Street Preachers from all over the country went to the Sodomite Southern Decadence celebration held in New Orleans Louisiana. What they saw was a blind eye to the Truth and a deaf ear to the Gospel. This video also shows fake Christians see if you can spot them.
what makes it even worst is hprocrites preacher the false gospel of salvation. And not humbling themselves before God before going out preaching thru prayer and fasting
Gobd Bless you
We welcome all sinners know sin is to big or small God treats all sinners equally God doesnt want us to shout down talkdown to them.. But speak to them in love and with humble sir clearly arent showing that in this video. You need to seruiosly need to pray to God before you go on preaching. Your hate would have turn my backslidden ways away in a hurry. If you spend some time in my favorites I have a correct way to street preach to people not your way but God’s way. I’m praying for you
this street preacher needs prayers this isnt how you witness to the lost world
whats so great about it he just harden the heart of this poor lady. He shout to her not preaching in love too her.
God Bless
ya, maybe God should destroy the world for a third time. maybe then people like you would finally figure out God is NOT happy with us, nor has been in a very long time.
Actually this country was founded on freedom from religous oppression. The pilgrims came here to get away from the catholics who were trying to force them to follow their religion their way by using torture and murder. Just goes to show if the christians, muslim, and jews can’t find anyone else to pick on they’ll turn on one another.
These so called preachers should fear the day God judges them for their being self proclaimed “preachers of his work” only street walking, can they do as the main stream believers know their tactics save no-one, thus false profits! and self indulgencewith their post.
repent you false profits, seek the true word and save yourself from Hell!
My question to you is this.” Have you won many souls to Christ with this kind of preaching?” John 3:17 says that God sent his son to save the world , not to condemn it. I am not judging you. Its just that Brian and I have found that we win people to the Lord through showing his love and compassion. After that the Holy Spirit convicts people of sin. Otherwise you are winning people to yourself instead of to the Lord. Just asking, that is all.
ALL YOU PPL ARE DOING IS MAKING PPL HATE RELIGION!!! This is why i am not to be part of a religion because it tells us to judge others.. The bible has cost so many lives because some people understand it differently and in hatefull ways.
God made everyone beautiful and right in their own place, time, truth and lives. I am sorry you are missing your own life, beauty and time worrying about others. Stop hating and fearing you will be enriched.
Hahahaha wow people these days r so funny. People have made religion into a bad thing… Everyone needs to keep their own damn relgion an beliefs to themselves an stop judging people.
The bible also says that a man lived in a big fish for 3 days…. so what?
like a hypocrite you preach your own religion of unbelief. You just don’t want to hear the truth. You say to stop judging while YOU judge the preacher, HYPOCRITES!
ppl already hate the truth just like they hated Jesus, all those who follow him he promised would also be hated and persecuted and in the end have eternal life. You are proof that he is of God and you are of your father the devil.
It is sad to see this modern day “understanding of the gospel message the role of the preacher. This is not an understanding that comes from above but is worldy and of the modern corporate, new version, money hungry, sin loving, truth hating, limp wristed, twisted, and false gospel of easy prayerism. The false ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED, get grace then sin because your saved lie.
I would say “newpreacher101” that everything you said would apply to yourself, for in what manner ye judge will ye also be judged.
you believe the preadamic race lie but not the bible, which says:Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
biblical illiteracy is rampant from the pulpits of the corporate 501(c)(3) whores on down.
and whos to say ur religion is right. People like you need to shut their mouth and have respect for other people’s religion. And all these people in this video do is preach hate. Becuase they have nothing better to do. And People against freedom of religion shouldnt have the right to protect their right to protest other people. THATS A HYPOCRITE.
the bible does, i.e. God does. i need to shut my mouth, but you need to run yours? I need to respect others but you do not need to respect mine? They preach hate but you preach love? they have nothing beteer to do but you do, by posting this comment? people against freedom shouln’t have? you mean like yourself? yes i agree that is a hypocrite!
how many souls did Noah win to God? Was he a preacher of righteousness?
The bible says to judge ourselfs and peoples fruit (or actions)…so judging is VERY biblical….I dont think this guy street preaching is doing nothing wrong…I admire his courage…
Can’t you just keep it quiet?
Speaking from the bible through a microphone can get exceptionlly annoying..
Your just dampening the atmosphere
Talibangelical nastienss at its worst.
good vid exept forthe two guys kissing
I thought the bible says there is ONLY ONE JUDGE, and that is God Himself, how dare you or anyone else judge what others do? lol people and the media laugh at you guys for coming to this celebration