www.prisonplanet.com www.infowars.com Alex Jones discusses the IFC film “New World Order”– which features the firebrand owner of Infowars.com & PrisonPlanet.com along with other like-minded patriots during a promo for IFC. This includes Alex driving around spreading the word to downtown Austin via a megaphone mounted on top of a car.
You are 28 years old living in your moms basement and playing video games, looks like your life is pathetic and just look at the type of music you listen to lmao.
Sounds like I struck a nerve.
Yes I’m raging, you been on youtube 24/7 enjoying your life of being a virgin?
No one likes a crybaby
F5 F5 loser.
i thought it was a good movie, i like how alex did the waking life thing for the trailer.
People here in California are waking up little by little. We just need to rally up too many pussies out here. No one will march with me.
i’m from australia. i’m willing to march. where do i sign up? let’s get a movement happening already!!!
were can i watch this ?
Alex Jones is a little too intense but…maybe that’s what the world needs right now. I applaud him. If the movie comes out in Canada, i’ll go see it. When it comes out on DVD, i’ll purchase it.
The world needs someone else to shout at it and attempt to align it against imaginary enemies?
problem with this movie is that they cut alot of juicy stuff like in this one :
they made em on IFC to look like they are aggressive maniacs.
watch the 1 i posted and you will see other side how it really looked
I’m in Utah and I can’t find anyone to march with me either. People are scared, but thats why we need to stand up and take back our country!
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i seen that.. it was a good movie.. really enjoyed it.. to bad it did not last long on IFC.. hehe i might buy Fall of the republic..
when did the nwo movie come out? were can i get it? block buster has it ? i gota see this movie
this guy is a fucking fake
IFC is now airing a row of commercials between films, and we pay EXTRA for these channels? WTF, Looking closer at WHO runs IFC, Ranbow Media, a good look at their names says it all. A Bunch of Cheap Jews. And another way to Drain your wallet.
were can you watch this movie for free online?
those cock suckers r going down!=nwo
Jones fans. Look into JIM JONES. You resemble a former cult & you can’t even see it!!! You’re being recruited to join Jones’ radical malitia. he’s a nut and well…so are all of his stupid fans.