Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
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[..YouTube..] If you read this i hope you have a great day!!!!
[..YouTube..] smart but gay cause the goverment will make u pay to go to the beach casue people will steal the water
[..YouTube..] salt water my ass, you people will believe anything
[..YouTube..] also imagine just using that on an ocean u set the world on fire think about that
[..YouTube..] lol we use this and in like 15 years after it causes like super cancer lol
[..YouTube..] Energy cannot be made from nothing only transformed from 1 kind to another
[..YouTube..] What generates the radio waves if there’s no input energy ?
[..YouTube..] @iuliusceasar
im not talking about this guy you toss pot. watch the fucking video its here on utube was on the news, NO INPUT ENERGY. no1 knows what the fuck he did but he did it. and yes there is free energy otherwise we wouldnt have any energy you fucking dumbass, it had to have come outta nowhere for it to be created and therefore is free. wooped that ass right there haha think u know everything shame fuckwit.
[..YouTube..] Great. now some rube will set the ocean on fire :(
[..YouTube..] 22 years old, lives in Jamaica with 2 degrees and going for your masters, go blaze another joint and make some more shlt up. I bet you beleive in perpetual motion and bigfoot too. I’ll say it again, science for gullible idiots. With the way you talk I’d say I got it right on. Why don’t you click on my name and take a look at my videos and see what your missing scarecrow.
[..YouTube..] No one likes you but thats ok because they plan to kill you.
[..YouTube..] did you make up that line?
A brain hmmm let me think. if I did not have a brain and you had to ask presupposing that I could analyses interpret and respond. yours is not functioning correctly.
when my toes go into my shoes more neurons fire than you use in a week.
and just so you dont feel bad I am male
ps I have 2 degrees and I am doing my masters so thanks.
[..YouTube..] How many energy need to initiate this radio waves.???
On what frequency are these waves and on which strength in wats.
[..YouTube..] they have to make it safer. and they have to make it conform to all of the radio frequency laws.
[..YouTube..] If it’s so amazing, why isn’t it in my local shops?
[..YouTube..] ha never will happen the huge corporations make to much money off of fossil fuels.
[..YouTube..] you think thats cool? You gotta look at Best invention ever funny. Thats freaking KOOLZ lol
[..YouTube..] @TheShadow320 i have a brain, do you?
[..YouTube..] If you are saying that you have an energy source which acts like a catalyst, that could be astonishingly good. Then, please simply tell us how much energy you use in to produce how much energy out. That could be impressive if the yield is
greater than the input. :-)
[..YouTube..] catalytic effect aka vibronic transtions.
[..YouTube..] do you have a PHD in phys, have you done the math.
[..YouTube..] THat would make a weapon that could end all life on earth
Salt water is everywhere, imagine it going off all at once.
[..YouTube..] @timothkeyyprice Exactly. Why hasn’t any big company bought this?, because it’s useless. The salt and water are acting as an induction unit. It’s actually less efficient than standard electrolysis because allot of the magnetism from the wave is being lost. With the fact that the proper metals used for electrolysis are great anodes and cathodes makes this doubly inefficient. Science for gullible idiots for sure. It may have other applications but as a electrolysis machine it is crap.
[..YouTube..] People are so dumb because videos like this don’t bother to mention the basics laws of thermodynamics nor conservation of energy. They want the spotlight, the “Oh Gosh” reaction, but have nothing to really offer. Useless and Sad.
[..YouTube..] my dad ad cancer :(
[..YouTube..] This product just came out..now he has to get into the marketing and distribution stage…at the end of the video he is asking for someone to take over and improve this technology or invention..and that will take some time too..bc u have to do alot of testing…and of course, like Low Cost video was saying, the oil companies do not want it….Bush didn’t want it bc he owns alot of stock in Exxon..but it will be anaylzed and studied more..
[..YouTube..] wow people are so dumb. What happens when that machine using all that electricity turns off? The electrolysis stops, duh! No more electrolysis no more oxygen and hydrogen no more flame. It’s taking more power to run the machine than you could ever get back from the flame.
[..YouTube..] the reason this is not being used for cars is because the big oil companies are suppressing it, otherwise they would lose biliions of dollars a month if people stopped buying gasoline.
[..YouTube..] does that actually cure cancer? if it does, are they using it now?
[..YouTube..] so why arnt carss running on water right now
[..YouTube..] I thought he died of cancer it turned out that his invention only hurt him I think it was on dateline
[..YouTube..] induction energy, we have wireless power already, its over 100 years old….
[..YouTube..] sadly, he died of pneumonia on february 18th
[..YouTube..] Its agaist the law.
The law of thermodynamics.
[..YouTube..] Haha, shut up you little high school fag. HS phys and chem are nothing. Wait till you grow up and take Thermodynamics. First thing they tell you will be NO FREE ENERGY. His fuel is hydrogen gas not water. Where does he get hydrogen, well that from water but how does he get it from there. Well he uses RF waves to break the H-O-H bond. That RF generator doesn’t give them off on its own. It gets power from….electricity. He basically invented a way to use RF waves to free hydrogen from water.
[..YouTube..] yea, Tesla thought that up back in the early 20th century. Its not efficient over long distance but it is in use today with RFIDs. The distance is short and very little power is used so its practical.
[..YouTube..] At least its available on the surface, and virtually inexhaustible. The total amount, I mean. Just desalinate sea water, and you got it!
[..YouTube..] Very Educational……..!
[..YouTube..] The hell don’t I have a Radio Wave/Saltwater car!!
[..YouTube..] @bkfilipi 75% of the world is SALT WATER, were not talking about pure fresh water here
[..YouTube..] induced emf.. nothing new problem is the cost of electricity ….soo much is needed to create hydrogen it makes it cost inefective… now if the electricity was cheap .. we would all win
[..YouTube..] well, he showed how he could light a florescent light bulb with those rays, then he got wireless energy from one place to another. and i guess it doesnt affect the body, idk, but if you invented some sort of device that could absorb those rays and connect it to something like your tv or your laptop, coulnt you get power anywhere you went? at least in your house?
[..YouTube..] this guy is wrong
water isnt the most common element in the world
[..YouTube..] funny how you just comment on my comment assuming i know nothing about science and input output energies im not retarded as it so happens, and i do study physics and chemistry at high school, obviously i dont have a qualification but that doesnt mean i dont anything at all. your entire comment was so condecending and as it turns out you told me noting i didnt alread know before and it was I who had information you didnt. haha tables have turned you bitch.
[..YouTube..] well the US military bought the idea ahaha , so your wrong, shame. whata fucking dipshit. the thing this new zealand guy invented had no energy input into changing water into a fuel source he just put it into a milk carton where people can only assume electrolosis occured however it was not connected to a power outlet or anything or battery. ie no energy input and then he put it in an empty tank motorcycle and drove it around. no energy input you fuck head.
[..YouTube..] Oohhh!! Now I lmao!!! I am so naive!!
[..YouTube..] OR! no one uses it because there is no such thing as free energy and we cant physically run that generator and GAIN power off of the salt water.. thats not how it works.. we shal not find anything anytime soon that puts off more energy than it takes in or even close to how much we put in to it.. and that machine isnt going to change that its NOT that much power from salt water compaired to how much power it takes to work
[..YouTube..] @guesswhoiam123
Because you need that guy’s machine running (with an external energy supply).
[..YouTube..] @rutsableich Laugh My A** Off..
[..YouTube..] Whats Imaoo, someone?