Democrats trying to change the system when things don’t go their way is par for the course.
As Americans, we’ve seen time and time again how the left pursues drastic changes to our system of government under the guise of “progress.” The latest example? Senate Democrats proposing a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College—a clear attempt to centralize power and silence the voices of smaller, rural states.
This isn’t just another policy disagreement; it’s a dangerous push to undermine the foundation of our representative democracy. Democrats claim the Electoral College is outdated, undemocratic, and unfair. But let’s call it what it is: an assault on a system that ensures all Americans—regardless of where they live—have a voice in choosing the nation’s leader.
Hypocrisy at Its Finest! The left loves to preach fairness while attempting to tilt the scales in their favor. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), and Peter Welch (D-Vt.) have spearheaded this latest attack, claiming the Electoral College disenfranchises voters. This is the same party that relies on activist judges and bureaucratic overreach to impose their will on the American people.
It’s telling that they’re pushing this now, as President Biden scrambles to solidify his legacy before leaving office. With polls showing his approval ratings underwater and a Republican resurgence on the horizon, Democrats are desperate to rewrite the rules of the game.
The Electoral College isn’t just some relic of the 18th century—it’s a safeguard against mob rule. It ensures that presidential candidates don’t just campaign in densely populated urban centers, ignoring the values and concerns of rural America. Without it, small states like Iowa, Kentucky, and Wyoming would be irrelevant in presidential elections.
Even Donald Trump, who has been both critical and supportive of the Electoral College, understands its brilliance. As he said in 2019, “You must go to many states to win.” The system forces candidates to build broad coalitions and appeal to diverse groups of Americans.
What’s Really Behind This Push? This isn’t about fairness; it’s about power. Democrats know their policies are increasingly unpopular, so they’re trying to change the rules. They want to consolidate power in urban strongholds and bypass the checks and balances designed to protect minority voices.
But their hypocrisy doesn’t end there. While they decry the Electoral College as “undemocratic,” they remain silent about their party’s own use of superdelegates in primaries—a system that allows party elites to override the will of voters.
Top 10 Reasons to Keep the Electoral College
- Protects Small States: Without it, candidates would focus solely on large metropolitan areas.
- Encourages Broad Coalitions: Candidates must appeal to a wide range of voters across the country.
- Prevents Urban Dominance: Ensures rural America isn’t ignored.
- Stabilizes Elections: Reduces the likelihood of contested results.
- Reflects Federalism: Preserves the balance of power between states and the federal government.
- Discourages Fraud: Makes it harder to manipulate the outcome of an election.
- Historical Success: It has worked for over two centuries.
- Respects State Sovereignty: Empowers states to play a role in national elections.
- Balances Regional Interests: Prevents any one region from dominating national politics.
- Upholds Constitutional Principles: Changing it undermines the Founders’ vision.
Thankfully, this radical proposal is unlikely to succeed. Eliminating the Electoral College requires a constitutional amendment, meaning two-thirds of Congress and three-fourths of state legislatures must agree. With Republicans poised to take control of the House, this idea is dead on arrival.
But the fact that it’s even being proposed should concern every American who values our constitutional republic. If Democrats had their way, presidential candidates would never set foot in middle America. They’d pander exclusively to coastal elites, leaving the rest of us without a voice.
This is just one of many battles conservatives must fight to protect our country’s future. Visit for more news, analysis, and insights on the issues that matter most. Be sure to follow us on social media to stay updated.
By the way, have you got your Democrats Suck sticker?
FYI: Where in the constitution does it mention the electoral college?
The Electoral College is established in Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution. The relevant section describes the process for electing the President and Vice President, including the appointment of electors by each state. Here’s the key excerpt:
“Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.”
This framework was further refined by the 12th Amendment, ratified in 1804, which revised the process for how the Electoral College votes for President and Vice President to address issues that arose in earlier elections.

? DoubleDownonDenmark: This articel is a joke. The Electroral Collage is just a tool for cheatining conservatives to STEAL elections!! Trump LOST the popular vote TWICE, but here we are?? Conservatism is ruining America, and we need to ABOLISH the Electoral College and outlaw republicans while we’re at it. They’re a danger to democracy!
? Born2: The Electoral College exists because the Founders didn’t want a handful of big cities deciding every election. As someone who runs a business, I can tell you rural America has different needs than big cities, and we deserve a voice too. Trump didn’t “steal” anything—that’s how the system works. Don’t like it? Change the Constitution. Good luck convincing 38 states.
? DoubleDownonDenmark: You’re just proving my point! Small states with barely ANY ppl shouldn’t have more power than California or New York! Why should ONE farmer in Wyoming count more than HUNDREDS of votes in LA? It’s not fair, and it’s letting backwards thinking CONSERVATISM ruin everything. The EC is outdated trash!
? Born2: Funny how you call rural voters “backwards” just because we don’t agree with you. You want to “outlaw” millions of people who think differently? That’s not democracy; that’s tyranny. The Electoral College protects us from mob rule. You think farmers, truckers, and small business owners don’t matter because we don’t live in big cities? That’s the kind of arrogance that loses elections.
? DoubleDownonDenmark: Your “mob rule” argument is a lie. The MAJORITY rules in a democracy! That’s how it’s SUPPOSED to work! You just don’t want to admit conservatism can’t win without cheating, so you hide behind the EC to hold onto power. It’s disgusting, and it’s killing this country!
? Born2: Majority rule isn’t the same as a republic, which is what we are. The Founders made sure every state had a voice because we’re a union of states, not a popularity contest. You say conservatives “cheat,” but we play by the rules. If you think the EC is unfair, go ahead and change it. But maybe learn how the system works first instead of just yelling about it.
? DoubleDownonDenmark: I KNOW how the “system” works. It’s rigged FOR YOU! It’s not about states; it’s about PEOPLE! And the majority of PEOPLE don’t want conservative BS ruining our lives. The EC is a cancer, and conservatism is a disease! We need progress, not people stuck in the 1800s!
? Born2: “People stuck in the 1800s” are the ones who grow your food, deliver your goods, and keep this country running. Conservatives believe in hard work and self-reliance—things this country was built on. You don’t like us? Fine. But don’t act like your opinions are the only ones that matter. The Electoral College makes sure everyone gets a say, not just city folks who think they’re smarter than everyone else.
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