] well you sir are the ignorant one. first you have not seen me, moron, youve viewed one post.
you spelled oxidation wrong. That is a law of CHEMISTRY not physics, and perpetual energy is possible. certain chain reactions are set off by simple mixes, which when a way to harness the energy produced by the break up of those atoms, would net you MUCH MORE energy than it takes to mix the two solutions.
do not talk down to me as if you know anything about the laws of nature, you overreacting prick.
[..YouTube..] vexx506 is one of the most ignorant peple i have EVER seen…. i mean… to ma ke the electrolysis of salt water ( 2 H2O + 2 e- → H2 + 2 OH-) you need an ammount of energy wich is in part lost during the oxydation of the obtained hydrogen so you will NEVER produce more energy than you invest….it’s just a law of Phisycs….
[..YouTube..] ahahahah you ignorant dick
[..YouTube..] You don’t get energy out of this unless you put energy IN in the form of electrical energy. So the question is how much net gain is there?
Pretty cool though. We’ll see where it goes.
[..YouTube..] @ 438426×1 :
Remember, the machine only works as long as the water is being pulsated with EM waves; you will have to SPEND electricity to do this.
translation; What would happen? You’d get a huge electric bill in a month, but you wouldn’t be cold.
[..YouTube..] This was in 2007, and we’re still not utilizing it.
Go America.
[..YouTube..] @thefox699
The US hasnt run out of oil, we actually have more than most middle east countries combined. We just arent using it.
[..YouTube..] actually your both wrong as
[..YouTube..] I believe perpetual energy is possible, bigfoot no.
this is real so idk why you say for gullible idiots, it may not be practical but gullible means you believe anything, this actually happened..
[..YouTube..] what if he used a big glass to get a bigger flame, and use that energy to power the wave generator.
since this takes a set amount of energy to do regardless of its reactants, couldn’t he theoretically just use like 100 test tubes of salt water and that would give enough energy to run the wave generator?
[..YouTube..] well it has to be between the machine plates, so its not like you can just aim a gun made like this at the ocean and it would light, and it would only work for a short distance away.
[..YouTube..] who cares about the fish, lol.
we have plenty of salt, we have lots of fresh water we can mix on land.
we dont need to just start taking huge buckets out to sea if thats what your thinking lol.
[..YouTube..] too bad he has cancer now, 1:35
[..YouTube..] You need energy to break the bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water, because of this you do not gain energy and this not an energy source.
[..YouTube..] what if somebody set up a machine like this beside the ocean and threw in a match?
[..YouTube..] the government is gonna kill this poor guy now
[..YouTube..] wouldn’t it be smart to keeop this quiet?
[..YouTube..] wouldn’t it be smart to keeop this quiet?
[..YouTube..] @Jolinar88
lol im just the messanger you fucktard, im not saying ive done it im saying some other guy did, and if u cant accept that well then i dont give a shit, but its been done, now harden the fuck up, and take your dads 12 incher like a man.
[..YouTube..] @Jolinar88
lol im just the messanger you fucktard, im not saying ive done it im saying some other guy did, and if u cant accept that well then i dont give a shit, but its been done, now harden the fuck up, and take your dads 12 incher like a man.
[..YouTube..] @CertainEvil
well you actually arent taking any water out of the world by doing this because the bi products of this actually makes water. so you could collect the water produced and run it back through ur car lol. and a new zealand guy made a better one a long time before this. bout 4 years ago i think
[..YouTube..] @CertainEvil
well you actually arent taking any water out of the world by doing this because the bi products of this actually makes water. so you could collect the water produced and run it back through ur car lol. and a new zealand guy made a better one a long time before this. bout 4 years ago i think
[..YouTube..] @Pyanapple yeah only if this were the size of earth only works at close range…or atleast thats what i got from it, and if anyone wanted to destroy the world they would probably use a nuclear bomb
[..YouTube..] @Pyanapple yeah only if this were the size of earth only works at close range…or atleast thats what i got from it, and if anyone wanted to destroy the world they would probably use a nuclear bomb
[..YouTube..] well….we got hybrids…..but thats more like a Hershey kiss, not the whole chocolate bar
[..YouTube..] well….we got hybrids…..but thats more like a Hershey kiss, not the whole chocolate bar
[..YouTube..] I htink he died
[..YouTube..] I htink he died
[..YouTube..] @Jsuarez6 Don’t worry we’ll use fossil fuels to create waves to make water burn….oh wait.
[..YouTube..] @Jsuarez6 Don’t worry we’ll use fossil fuels to create waves to make water burn….oh wait.
[..YouTube..] and i jizzed. in. my pants. (And anyone on his bad side should avoid the beach.)
[..YouTube..] and i jizzed. in. my pants. (And anyone on his bad side should avoid the beach.)
[..YouTube..] This is silly, it’s just a new way to break the bonds in water, then burn it back to water. The only new thing here is using radio waves, which have to be powered by something first, to break the bonds in the water molecule. This could be useful, but it’s by no means the most amazing invention, nor is it the answer to the energy crisis.
[..YouTube..] Bullshit
[..YouTube..] mnnnmmmm pie, i love pie, cherry pie… sweet
[..YouTube..] You people are FUCKING braindead.
[..YouTube..] This is the most incredible invention we have made i think, but what about the fish?! we will obviously drain the oceans if with go with this idea, but i dont think it creates poluttion??!!
[..YouTube..] while that water is burning or whatever…Does she goes to steam or she just fade away or what?if “water-cars” become world wide and if water is not steaming, wtf are we going to drink,and where are we gonna enjoy in water activities after we “drove our water” ?!?!?! O_o
[..YouTube..] Interesting idea. But how much energy does it take to create the radio waves, and how much energy is released from the salt water?
[..YouTube..] where are the pie tins??? mnnn pie
[..YouTube..] the jesus
[..YouTube..] HAHA That one scientist at 1:50 is fuckin hiilaarious!! It looks likes he’s high and just found that out, he’s soo happy and stoked lol