Okay, this is amazing, when and where can I get this installed on MY car.
I imagine cancer patients will be soon beating on this inventors door!
I hope he has better luck than Stanley Meyor who invented a way to fuel his car using only water, was offered a billion dollars for the patent bu oil producing countries and then was poisoned to death…. sigh.
Watch this video, John Kansas, while attempting to cure cancer (of which he apparently has had some degree of success in) has stumbled upon the ability to use salt water as a replacement for gasoline. in a nutshell, he sends radio waves at the salt water, then ignites it and it burns hotly for some time. incredible.
alternative fuel gas alternatives alternative fuel automobiles http://www.unspillable.com space solar power solar wind power solar technology solar panels
[..YouTube..] why wont all the countries stop fighting and focus on fission! one fission that lasts for 5 seconds can supply new york for one year! I read that some where :3
[..YouTube..] the illuminati probably got to him by now.
[..YouTube..] Nice idea
[..YouTube..] pleae enlighten us
[..YouTube..] ya!!! AMERICA!!!!!
[..YouTube..] Good to see i wasn’t the only one who caught that physics fail.
[..YouTube..] Congratulations! STEAM!
[..YouTube..] The sterling engine was not running off of “nothing more than just salt water,” as reported in the video. It is not a self sustaining chemical reaction and requires the input of the radio waves to cause the burning. In order for this to work as a fuel, energy out must be greater than energy in, and in this case, it is not. I wish it did.
[..YouTube..] The goverment will have bought him out or killed him by next year
[..YouTube..] Well it about TIME.
[..YouTube..] It is so sad to watch so many people not understand physics…Like my professor says, “there are no free lunches.”
[..YouTube..] There are many ways to break the chemical bond of water. Only it takes more energy to break the bond than you gain from burning it. Still if it’s a very effiecient way of splitting H2O then he’s really got something.
[..YouTube..] fuel is easily obtained, so it doesn’t rly matter the efficiency.
[..YouTube..] You sir have hit the nail directly on the head.
[..YouTube..] You forgot how to read and comprehend the english language. I absolutely did not forget, gasoline is not the only fuel in the world. The salt water is generating heat, this chemical reaction is used to generate mechanical energy. I’m not an expert, but this is the theory represented in this video.
[..YouTube..] You forgot about a little something called gasoline…
[..YouTube..] You know how you’ve got a battery in a car that sparks and ignites the fuel? The alternator generates electricity and recharges the battery. The engine doesn’t run forever or produce more energy then is put into it. It’s been said that an internal combustion engine typically has an efficiency of 15-20% which doesn’t seem impossibly unattainable.
[..YouTube..] This is an absurd report. They claim that the only fuel being burned is the salt water. Really? So where is the energy coming from to create the radio waves strong enough to separate water into Hydrogen and Oxygen gas? It’s not coming from burning salt water.
[..YouTube..] 1. Enough energy output to light a bulb like that WILL hurt you, it just takes more than a few minutes.
2. The minute someone proves they can make significant positive energy from water is the minute we start paying $5/gal at the tap.
[..YouTube..] The key question is how much energy is being used by the machine that’s producing the radio waves?
[..YouTube..] Is he getting more power out of this system than what he’s putting into it?
I really, really doubt it…
[..YouTube..] do you agree that factory workers only have their jobs today becuz a machine hasn’t been built to replace them?i do,and i believe one day it wont just be the manufacturing industry where machines are default, but many.Sometime within the next century, an imaginable amt of inventions will be made that make life easier.The free mkt wont work when auto A.I. robots leave many people out of work.Or would the govt hold the tech back for the sake of makin the free mkt work?this is the future, its real
[..YouTube..] i think this guy lives in danger. the governments dont like amazing people like this guy
[..YouTube..] if people did not already view the idea of fashion as necessary, which it is, people would not have an interest in sexual reproduction and the importance of competing for the healthiest mate one’s own genes and personality one can get. then humanity would be facing an evolutionary dead-end: where propagating one’s genes to one’s progeny is not important enough to reproduce. fashion is derived from an important evolutionary mechanism that distinguishes humanity’s sophistication: desire.
[..YouTube..] im sorry if it seems like im trying to start drama but i couldnt pass over your woefully naive generalizations of the motivations of the individual and society.
people makes tvs, homes, and clothes to the best of their ability to earn the currency we call money and the value we lend it in order to make it possible for hard working people to afford the best they can to sustain as satisfactory a life as they can afford. without selfish motivation there is no societal progress. educate yourself.
[..YouTube..] The govt wouldnt support it,
They cant tax soapy watey.
Fuel costs are about 60% tax, so if the govt dont get that money then they wont support it
[..YouTube..] Well, it would be revolutionary, but this isnt. People have known for a very long time that the hydrogen in water can be released and burned. Here is the problem: it takes a lot of energy to get water to release hydrogen. Much more than you get from when you burn the resulting hydrogen. Do you see the problem here?
[..YouTube..] if they get the salt water to produce output energy as an engine, how is that not revolutionary? people are gettin killed and bombed and gassed overseas cuz of oil, if the world switched over to this or any other invention we find as an alt source and ceased oil use, things wouldn’t be so hostile. but the people behind the curtain don’t care, they’re not the ones feeling our country’s instability.
[..YouTube..] dam…end of the world
[..YouTube..] The only reason we havent switched and why we havent heard more about this is because its dumb. By thinking that this is a revolutionary new fuel, you show a serious lack of understanding of basic energy cycles.
[..YouTube..] This isnt the future, its just a neat little experiment to show that radio waves can cause electrolysis. Thats all. It has no application in cars. It is absurdly inefficient, and cannot be used to run a car.
[..YouTube..] John Kanzius died in Feb. of this year. Google him and you’ll find some good stuff on what he was doing.
[..YouTube..] I don’t believe so many people are falling for this BS. I love how it is explained that the device cures cancer LMFAO.
[..YouTube..] hahaha. the fool at 2:19 said water was not only an element, but the most abundant. lol
[..YouTube..] 4 bucks for gas? When was this movie shot?
[..YouTube..] You do relize that you can make a generator that runs on its own with a car battery for example. In normal automotive service the vehicle’s engine-driven alternator powers the vehicle’s electrical systems and restores charge used from the battery during engine cranking.
This video is real…it’s….the future….
[..YouTube..] A man that comes up with a cure for cancer and a alternitive <-----(not spelled right I know) fuel source has got to be he greatest man that has ever lived.
[..YouTube..] come on lets do this make cars runing from salt water next boats will never need to fill up then space ships will never run out of fuel
[..YouTube..] Maybe if you use solar energy that would do it.
[..YouTube..] this was uploaded in 07? wha happened to it now?
[..YouTube..] this guy is very intelligent i was very impress if the humanity use his technology that will be good we got oceans :)
[..YouTube..] Thats right…
And as you can see, the generator is very big (and needs electricity), so you won’t be able to run this in a Car too.
[..YouTube..] Dumb idea. LOL at anyone who believes in these kinda things.
Just look and listen at 1:24… you need HIS GENERATOR to turn the salt water into fire. You need a GENERATOR… THAT IS USING ENERGY… TO CREATE ENERGY!
That makes no sense people! His generator is obviously sucking up more power than the amount of energy that’s being produced by his flaming salt water!
Don’t fall for crap like this people, it’s all BS.
[..YouTube..] if the invention can split water into hidrogen and oxygen , isn’t that dangerous for people …won’t it split water found in the boydes of people trying to get better from cancer ? ( excuse my english )
[..YouTube..] While the cancer cure may have merit, he’s expending more energy splitting the water into hydrogen and oxygen than he gets back.
[..YouTube..] really man? some1 who has found a way 2 cure cancer and conserve gas is an ignorant mindless person? think bout things be4 u say thm.
[..YouTube..] I think that it was a lucky and funny way to create such an amzing thing but i guess he had a unique moment where he just thought of something that nobody else had.
[..YouTube..] its an amazing achievment thats why, and he can cure cancer, wich is epic…….goverment sucks nut sack
[..YouTube..] set the ocean on fire…. =P
[..YouTube..] Oil won’t end due to it’s much needed use in the medical product manufacturing, solvents and plastics. But rest assured, whatever the next greatest fuel source is, it will be controlled and sold by the richest of men. Greed never dies. Many have tried to introduce alternative energies only to be bought out or crushed. They simply won’t let any common person have such tremendous power or wealth.