Join Alex for the Sunday edition as he talks to the Infowars crew, who having now returned from Pittsburgh and the G20 will describe the shocking police brutality and martial law conditions that they witnessed. Police Brutality in Pittsburgh After the G20 by Jason Bermas
The end is now fight back ppl.
“These pot-bellied, mindless people, walking around with their papers”….LOL!!!!!!!!!! So true
Good input.
This is really shocking to hear that Police really were doing things like this. I was in even bigger shock after seeing the vid yesterday.
And to think this hasn’t even been mentioned in UK news. Only mentioned the G20 in London back in April. How only one policeman was charged with assault. Well that’s tame compared to what happened in Pittsburgh.
We’re all so totally screwed if everyone doesn’t wake up in time to stop these greedy cunts from taking over.
well I mean its true. I’m afraid to go to a protest. Because I don’t want to get shot with rubber bullets or tear gassed. All because a handful of idiots hundreds of people get mowed down.
take out the sound cannon with gun fire, a few lead bullets will destroy the thing.
We really shouldn’t let them get away with this. It’s outrageous what the police did there. I think the chief of police, the mayor of pittsburg, and even Obama(since he was there and knew what was going on) should be removed from office. Contact these people and your representatives, people! Tell them how it is! WE ARE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! WE run this country, not them. And I think it’s way past time we took our country back. TYRANNY MUST FALL!
Body language tells me Bermas regrets hitching his wagon to AJ’s star. Bermas was doing great on his own. Now he plays second fiddle to a man who hates him, again, according to body language. Poor Berma
dont be a pussy, if your not willing to fight for your freedom you dont deserve it.
This has nothing to do with “israelis” you TWIT
Heart of Darkness
The Five Dancing Israelis arrested on 9/11 in NYC
now demand
The United States start & fight more wars for Israel.
Ventura Sheehan Perot Paul Nader McKinney Kucinich Kaptur Gravel Gonzalez Clemente Choate Carter Baldwin Anderson
MSM ordered to censor G20.
8 more years just like the last 8?
Gates speaks as if he is a Cheney Clone.
Judeofascists loved promoting their Islamofascism propaganda.
Carrots(bribery) Sticks(murder) Coercive Diplomacy(extortion & blackmail).
Did you see all the same bloodthirsty AIPAC-paid recycled neocon shills on TV selling more war for profit?
Watch as they pretend to know nothing of the mounting 9/11 evidence, whistleblowers, & leaks that point to them
why wasn’t Alex there?
I Want to PAY whatever money for these cops to take every vaccine the government comes out with!
ummmm, where are all the Patriots with Tommy guns?? LOL
I think those cops might have rabies or some kind of disorder? No real person could do these things.
Oh, Alex Jones. No, the protest was not composed of your listeners. There was one dude with a Gadsden flag and maybe a few more NWO looking people. Pretty much the rest of us were anarchists. Stop trying to own shit that’s not yours.
Keep dreaming you anti semetic, Nazi piece of Garbage.
Hey Hitler called,
He wants his desire for hating jews back.
Single-Payer GRAYSON Single-Payer
…It would have been just too damn expensive to remove all that asbestos from the Twin Towers…
As the 9/12 Tea Party looks into the events of 9/11 they have many questions concerning the Official Story.
They know not to trust the Government & Media.
Only the guilty fear inquiry.
An ill wind comes arising
Across the cities of the plain
There’s no swimming in the heavy water
No singing in the acid rain
Red alert
Red alert
Why do all the paid trolls have IP’s out of Israel?
Do you think this will make us start & fight more wars for you?!
Police shoe of stupidity and ignorance, AKA force.
police in pittsburgh have been acting like that b4 g20 believe it or not
@1freedomfighter11 ………the ones who train these “Rogue” cops are very poor teachers! they are, quite frankly, insane. you poor Americans. youre drifting into another civil war. not with Rebs! but with Fascist pigs!!
@acerb45666555 Yeah I think there is a civil war brewing as well. Not cause of the cops though. There are some good cops out there but unfortunately there are also cops with no honor or integrity that will blindly follow orders like Hitlers goons. It wil be a short war, millions are waking up thanks to the banker bailout thefts and such.