Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
alternative fuel gas alternatives alternative fuel automobiles http://www.unspillable.com space solar power solar wind power solar technology solar panels
[..YouTube..] This is a Stanley Meyer rip off right here.
[..YouTube..] Old day people looked at earth wind fire and water as elements
[..YouTube..] lmao
[..YouTube..] cause salt water makes the pipes from the cars rust
[..YouTube..] I hope that the energy released from that water is greater than the energy being put into it. If so, why the fuck aren’t we driving salt water cars by now?!
[..YouTube..] how efficient is that?
[..YouTube..] PATENT THAT SHIT! and sell it for a profit after getting your nobel prize!
[..YouTube..] zomg, lol
[..YouTube..] we could just go to the beach and fill our sand buckets with salt water and put it in our cars lol
[..YouTube..] Excellent !
[..YouTube..] some big company will put him in a hole in the desert. watch your back dude
[..YouTube..] This is sustained plasma. It takes a lot of energy to create. Im sure that if you put a large gas powered generator in your car to power a giant radar machine which burns a bucket of salt water which powers a steam piston, then you might be able to get 2 horsepower out of it, and also melt the body of your car.
Salt water won’t sustain a combustible reaction. It has to constantly be fed energy. That flame of plasma is a bi product of just a small amount of energy fed to it.
[..YouTube..] lol there was a engine invented in australia in the 70s that ran on sea water nothing new , i hate how the origional inventers of this cool engines were brought out by oil and automotive companies and hten sum dooche bag comes along and does it again . and every1 claims him as a hero. global warming is BS !
[..YouTube..] yea um, not possible hahaha.
[..YouTube..] … Could this be turned into a horrible weapon?? Shoot The waves at the sea and blow up the ocean?? Lol
[..YouTube..] Tesla already did this
[..YouTube..] 1.55 its mr burns! but seriously this is actually amazing
[..YouTube..] freakin incredible, next he will probably stop death
[..YouTube..] freakin incredible, next he will probably stop death
[..YouTube..] he cured cancer and found an alternative to gas…geez this guy is freakin amazing
[..YouTube..] he cured cancer and found an alternative to gas…geez this guy is freakin amazing
[..YouTube..] Wow, that is damn amazing.
[..YouTube..] Wow, that is damn amazing.
[..YouTube..] to make energy from H2O you need a chemical reaction which will yield a smaller compound (im not sure if breaking it down into h2 and o2 will yield a net energy gain, from what i see energy is needed, i think because the molecules are more stable as h2o than as their single elemental version) since there really ISNT such a smaller compound, it wont work.
but as an energy storage its fine (though i think we should use the AMP,ADP,ATP system…seems to work well in nature..)
[..YouTube..] yeah the device seems to use more energy from that radio generator than its ever MAKING off the combustion.
there is no way in which one can break down H2O and then bring it back together and ever expect to get more than you put in. energy is released by taking complex molecules and making them into simple ones, like ethanol, or octane into CO2 and H20, both of those are complex hydrocarbons. water can be used to STORE energy, like in a fuel cell, but not make it
[..YouTube..] omg that’s fucking incrediable i know what we will call it…..lets call it batteries!!!!
[..YouTube..] wow, man invented that radio waves transmit energy!!! hahahah
[..YouTube..] just bring the energy which is used up by the radiowaves thingy to a simple e-motor…it would be much more efficient than this…
it is a well known fact, that h2o can be used in fuel cells…but there’s much energy needed to seperate those two elements…
[..YouTube..] Wow that’s great
In just two years this invention has had a massive effect on our lives…
Oh sorry, that was a lie.
[..YouTube..] so…
basically he found out how to make wireless energy?
lets call it wingy!
[..YouTube..] Hey! thats my local news…what a small world
[..YouTube..] Tell this guy that THC is an effective caner cure. Combine that with his invention and alot of big business goes bye bye in cancer and motor industries.
[..YouTube..] I’m pretty sure something similar to this was done in 1970s.
[..YouTube..] is the water cycle a foreign concept to you?
[..YouTube..] Global warming (not proven) but the theory points to emissions in fossil fuels, not salt water. The salt is agitated by the radio waves and releases hydrogen and oxygen, the waste matter is Hydrogen Oxide; H2O.
He is not the first to discover this but if he tries to sell it it will vanish.
[..YouTube..] How much energy do you have to put in to get the fire out?
He wants money for it – ha, thats the crutch; Like all other inventions like this it will be swallowed up by a petro chemical conglomerate and never seen again. Release it on the net, let it be commonly known and then companies will use it.
[..YouTube..] lol water is not a element
and he was going to say salt water too HAHAHAHAH
[..YouTube..] because: cancer kills A LOT of people BUUUUUT
global warming could kill ALL the people >..> besides
u said it ur self he COULD its not a fact, in the other hand, the “burning salt water” crap ITS A FACT
[..YouTube..] If this was so big, it was posted 2 years ago and nothing has happened about it… so yah… its a fake most likely :)
[..YouTube..] come and do this to the whole world
[..YouTube..] why is everyone buttfucking each other about burning salt water? this guy could cure cancer!!!!
[..YouTube..] 2,300th rating
[..YouTube..] i know right.. stupid whores.
[..YouTube..] that is what i was thinking……….they keep talking about globle warming……yet they arnt using the new invetion
[..YouTube..] i totally agree………..
[..YouTube..] expect a call from the petrol company and the cancer councils with a huge payout… and possibly to bury the idea that it ever existed.
[..YouTube..] it seems like this should be a bigger deal than a 2 minute tv broadcast
[..YouTube..] the governments will never support hes research and release a car which runs on salt water.
Because they are greedy and they want to benefit from selling fossil fuels. (just my opinion) ; )
[..YouTube..] now why exactly aren’t they using this everywhere now instead of gas??
[..YouTube..] amazing