Alex Jones’ War on Peak Oil

Continuing my series on the fraud of peak oil. There are so many people who just won’t accept an open debate that I have to get more militant and enlist Alex Jones. On his show Dr. Nick Begich presents evidence to suggest the idea of Peak oil is artificial. Science is about examining the evidence and testing different theories to see where the truth lies. It is not about entrenched beliefs. If the data lead away from theories currently believed to be true those theories MUST be changed or dismissed if science is to prevail. The YouTube community doesn’t want to have a debate on the evidence. Anyone who does not accept peak oil is a lunatic to them. That’s not how science works. You don’t dismiss someone who presents a damn good case against your belief system. You are allowed to disagree, but you can’t be a total dick about it. Try to do that on my comments board. Go ahead, make my millennium. I’ll have fun deleting your prejudice. The use of this brief segments (6 minutes of a three hour program) is for educational and scientific debate purposes it is believed to be covered under “fair use.” http