Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
alternative fuel gas alternatives alternative fuel automobiles http://www.unspillable.com space solar power solar wind power solar technology solar panels
[..YouTube..] I think you’re missing the point, it takes energy to run his “radio frequency generator” radio waves require energy too, they don’t generate themselves.
[..YouTube..] @Pyroscopy earths surface is made of 2/3 water, 3% of that is fresh water used to keep all land animals alive. if this takes off we are gonna have energy for a very very long time, hopefully this works out y no.
[..YouTube..] before you know it were gonna not have oceans hahaha
[..YouTube..] He doesn’t say hes torching Sodium Chloride. And with him not mentioning any thing on the subject. Its safely to assume hes dividing the H2O molecule.
So if you produce up some Hydrogen and some Oxygen. Mixed them together and add a dash of salt for shits and giggles. Your saying it requires less energy than it dose to burn it.
[..YouTube..] forget cancer, get us salt water cars man…..
[..YouTube..] NExt thing you know where gonna run out of salt and water…. =[
[..YouTube..] thats exactly what i was thinking…
[..YouTube..] great invention with the salt water to drive a vechicle with salt water u go to the ocean u dont need a gas tation this great funy idea I wish him the best to realize his invention
[..YouTube..] I like your reasoning, but I know alot of intelligent college professors and students who have not been laid and u have to admit there are alot of dumb rappers who have made dozens of girls pregnant. Even so being lazy in school and focusing only on how “cool” u are is risky. Only a small percentage of these people get rich and laid. Well good luck and trust me on this one.
[..YouTube..] Haha, yeah that sounds scary, but I think we would need a very large or powerful radio wave generator to cause such an event.
[..YouTube..] how much electricity does it take to run his radio wave generator?
[..YouTube..] you really don’t understand elemental science do you?
[..YouTube..] Where does it say how hes going to replace the water that he destroyed.
[..YouTube..] stop at 00:12 u mean change the world forever. it will create lots of gas for space travel
[..YouTube..] Now suppose, just for a minute, if this were actually in market. All it would take is one moron to “Zap” the ocean and we would have a world wide catastrophe on our hands. Scary thought. Lots of morons out there, look at the how many “Darwin Awards” there are.
[..YouTube..] too bad this wouldent work… :( it takes far more energy to run the microwave then it produces :'( so no propentual energy here :'(
[..YouTube..] all the kids who think there so cool in school will be working at mcdonalds when they grow up sure they will get lots of girls not when there older nerds dont get girls but will have a good job when they grow up get money then lots of girls :)
[..YouTube..] sometimes i think “nerds” are cooler than the REAL “cool” ones
[..YouTube..] Compressing the air and fuel prior to ignition magnifies the energy produced during combustion. But you are probably right about energy requirements for separating the hydrogen atoms from the oxygen atoms.
[..YouTube..] OPRAH
[..YouTube..] @4gnostic our planet would look more lik the movie waterworld if that was tru :P
[..YouTube..] exactly mikxr, these people are completely ignoring the fact that it takes energy to generate the radio waves, and, combustion engines used a confined explosion to move a car, how could this piddly flame create enough energy?
[..YouTube..] lol h2o isnt an element thats funny
[..YouTube..] I thought it was 99.9%
[..YouTube..] isnt salt water 2/3 of the planet, wow is this takes off we are set :)
[..YouTube..] @mattrix2007 exactly, what the use of money when the planets burning…
[..YouTube..] nice find , but how can we use this in an internal combustion application, and how much energy is needed to create the radio wave/beam to ignite the salt water?
[..YouTube..] …what?
[..YouTube..] government snatched him up im sure. there are more of these out there and all have been bought out.
[..YouTube..] Absolutely brilliant, but how soon will the petrochemical companies try and snuffle it away? If it hasn’t been done already. There are many free/clean energy devices that have been invented but the large oil companies make sure they dont get out. Over night (figure of speach) the whole oil industry would collapse, causing the economy to collapse. (i wish it would, f**k money, i’m sick of it, its what’s ruining the planet).
[..YouTube..] Mhm, yeah your chemistry sucks. :P
Burning hydrocarbons does always produce carbon dioxyde and heat and water vapour. For exemple, methane:
CH4 + 3(O2) = 2(C02) + 2(H2O) + (heat)
But hydrogen is not an hydrocarbon it’s… hydrogen :p.
Its combustion formulae is:
2(H2) + O2 = 2(H2O) + (heat)
There is no carbon in hydrogen, and thus no carbon dioxides when it burns. Instead there is “hydrogen oxide”, which is water.
[..YouTube..] what about the energy to run the radio transmitter? duh, if the energy to run the radio/microwave transmitter is more than being produced, well than there you go.
[..YouTube..] you do know that last statement is thoroughly incorrect right?
”gone forever” (to remind u)
[..YouTube..] Because running the radio wave “beam” takes way more energy than is produced by the flame.
[..YouTube..] My chemistry sucks, but I do know that when you burn something the byproducts always include carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat. If you burn water in the presence of sufficient oxygen, you get only water vapor and heat. Don’t believe me, check wikipedia -> combustion. Or any source of your chosing.
[..YouTube..] @insauga
But with Global warming the water level is rising isnt it, so that will fix that problem and we cant use it for anything else anyway!
Its the bonds in which the energy is stored thats why it burns, its very much like that of the body, Adenosine Tri Phosphate is produced by Mitocondira in the body and the bond which hold the phosphate together is what the body uses to move muscles
[..YouTube..] @insauga
But with Global warming the water level is rising isnt it, so that will fix that problem and we cant use it for anything else anyway!
Its the bonds in which the energy is stored thats why it burns, its very much like that of the body, Adenosine Tri Phosphate is produced by Mitocondira in the body and the bond which hold the phosphate together is what the body uses to move muscles
[..YouTube..] energy can’t burnt and gone forever, energy just change or tranform to the other form, THIS IS BASIC SCIENCE!!! you got to learn more
[..YouTube..] energy can’t burnt and gone forever, energy just change or tranform to the other form, THIS IS BASIC SCIENCE!!! you got to learn more
[..YouTube..] @SounzNice
He died of Cancer. I saw the update on 60minutes a few weeks ago.
The invention is still being developed by another medical center, and they’ve decided to move forward with attacking the cells after they’ve been surrounded by gold particles… something John stopped doing leading up to his death.
[..YouTube..] @SounzNice
He died of Cancer. I saw the update on 60minutes a few weeks ago.
The invention is still being developed by another medical center, and they’ve decided to move forward with attacking the cells after they’ve been surrounded by gold particles… something John stopped doing leading up to his death.
[..YouTube..] nice!
[..YouTube..] nice!
[..YouTube..] So what became of this invention and inventor. It’s been over two years now. Funny how many of these “incredible” breakthroughs, some decades old now, end up amounting to a hill of beans.
[..YouTube..] When you burn somthing, it never returns to its original state,.. Come on, basic science. Its not evaporation, condensation, or from gas to ice/ice to gas.. The energy is burned and gone forever
[..YouTube..] Am.. no mate, just no.
To get hydrogen and oxygen, the two components needed to burn, you need to put energy into H2O to split them up and when they burn, they release heat/energy, so it goes back to H2O.
The problem is that you only get back 50% of the power you put into splitting.
And then you count in the 70% combustion engine loss, and you end up with only 15% of the energy you put in.
[..YouTube..] Once you burn salt water, it will never turn back to water.. So if we run cars on water, were slowly drinking away the earth ocean and sea water slowly..
[..YouTube..] Golf, fire can be completely clean. If the bi product of burning a NaCl+H20 Mixture does not result in CO2, then it’s going to be considered clean. And even if it does somehow do that the gasses can be trapped and stored. This can be used to generate tons of electrical current which is different from taking oil, natural gas, or coal (which are derived from carbon based lifeforms, and are full of carbon) when you burn them, the oxygen mixes with carbon, and you get tons of C02 which pollutes.