Alex Takes Your Calls on Radiation from Japan and Obama’s Bush Like Invasion of Libya 1/3

Radionuclide Blankets United States; Authorities Insist Levels Are Harmless Paul Joseph Watson March 22, 2011 Contradicting Barack Obama’s assertion last week that radiation from Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear plant would not even reach Hawaii, the mainland United States has been blanketed with radioactive Xenon 133 particles, while spent nuclear fuel pools at Fukushima have now reached boiling point and threaten to spew out more radioactive smoke. Although health authorities insist that levels of the radionuclide Xenon 133 that have been measured are harmless, claims that such radiation would dissolve over the Pacific have been proven completely inaccurate. Indeed, the latest charts show that fallout from Fukushima will not just smother the United States, but most of the globe. The chart below from the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) shows the spread of Xenon 133 emitted from the Fukushima plant. The following chart, from the Norwegian Institute for Air Research, also shows the spread of Xenon 133 across the United States. Although Xenon has been released globally, it is considered a far more inert and harmless form of radioactivity in comparison to the far more dangerous iodine-131, caesium-134 and caesium-137. The next chart, produced by the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety and Meteo France, shows the dispersion of the more dangerous caesium-137 particles from Fukushima on a global scale. It is