A Therapeutic Dose of gummie bears laced with LSD

I am sitting on a park bench, my favorite spot “God’s Window,” reflecting on my behavior and myself while on a therapeutic dose of LSD. This is how irrational one gets on “LSD laced Gummie Bears” This self evaluation took direct effect, later on today, when I saw the cop car pull up outside my place to have “lunch.” Instead of going outraged, I took up my camera got the evidence of their retreat and plate number. Then I called up the VPD Press officer Lyndsey Houghton. I recorded both sides of the conversation. You can hear how cordial I was even though my own commentary, charged with my emotion, lies between my call to his receptionist and then back from him budoracle.blogspot.com This is the product of a therapeutic dose of LSD. Why is this bit of uncensored theater important? To dispel the lies, all to dispel the lies with nothing but live rational LSD experience for your vicarious pleasure. Gimme the Gummie bears!