Alex Covers Wikileaks Video: A Culture of Psychopathic Abuse in Iraq on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

Wikileakd video shows US troops firing on Reuters reporters and Iraqi children [[ Pentagon cover-up expands to demonize whistleblower for leak ]] Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones http April 6, 2010 War is a known entity in its capacity to warp the value of life for those involved. Dehumanization takes many forms, but few examples are more visceral and enraging than this leaked video of an Apache helicopter opening fire on a group of Iraqi civilians in 2007, at least two of whom turned out to be crew members for Reuters. Two children were injured, or possibly killed, as passengers in a van also fired upon when it pulled up to rescue a wounded man trying to crawl away. This is video the Pentagon never wanted the public to see. As Alex Jones explains, it is yet another damning piece of evidence showing how far into darkness and evil we have fallen in the United States. It is not only the warhawks who coerce us into wars based on lies, or the individual soldiers who commit crimes and kill without conscience, it is also the easy-going supporters of the establishment and passive public who allow the wars, and their accompanying atrocities, to go on and on. Until we stand up to stop it, we are allowing it to perpetuate and worsen. Wikileaks covers the Collateral Murder video, released April 5. WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad — including two Reuters news