Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
alternative fuel gas alternatives alternative fuel automobiles http://www.unspillable.com space solar power solar wind power solar technology solar panels
[..YouTube..] that’s bullshit, Aristoteles once said that the earth was composed of 4 elements: earth, water, wind and fire.. everyone in this time knows that is nothing but bullshit, leaving out his philosofical teachings, and knowing water as we know it.. it is not a fucking element.. the whole molecule is composed of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxigen.. and that’s all
[..YouTube..] H2O is a compound made out of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen, water IS NOT AN ELEMENT!
[..YouTube..] Smashed. Under the feet of those who view you and me as ‘sheeple’.
I want this guys contact information, and his permission to intergrate his findings into powering my home.
[..YouTube..] A big fuckin spot on! This stuff has been done before and as always seems to magicly disappear from right in front of our eyes, eg where is this technology now?
[..YouTube..] The banks and companies won’t let this shit get out cos they want your money and don’t give a fuck about you, you’re just a number.
[..YouTube..] I dont think he was talking about the pte.
Have you heard about the four elements?
[..YouTube..] not in the periodic table of the elements :)
you lose
[..YouTube..] cause hes a commy and your one to
[..YouTube..] cause we are busy following Dick Cheneys advice, even if he isnt Vice President anymore
[..YouTube..] why aren’t we investing in this!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] FOR SALE: 75 cubic feet of the best quality salt water out there for US$43. catch me at eBay.
[..YouTube..] Water is an element…
[..YouTube..] water is not an element otherwise this guy is genius
[..YouTube..] we need more smart genius ppl in this world like this man, and less lazy bastards that waste their lives playing video games, like me :(
[..YouTube..] lol, its so true
[..YouTube..] He’s probably going to be dead in a few months, when the U.S government finds out for this…Water instead of oil?! Come on, who would approve such a thing, actually, who would make a big profit out of it…
[..YouTube..] The radio frequency generator consumes more electricity than the flame can produce.
[..YouTube..] “mcfcukurself: no water no life”
Thats not right. The water splits into hydrogen and oxygen. When hydrogen burns it bonds back with the oxygen to create water vapor. This then returns to the atmosphere and will condense back to rain. No water is permanently lost.
The problem though is that all the methods we have to split water into hydrogen and oxygen (including this) uses more energy then they can currently produce.
[..YouTube..] Let’s do a little bit of phyics here. It’s a great little invention to release the energy of salt water and use the flame to use as a fuel, however the amount of energy required going into the system to produce the radio waves is greater than the energy being given off by the hydrolysis reaction. It’s a neat science project, but nothing more, as it would be more energy efficient to use the electricity used in the radio wave production instead of the tiny flame produced
[..YouTube..] no water no life!!!! lmao fkn stupid american retards making new ways of killing them selfs
[..YouTube..] smallybiggs has the right idea
[..YouTube..] I SAID HOLY SHIT like 10 times watching this
thats amazing
[..YouTube..] He didn’t mean as the quemical signification, “element” is more versatile than that. I think you are yet to be outsmarted by someone that discovered this.
[..YouTube..] Now all you have to do is put huge Radio frequency makers on the outside of your car everywhere you go.
What a joke.
[..YouTube..] Roflmao 1:56 nerdorgasm
[..YouTube..] but can it cook hot dogs?
[..YouTube..] its just like the americans to come up with stuff by mistake, ive already seen this done mpontmercy is totaly right lol youd have a greater efficency just useing a transformer then you would from makeing a candle, if it does cure cancer then we have something but the energy side of things is a little yea lol…
[..YouTube..] I’ll tell you retards why people aren’t funding it:
There’s more energy coming in than coming out of his system! It takes A LOT of energy to create these intense waves, you know. A lot more than whatever amount of energy his little candle produces.
Total energy = Stupid candle – AC outlet = Electricity bill…
[..YouTube..] yes u must be really smart if u think that wate is running out considering that 3/4s of the planet is in fact SALTWATER
fuckin retard
[..YouTube..] Fail he says the most abundant element is water. Water is a compound. Hydrogen is the most abundant element. Also water is always running out. Soo fail this guy got out outsmarted by a 15 year old!!!!
[..YouTube..] I love the way billions of pounds are spent on high science and some bloke comes up with this shit by mistake in the middle of the night with a pie pan, brilliant.
[..YouTube..] I think the problem is the effeciency of the system. It takes energy to produce the radio waves so how much energy do you have to put in for the water to burn?
[..YouTube..] what i ment is: we should not burn water whatsoever. because saltwater can be refined =)
[..YouTube..] Good thing we don’t drink salt water.
[..YouTube..] and how much energy is used making the water burned? ^^
[..YouTube..] because there is more money in oil AND we only have limited drinking water
[..YouTube..] thats cool
[..YouTube..] No. But if you split it into its components it does.
And what is the byproduct of burning hydrogen and oxygen? Water. So there’s no problem with burning the gasses, but there is a problem with getting the initial energy to split the water.
[..YouTube..] wow nice invention i cant believe 2 years have past and nothing has changed
[..YouTube..] how the fuk are oyu going to gather and store the energy you fukin tard.
[..YouTube..] dumbass. its not combustion reaction. combustion by definition releases co2 shit head.
its the wavelengths that excite hydrogen and oxygen atoms that creates energy
[..YouTube..] I was thiking of that… This guy is an idea stealing bastard
[..YouTube..] thats exactly wat i was thinking!
[..YouTube..] jeez two yrs later and we still running on petrol.
[..YouTube..] that means its combustible
and appropriate for alternative gas..
plz use your brain..
if u cant..
kindly donate it on charity..
[..YouTube..] what do u mean. u just saw salt water burning on the vidoe. idiot
[..YouTube..] some one did something like this but it uses gas and mtn dew and creates no pollution
[..YouTube..] Yes, but can’t we simply use an alternate energy resource to radiate the salt water? We could hook up solar panels to power an organic petroleum fueled generator which burns green coal and produces cold fusion in order to radiate salt water. Problem solved!
[..YouTube..] The only problem is that it takes more energy to radiate the salt water and make this reaction happen, than the energy created as a result. Thats why this isn’t the future of energy.