Loss of basic freedoms has spurred a mass awakening, next decade will be defined by restoration of liberties Alex Jones, Steve Watson and Paul Watson www.prisonplanet.com Tuesday, Dec 29, 2009 During the first nine years of the new millennium we have been witness to a rapid erosion of freedom. Our basic liberties have been systematically denigrated and diluted by a vast expansion of coordinated global tyranny. The decade is not over yet, there is still another year to go, however, given that the mainstream media is obsessively compiling its own decade lists, we felt it necessary to draw up our own to highlight the major events that have shaped the world we now live in and the future we face. It is important to stress the fact that while we have indeed experienced a decade of tyranny, we have also seen a mass awakening, an expansion of knowledge and an exponential increase in opposition to the agenda we have come to know as the new world order. www.prisonplanet.com
To all you who i am having these post with please check my site an leave comment as i will your also. I love the debate and it is healthy to recreat an understand other points of view. I appreciate the talk even in contrast thanks!
You just lost everyone. The word is ‘facist’ Not ‘fashist’. You pseudo-intellectuals are too funny.
LOL ok so i made spelling error but man that is such a mistake to your highley,well thought, reply! LMAO
Fascist, not facist or fashist.
If you are going to point out misspelling then atleast get it right.
I am not endorsing or refuting anything the person you corrected stated.
All rights reserved, some restrictions may apply, batteries not included.
A typo versus a misspelling is not the same…Fuck off.
givl upi ypp
Just so we all know. just one trillion dollars split up to every American above 18. Would have given every American over 18 about one million dollars each. Now would that have fixed the economy ?? I mean no matter how you spell it America got screwed by the bankers and politicians. Politicians are public sevants. Do you understand SERVANT ?? They were never supposed to make law with out the aproval of us the MASTERS. When will we learn, They work for us. we do not work for them. Idiots.
First of all I have to friend You .. !!
lastpatriot 4 America
You Konw it my friend.
A world government IS coming. The timing IS short. The full story does not include the real truth. There is a need to prepare yourself and your family. People do have to come together. Only those who cooperate can survive. Those who do not will die. Those who panic will die. Those who can not open there mind to logic and reason will die. Disease WILL come. Water will dry up. Food will be scarce. and If you don’t act now, It won’t matter. But know this Economy comes from Community.
Its a sad world, but we are entering a day and age where people need to stop the ignorance or will perish. Even though we know Darwin was bought and paid for he was right about one thing at least. The people most adaptive to change will survive.
Take a Cup, Call it Earth
Put some water in it, call that the ocean.
nuke it, call that Global warming.
Now take that cup of hot water and splash it right in someones face, call that the public education system.
Wow that Burns.. !
Don’t like the topic? Why bother replying?
My point, for those with short attention spans, is that decades and other units of measurement of time are clearly demarcated. Denying such demarcations is a clear signal that a speaker has no intention to be taken at face value. When one puts their stamp on a falsehood it is rational to assume that any statement from that source is also likely to be false. Rather self defeating to embrace falsehoods.
Tyranny has been around centuries prior to 1913
Ha ha, love it.
alex jones is trying to start his own world order lmao
I hear a bunch of unlearned children speaking a bunch of unlearned things on this one. Is not nature in direct alignment to the human condition. If the human species is the out of control yang, wouldn’t it be by complete and divine presentation that the animal kingdom is the harmonized ying.
Wow , I guess the essence of the idea of balance is just another abstract concept those cavematic troglidytes Imagine. NOT in reality- balance exists whether we are here to identify it or not. It is and was ever present. It is an attribute of our Creator and not to be taken for granted. Wash yourselves in the truth or be washed clean away by your ignorance.
Alex warned us already a decade ago. We should listen what he has to say today.
“None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I have urgent info you all need to see. You absolutely need to learn the truth about the “truth movement!” hurry over to my channel and see the latest upload before it gets banned! The future of our nation depends on it.
Had a look at your videos, pretty standard info, but useful.
I’ve gathered quite a number of informational videos from all kinds of different sources. If you want to compare different conspiracy theories or see some debunking theories you could probably find something of value on my page.
Some of you probably won’t like the first source in the first playlist but I suggest you break through your conditioning (emotions) and just hear everyone out.
Another truthmovement tried to warn you a century ago, but people have been brainwashed to ignore them by now. So nobody knows they tried to warn you, and still hardly anybody understands what is going on, because they’ve been conditioned to ignore everything that might lead them to the evidence and arguments that explain the world around you.
But if you can brake through the conditioning, perhaps watch a couple of videos in my playlists (“Debunking” for example), who knows…
Youtube the following video titles at the bottom and watch them in order from top to bottom and you will get the big picture real fast what has been going against us since our birth of a nation, and why America is soooo far away from its original greatness and honor among great nations.
– 1932, A True History of the United States
– U.S. and Them: Operation Ajax – Iran and the CIA coup (1/2)
– The Credit Dollar: Steps Toward the Big Four
Alex Jones is constantly shifting blame away from Israel, Zionists, and Jews, and onto the Goyim or onto mysterious entities, such as “The New World Order”. How could such an experienced investigator as Alex Jones possibly be oblivious to the role of Zionism in world corruption? How could he possibly believe that all of the world’s problems are coming from goyim? There is only one explanation for Alex Jones and his Zionist Denial: he is a Zionist, and his organization is a Zionist terrorist cell
@lastpatriot4America, lol, do you have a calculator on your computer?
$1,000,000,000,000 / 300,000,000 americans = $3,333.33 apiece
There are 300 million Americans total. Let’s say that only half are over 18. That would be 150 million over 18.
$1,000,000,000,000 / 150,000,000 = $6,666.67 apiece.
I’m amazed that so many people thumbs-upped your comment when anyone with a basic understanding of arithmetic could just SEE that you’re mistaken. GIGO = Garbage in, garbage out.
@pamaspamas, you’re retarded from all the ritalin, fluoride, aspartame, TV shows, public education and junk food you’ve imbibed and processed. The New World Order isn’t even remotely mysterious. You’re working with bogus data.
@SgtCrom that post was when i questioned why alex never mentions the REAL HEAD OF THE SNAKE and appeared to divert attention from it. No i don’t drink floride, i don’t drink aspartame, i don’t watch tv, i refuse to step foot inside of schools, and i don’t eat junk food… you were incorrect on all those assumptions, actually. nice guess though. I do support Alex, but only so far, because he refuses to address the Head Of The Snake (top of pyramid). He is MEDIOCER. Keep FREE over there ok!