1 of 2, Part 2 here: www.youtube.com Alex Jones and Jason Bermas debunk the shoddy BBC WTC7 piece ‘The Third Tower’ On Tuesday, July 8th, Alex Jones had Jason Bermas in studio to analyze the shoddy hit piece BBC did to try to backup the official story. It was such a bad job, one has to wonder if they screwed it up on purpose to help the 911 truth movement? More information: WTC 7 isn’t the final mystery, it is one in a row of mysteries www.prisonplanet.com The BBC’s embarrassing attempt to dig itself out of a hole that keeps getting deeper was again exemplified during their latest yellow journalism hit piece on 9/11 truth, in which they played Larry Silverstein’s “pull it” comment but edited out the most important part of the statement, and in doing so changed its context altogether. www.prisonplanet.com The Third Tower – A Critical Review www.prisonplanet.com
alex jones is a liar dont trust anything he sais he lied about bill copper being kicked of his show and then claimed he predicted 911 even though it was bill who predicted it a month earlier as you may know bill died shortly after 911 an unexplained death and jones lives on with everybody forgetting about bill jones is the same man who caused a bunch of texans to run to the hills after he reported russia was launching missles dont trust his radio show is supported by abc news hes one of them
alex jones is a fucking moron.
Red necks cant handle alex jones!
but i wonder why they watch all his vids, and post complaints?!!? wtf! just go watch the disney channel or the rodeo channel or whatever you watch
It’s funny how Bermas complains about people that edit interviews. There are so many wrong edits in loose change it isn’t funny.
As of the term “truther”: means, that you simply DON’T lie! The instant you are prooven to purposely twist facts, that you had knowledge about = being a liar – you simply cannot call youself “truther” nomore. To think that these front row truth seekers purposely have lied and to think they would purposely diminish their credibility and slow their exposure of the NWO – come on, it’s absurd! They are human which means that they have been MISTAKEN and JUMPED TO CONCLUSIONS – but that is NOT lying.
On the other hand, the Bush adm. LIED, LIED and LIED PURPOSELY about WMD, “No Warnings”, links to Saddam Hussein and so on. It’s funny how the sheeple who blasts truth seekers for lying, are the same people who want’s wholeheartedly to believe the official story. It’s pure psychology: those who believes the official story put on their brains auto pilot in order to preventing themselves of opening their eyes; if they did, they’d end up up in a mental hospital (They cannot handle the truth.)
Well said, Thetan :) The possibility for these people that their entire belief system is built upon lies, disinfo and misdirection is too much for them to concieve! “Of course” we are crazy to them!!!
Oh my gosh, I have such a hard time listening to Alex speaking. He’s either making it up and lying to us or he wasn’t told the truth.
Building 7 DID NOT FALL INTO IT”S FOOTPRINT! The building fell slightly to the south and damaged near by buildings.
I’ve yet to hear them debunk the exploding transformers theory, which is more the a legit theory that deserves to be investigated by these guys.
Muslim radicals don’t fly planes into building! That is so gross! They just cut heads off of journalists that don’t agree with their views and film it! That’s all they do! Oh, and by the way, I knew 911 was going to happen 5 days before it did! Inside job, did you say, Alex Jones?
alex jones is an idiot who should take a symbolic logic class
Any of you people lawyers? No? So you aren’t experts in logic and argument?
Thanks, but your opinion on this doesn’t matter. That includes the two idiots arguing with the headphones on.
The freefall symmetric collapse of WTC7 and the 64% of freefall unform acceleration of the north tower, and the assymmetric 22 degree leaning south tower top section ceasing toppling and causing a symmetric collapse IRREFUTABLY PROVE controlled demolition.
Shills have to twist facts, lie and attack credibility because the science is on our side. Anyone who disagrees with 911 truth is either corrupt, stupid, emotionally invested in the official story, or they haven’t researched the facts.
Actualy, it was extremely likely that the guys chopping heads of were hired by the US, or US guys themselves, to provoke outrage and disgust. It fits their MO.
where is the debris from these so called controlled explosions? not a single volunteer that helped with the clean up saw any debris. Ask any demolition expert and they will tell you that every controlled demolition has debris of the explosives. the detonation cord is always left behind in building demolitions. or all the volunteers part of the conspiracy too?
Please support a legitimate investigation! Show your patriotism as well as your respect for the victims and their families. 9/11 was a setup. The collapse of the American economy is a setup. Fight for your country. The future is in our hands! Please visit:
theconspiracyexposed.blogspot. (com)
for interesting, important and scientifically based information.
Please leave your thoughtful comments and share pertinent information. Thanks!
yes…read Michael A. Hoffman’s SS&PW……….he goes into ancient head chopping cults, you know…take me out to the OLD ball game….and ties it in to Queen Elizabeth’s occult regime….the London Bridge….these are Masonic sun-worshipping rituals, not necessarily Islamic ones….
@arngwarrior69 yeah well were talking thermite aswell so you wont have a “pull cord” left behind when thermite destroys steel.
Why do they spend weeks prepping to demolish buildings, just light them on fire they will collapse, it , happens every day? Right. Wake up America, smell the tyranny. Thanks Alex for all the advice, I almost joined the army again until you talked sense into me. I am not a mercenary; I will only fight for freedom, I will not bring tyranny onto others.
@arngwarrior69 I am an Iraq Veteran, I have seen planes drop bombs on buildings, they burned completely, none of them collapsed, steel and concrete was left standing. National Geographics will tell you that thermite can’t cut through steel, they are mistaken. How did tower 7 fall? Why did the national News report that it fell 20 minutes early? Don’t feel bad, I tried to fight a group of truthers before I woke up.
Building number 7 had Stupid Moron Rudy Giuliani’s Emergency Bunker. The fire was due to the thousands of gallons of diesel in storage for an emergency.
Some of you guys need to watch more PBS documentaries. All buildings, being the tallest in the city, were designed to collapse unto themselves. It was designed by a Japanese architect who is still alive. I don’t remember, but I think that the heavy columns were in the center, so everything around them stopped them from collapsing away from the site. The columns melt, and everything pancakes along.
Thumbs up if you clicked on this video purely because it had a funny thumbnail xD
@arngwarrior69 umm genius giuliani ordered it all to be shipped out and “recycled” (or destroyed). you can not have debris of explosives, because explosives blow up, as far as the coords themselves whose to say there was not any found, all of the volunteers are told to shut up, or are dying from all of that crap they breathed in when the epa told them it was safe. silverstein was planning on blowing up building 7 for weeks, but he waited until 9-11 to get the insurance money.
also there are pics showing people standing where the planes hit the trade center yelling for help, if the fires were hot enough to melt steel how could they be standing there.