In this segment, Alex talks about again, The False left vs Right choices that people Like, Glenn Beck and CNN push on the American people every single day of our lives, and how people are starting to wake to these, “False Choices”.
well my take on glen beck is.. if he and alex were on the same page then they would be friends and doing things together and exchange ideas etc.. alex says he’s called glen but glen won’t talk. so that tells me right there something is not right with beck
Yes, and the Indians were all a bunch of fucking angels.
People like you need to be lined up against a wall, shot, revived, and shot again. After being fed your loved ones as a last meal.
I can’t stress “fuck you” enough.
Has Beck ever commented on Jones’ obsession with him? I mean, I don’t trust either of them, so I have no dog in this fight…just curious.
I’m really looking forward to this anti-Beck film, which hopefully will contain the actual clips of Glenn Beck actually saying the evil crap Jones attributes to him. I really want to hear it from the horse’s mouth, because right now it just comes across as professional jealousy. Beck is a NeoCon. No doubt about it. But as far as I’ve seen he is on a path of awakening. Maybe I’m wrong, and hopefully Jones will prove it if true.
@crumblingimages the truth is the truth, Hitler himself said that he admired the way the US Gov treated Native Americans, he copied the idea of concentration camps after Indian Reservations. America the beautiful my ass
@Stepper11 The last AJ clip I saw he played Beck saying those things.
i’ve listened to beck since 2002 on the radio. he’s always advanced the “not the left vs. right, but the right vs. wrong” viewpoint. what is jones talking about? he needs to just shut up about this and go pick on michelle malkin again. haw haw
It takes at least a semi-educated person to look at a man and see through what he says and into what he truly means; to detatch yourself from the surface and look deep inside the true meaning of a word. Literary Criticism and Philosophy help in that regard, at least.
I’d call Glenn Beck a slimeball too after listening to him talk, looking past his words and into the meaning.
“False choices” you’re so right!
@Luke14v26 I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Can you please direct me to that clip? Thanks.
More than semi-educated,I require full info,not just specious, subjective perceptions, which may be based on a foul brew of jealousy & paranoia.
Apparently, gleaning fiendish intent is a course of hermeneutic exegesis in which you are quite advanced. As an august literary critic, you’ll note that I did not deny Beck said the things Jones attributes to him. I said I’m looking forward to the film so I can hear it.
Not being a Beckhead, I have not heard much of what he has said, & Jones may be justified.
Glen Beck acts like a MK ULTRA project; A scientifically abused child, which is CIA indoctrinated & brainwashed under mind control as an adult.
He has sick-O eye movements, and he gibbers like a spanked child.
alex, glen beck is nothing but an ex addict who is so scared now that he isn,t high anymore. oh yeah he,s found the light and it,s the right B.S. what he found in substance he now finds in the political right,he just changed one for the other, what a scared little boy.alex don,t get upset get even you have more people on your side than you really know. now take a deep breath exhale slowly and keep on telling the truth. we know they keep trying to paint you as a trader but we know and they don,ti
I think Hillary Clinton is the president of the united states
Please let me explain why this is when bush was in power he was on uk tv 90% of the time from start to the end of bush power and the other 10% it was Condoleezza Rice
Now that Barack Obama is in power 20% of the time his on uk tv but for the other 80% of the time Hillary Clinton is on the tv
This is only an observation of mine don’t believe me do your own research on this
You are so, SO right, Alex.
Glenn beck is a piece of shit fuck you glenn beck
Alex, I appreciate your stance against Glen Beck. Thank you for the exposure. However, in my humble opinion, if you keep ranting and carring on about Glen you are doing noting more than the Democrats vs the Republican B.S. Come on Alex move on and stop wasting EVERYBODY TIME and your time on Glen Beck B.S.
Alex, I appreciate your stance against Glen Beck. Thank you for the exposure. However, in my humble opinion, if you keep ranting and carring on about Glen you are doing noting more than the Democrats vs the Republican B.S. Come on Alex move on and stop wasting EVERYBODY TIME and your time on Glen Beck B.S.
Alex Jones = Paranoid Schizophrenic.
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Glenn Beck make me sick as well
Alex jones is annoying as fuck, even if he speaks the inconvenient truth hes still a fear monger.