Paul Joseph Watson April 18, 2011 A new program being touted by the Obama administration as a solution to online identity theft actually increases the risk of identity theft while providing the government with a national ID system through the backdoor, paving the way for a world wide web in which users will need government permission to access the Internet. The so-called “National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace,” created by NIST under the auspices of the US Commerce Department, purports to offer an “identity ecosystem” under which Americans will be able to protect their information not with passwords but with a “single credential” stored on a smart card, a cell phone, a keychain fob or some other kind of gadget. This will then be used to access a myriad of data, including tax returns, health information, bank accounts and more, amounting to a passport for your entire life. Companies like Siemens developed credit card-sized gadgets years ago that enable fingerprints to be used to approve online transactions and the technology is already well established. A series of workshops are planned for June to September during which the government will nail down specifics with companies who are on board with the project and pilot projects will be launched next year. The program bears more than a passing resemblance to a 2007 proposal by China that threatened to force bloggers to register their …
agreed with most of the points Alex, keep up the good work!
@unoitaliano 2 b honest that looks like it could be either way depending what type of person u are but ur negative comments automatically show me that u have ur head jabbed up Alex’s ass so far u dont know real truth if it starred u in the face u fkn civilian drone and YES i do have a job but since u live in the USA i actually pitty u because of the slowly floating disaster coming to a city near YOU not me! i mean sure i will eventually be affected by this but i c you have already been affected
Fear monger.
@TruthSeekingElf: Anyone who can walk, arrogantly, down the street, with hair like that; has to be evil!
I’ll bow down to the queen, if she gets down on her knees in front of me!
ask god to forgive us and except jesus christ as our savouir
so funny how paranoid this guy is just sums up how thick Americans are
im from Canada….can some one please tell (send me a link) me when we shut down the country as a result of the queens direction?
@madryboy No matter what the situation is, I will always be proud to be an American CITIZEN.(: you see just cos you get your info from the media and even places like these site doesn’t mean shit, let them try to flip that switch, you under estimate the American peoples, like thos criminals that have created this chaos, you to, will have a shock of your life when this thing gets started. Alot of people dont even know what’s happening yet its spreading fast tho. So get bac in ur hut & stfu u fuck
@unoitaliano get in my hut? i live in canada not cambodia u CHUPPIE ya i said it cuz thats what u are ur the type of person who will sit around and not bother to prepare for anything just look at sites like this and act like you are making a difference, its people like YOU who have made this world into what it is so dont bother arguing unless u have actually done something because ive been to manciple, and some federal meetings and i try and put my input but i usually get kicked out or escorted
@chibears26 I try to remain patient with people who are ignorant to what is really going on, especially my family. The thing that makes me crazy is when they believe the most insane explanations over the more sensible truth. It begins to wear you down after a while, but I reach about 2 people every month. That is not a goal that seems good, but it is a good start. Just remember, we are not crazy. We are not dumbing down.
@onevision1991 a legitimate event? I dispute the legitimacy of those afore mentioned events.
That Bitch of Windsor Castle. I hate that Beeotch!
@ganjacrew1 Dispute its legitimacy all you like. But if there is a large wedding procession and hundreds of thousands of people on the streets it makes sense to close the streets down. It would be more stupid to leave them open. Thats just how it is, no-one can dispute that. The Queen has no power nowdays anyway, she has to answer to parliament now, not the other way around.
@onevision1991 we want the roads closed in camden for a phat party. no justice
@ganjacrew1 Its one day. There hasnt been an event like this for many years. The roads are gonna be closed for one day, live with it. Its not tyranny its just closing roads that you wouldnt be able to drive down anyways. God people like you whine about the smallest little things, Get a life.
@onevision1991 yawn.
General Electric
02:48 “The worldcovernment is… select corporations and wealthy families”.
05:45 “This is a take over by a select group of insider corporations.::”
06:00 “The ultra rich are using socialism to rob the middle-class to transfer it to themselves”
Welll, Alex, that’s CORPORATISM, by other name FASCISM.
Celente told you it’s fasicm not socialism. Bob Chapman told you. And you agreed. And always you call it socialism! I know you hate socialism, but… Are you not getting it?
i lol’d
whats that music near 3:00
what about Ron Paul, cant trust him either, he blames welfare moms and that is one of the things he wants to do away with first which is bull, just like Alex said, welfare for the poor is not the problem!!!! People are so evil they buy into this crap. Its an evil society which we live in!!!
Trump is not running =D
how come noone hasn t made the connection between zion and china?china is totalitarian enough to fit to the puzzle of zionist global government.