
We May Not Survive This One…Far Worse Than We’ve Been Told! I know this is long folks but it was necessary to give you a complete picture of what is going on. You won’t see this on the TV. The media has downplayed it and put a lid on it to prevent mass panic. I must tell you it doesn’t look good especially with hurricane season approaching very soon, if we make it until then. Now the government is getting involved. Their answer is Nuclear? What will the effects of that be? Just take a look a these pictures and you will get a sense of how enormous this problem is. It is the end of the show, it is lights out if they cannot get this oil leak stopped in time…. and yes they are running out of time because the oil head is fixing to blow wide open and when that happens kiss your your children good-by. We as a planet will not survive this one. I am passing this on to you all so that you will understand what we face..and also so that if you live near the Gulf you can make preparations for the possibilities…which could be incredibly bad…panic evacs or just plain mass panic, badass noxious fumes or worse…I guarantee that NO ONE knows for sure of the exact implications. There will be who knows how many cubic feet of gas released into the atmosphere and the surrounding area with an untold amount of toxins…the economic implications are dire…the fishing industry annihilated, beaches and